What is the 'rule' you live your life by?

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  1. jlpark profile image78
    jlparkposted 11 years ago

    What is the 'rule' you live your life by?

    Most people seem to have a set of rules they live by - morals, religion, etc etc.  I'm looking for your take on what your's is, in your own words.  However, I do have one request - if you are going to say the Bible - tell me what verse in particular - as it is dishonest to say you live by aall the rules (Leviticus is full of rules very few people follow Extremists included).  If you mention another Religious Book - please let us know what it is - I'm interested in all religions, and lack of.


  2. Andy McGuire profile image71
    Andy McGuireposted 11 years ago

    The golden rule. It's the rules to end all rules for a reason. If everyone followed it, the world would be such a better place.

    I just wrote a hub about this very thing called Easy Steps For Not Being A Dick.

    1. jlpark profile image78
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  And - such an awesome name for a hub!

    2. Andy McGuire profile image71
      Andy McGuireposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, I was quite proud of it!

  3. JimTxMiller profile image75
    JimTxMillerposted 11 years ago

    This above all, to thine own self be true. Then it must follow, as the night the day, thou cannot be false to any man. Or, put another way, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

    1. jlpark profile image78
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Jim - To thine own self be true. Awesome. Without being true to yourself you cannot be true to anyone else.  Thank you for your answer

  4. hockey8mn profile image67
    hockey8mnposted 11 years ago

    I strive for perfection each and every day.  Do I accomplish it?  No.  Will I ever accomplish it?  No, but I will sure as heck won't let that stop me from trying.

  5. Li Galo profile image74
    Li Galoposted 11 years ago

    "Live and let live" is pretty a pretty good one.  I am a more conservative Christian in religion yet more liberal minded in politics.  This means half my friends would be really upset by my politics and the other half would be really upset my religious beliefs.  Instead of upsetting everyone, I choose to be respectful of everyone.  They can guess by my silence that I'm not exactly in their camp but I'm not going to "freak out" on them either, just because I don't agree with their viewpoint or lifestyle choice.  I have friends from many walks of life, some who are atheists, one who is a witch!  I respect them all for the choices they have made and feel it is just fine.  I am not here to judge them or tell them how to live.  Only God can do that - not me!  I am here to be their friend and support them.  So, for all these reasons and more, I think "live and let live" is a good way to approach life.  I like to think we can stay positively connected to each other, in varying degrees, by focusing on what our commonalities are.

    My other one is "Do or do not.  There is no try."  This is something the character Yoda said in a Star Wars movie.  I really live by this concept, too.  When I want to go to another country, I do!  When I want a new car, I get one!  When I want a new job, I get one!  I don't "wish" it will happen or "hope" it will happen or "pray" it will happen.  I MAKE it happen!  I love that the power within us all is there, ready to be tapped into, if only we will.

  6. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    Right thought, right speech, right action.

  7. moonfairy profile image73
    moonfairyposted 11 years ago

    do unto others as you would have done to you.....I show respect and kindness and honesty because that's what I expect in return. I truly treat others the way I want to be treated......it doesn't always work out that way, but that's another story!

  8. Marcus99 profile image60
    Marcus99posted 11 years ago

    Don't be a Dick pretty much sums it up.....unless of course, your name is Richard.

    1. jlpark profile image78
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Then you are quite welcome to be Dick, just not "A Dick"? Grin...


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