Does your partner aid or hinder your writing?

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  1. profile image0
    .josh.posted 12 years ago

    Does your partner aid or hinder your writing?

    If they benefit your writing, how so? If they're a hindrance, how do you deal with it?

  2. BabyCheetah profile image66
    BabyCheetahposted 12 years ago

    What about the option of if you don't have one and go solo? wink

  3. prektjr.dc profile image74
    prektjr.dcposted 12 years ago

    For the most part, he is supportive in whatever I do.  However, sometimes hubbing is bleeding into our weekend time and he begins to "hang" around making it difficult for me to concentrate on writing.  I have to put it all away and come back later when he is involved in something else.  I try to be aware that it does take all my attention and be considerate enough to either include him or waiting.  Sometimes he is able to give me a different point of view and often in reading what I have written to him, I will hear an error and can correct it before the actual publishing occurs.  It is relatively new to us, but I think we will settle into a comfortable pattern.

  4. KimDaphne profile image62
    KimDaphneposted 12 years ago

    My partner usually aids my writing because he believes in me.He usually opens great ideas to me which widens my understanding of things. Also, when we have down times and misunderstandings writing becomes my refuge and comforter.

  5. sun of zym profile image59
    sun of zymposted 12 years ago

    What is your relationship like? Do you spend so much more time with writing than it, do you work, are you always on the computer?  There are so many variables to the question that it would most likely show up in your writing, consciously and subconsciously, the effect would manifest itself in your writing....but, where do you intend to go with it, what is your ultimate goal?
    I started writing through MSp; I found other websites before finding HP; it began from playing my music on my digital studio and I needed inspiration, so I began writing more until I was writing constantly, I suffered writers inconsistentcies so I played Utbe music in the background while writing and it this point I create music on my computer with the help of a software in the hopes of putting my music on Utbe; it just so happen that the software that I use also offers CD/Album making as well as create videos for putting on Utbe, which was an idea that came to me when I started using music in the background to help me write; now my intention is to make videos using my writing along with the music I create to place on Utbe; remember, I asked what your goal is?  What did MTV start? What came from the networks, DAWS, writing websites where you can publish your writings, look at what the creation of Utbe has accomplished and there is more to come....we live life one second at a time; in the universe, its counted by the billions of years; if anything is going to happen, it already has, it's in the universe; in ten years time, you will still be where you're at, whether you do anything or not, only you can make the change.  Does your partner aid of hinder your writing?  Consider that wisely, but with goal in mind, do what you do, but remember, not all obsessions are lifelong...

  6. BukowskiBabe profile image77
    BukowskiBabeposted 12 years ago

    Yes he does! We aid each other in research, and we proofread each other's work. He is currently helping me on my book on Charles Manson. I don't know what I would do without him.

  7. Cardisa profile image87
    Cardisaposted 12 years ago

    My fiance encourages me, even gives me ideas when I am blocked but can a get a bit jealous if I spend too much time on the computer. So I have to balance my time with both.

  8. Pintoman profile image61
    Pintomanposted 12 years ago

    So far I haven't met anyone that can handle the intensity with which I get into a subject. So the answer is; she would leave me. Problem solved.

  9. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 12 years ago

    Aids, definitely big_smile. In fact, when he became unemployed, I ended up hiring him as my chief editor and content manager. We usually switch off work times in 2-hour blocks, and whoever isn't working will deal with kids and home. That said, if I have pressing deadlines, he will take care of everything on the homefront for my 18-hour days and marathon weeks. He also has no problem with me bouncing ideas off of him, asking his opinion on a controversial topic, or picking his brain on topics he knows better than I do in order to give myself a better foothold with which to do my research.

    First husband, on the other hand, thought I didn't have a real job (despite the nice-sized paychecks) and decided I must be virtually cheating on him because I spent so much time on the internet. Ah, how wonderful it is to have a supportive other half.

  10. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 12 years ago

    So many people have been an aid in my writing, but it took one person in my life for it to take off.  Anything that is a hindrance need remain that by themselves.  Sometimes what may look like an hindrance may indeed be productive.  It's just a matter of how you look at it

  11. shampa sadhya profile image76
    shampa sadhyaposted 12 years ago

    I would say he is encouraging and aids me in fixing any technical problem arises regarding computer or helps me in balancing my time. No hindrance from his side but no other aid too as writing is not his subject of interest.

  12. danfresnourban profile image60
    danfresnourbanposted 12 years ago

    My partner does both. At times he hinders and at other times he helps me. When I get home from work and I am trying to get some writing done real quick, he often wants to talk about how his day went. On occasion he gets frustrated because I do not pay attention when he is talking.

    At other times my partner gives me ideas for topics to write about.

  13. Jaggedfrost profile image61
    Jaggedfrostposted 12 years ago

    Hehe, I answered this in a 'how to' but it didn't attach itself here. Still I say, what does one give their significant other to hold and keep them company when their lover is off in lala land?

  14. profile image0
    Giselle Maineposted 12 years ago

    I like to keep my  work and personal life separate (even my writing which is more of a hobby than actual work).  My husband is supportive of my writing, and if he wants to read any of it he is welcome, but basically I don't really talk about it with him, and because of that he is not really involved, either in a good or a bad way. 

    One thing that changes that is sometimes I get the odd freelance job coming my way from previous employers and he is very helpful there about letting me have as much computer time as I need, because he knows I tend to take the fast-turnaround jobs (suits my own preference and usually the employer's too).

    So to answer your question, yes my husband overall benefits my writing by letting me have computer time for any time-sensitive writing that comes my way, but aside from that he doesn't really affect my writing (at least not Hubpages writing).  Likewise, I make sure my writing doesn't have a negative impact on our relationship, which is my first priority. But he is very supportive that I have a hobby I really like.

  15. Thelma Alberts profile image90
    Thelma Albertsposted 12 years ago

    My husband is very supportive about my hubbing. He is the first one who read and edit with me  before publishing my hub. Four eyes are better than two when I´m looking for  mistakes. He benefits from my hobby as he is not feeling bad leaving me alone on the couch while he is painting.

  16. KateWest profile image62
    KateWestposted 12 years ago

    Well, when I was actually in relationships, yes, I made sure it was the kind of person who embraced that writer soul of mine.

  17. ImYoungAtHeart profile image72
    ImYoungAtHeartposted 12 years ago

    As a whole he is encouraging and offers advice when i ask for it, until my writing interferes with time I should be spending with him.
    It's all about balancing what's important in your life.


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