Will the end of time be the end of humanity? Will the end of humanity be the end

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  1. ConspireToInspire profile image61
    ConspireToInspireposted 13 years ago

    Will the end of time be the end of humanity? Will the end of humanity be the end of time?

    You know, I think you get the gist.

  2. profile image56
    Tinaldposted 13 years ago

    True time does not have a beginning, so it cannot have an end.  It is rather humanity who would die out.  But, if you really put the Holy Bible and Darwing in prospective, you will find that St Paul said that our bodies will transform,  Darwing is not far off of saying in order to live in an hostile in a environnnment, we must change and adapt.

  3. TimMEy profile image68
    TimMEyposted 13 years ago

    Let´s keep it short. Humanity will end one day but time has no end

  4. Instigator profile image60
    Instigatorposted 13 years ago

    Time will end when Humans become extinct because time is only a system that humans created to live their lives by without the human race time does not exist.

  5. ConspireToInspire profile image61
    ConspireToInspireposted 13 years ago

    You cheated Instigator! XD That will be highly HIGHLY relevant soon, soon indeed.

  6. mtariqsattar profile image78
    mtariqsattarposted 13 years ago

    neither would the end of humanity be the end of time nor vice versa.

  7. alderinos profile image61
    alderinosposted 13 years ago

    What an interesting pair of questions. Yes to the first. No to the second. Time will go on without us, just as it existed before us. All we did was try to control it. And it cannot be controlled.

  8. peterxdunn profile image61
    peterxdunnposted 13 years ago

    We are told that space-time began with the big bang. The question you need to answer is: what existed before that event?

    My answer to this question is non-space: a non-dimensional 'space' - which possesses neither spatial nor temporal dimensionality. This would make this 'space' infinite in both extent and duration. Size and distance are immaterial in such a 'space': in an infinite space nothing can be bigger or smaller than anything else relative to that 'space'.

    And time cannot 'pass' in such a 'space'. This leaves us with a rather bizarre situation whereby anything existing within space-time: did have a beginning and will have an end (relative to space-time), but anything that exists in non-space - were time cannot 'pass' - will exist forever.

    This explains wave/particle duality and the uncertainty principle. Everything has two 'modes' of existence.

  9. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    neither. there is no such thing as end of time or any of the other silly sayings like judgement day.

  10. point2make profile image60
    point2makeposted 13 years ago

    Time is not an invention of man...it was a discovery. Time existed before we did and will always exist. We , however, may or may not. Humanity will change but into ,or from, what is open for conjecture.

  11. NateSean profile image65
    NateSeanposted 13 years ago

    Time as in December 21st, 2012 is a manmade construct and has no effect on natural time. For example, if the world was supposed to end at midnight of December 31st 1999, well, December 31, 1999 all ready happened in Sydney, Australia. So since we can safely assume that the world won't end in one hour increments over the course of a whole day, then it's safe to say that manmade time will end when mankind ends.

    Natural time, however, is not so predictable. One thing coming before another was the case long before we came around. Something has to happen before something else does.

    Human beings die. All multicelluar organisms eventually die. That has always been the case in nature and it will be the case in the future.

  12. Seeker7 profile image80
    Seeker7posted 13 years ago

    When humanity becomes extinct everything will continue in just the same way. I think if you have a huge ego then you would argue that when humanity dies all things will end - I'm not one of them. Just because we're not here won't change anything for nature and other life in general - except less interference from human kind. So when we go time will still be here 'ticking' away.

  13. VEGEM profile image61
    VEGEMposted 13 years ago

    Yes and No.
    We will drive ourselves into extinction eventually and the world will continue...

  14. _namehere_ profile image58
    _namehere_posted 13 years ago

    I'm Religious so taking the date 2012 has became one of those phenomenons on if its the end or not. In the Bible God never gave a specific date. And according to the Mayans thier pretty much washed up oor gone so they cant say when its going to end.... So pertaining to this 2012 isnt the exact year of the end but maybe further on in our lives... But if you believe in God then Worry about him he has whats best for us.

  15. John MacNab profile image77
    John MacNabposted 13 years ago

    The end of humanity will be precisely that - the end of humanity.  Mother Earth will shake herself and wonder if she's had bugs.

  16. aslanlight profile image64
    aslanlightposted 13 years ago

    Humanity will be the end of humanity, and time will be the end of time, because if there was no time it couldn't end.

  17. JT Walters profile image72
    JT Waltersposted 12 years ago

    There is no end of time it is a secular event.  Whne one thing ends another begins.  So there will only be a new beginning not an ending.

  18. Jonesy0311 profile image61
    Jonesy0311posted 12 years ago

    I will answer the latter first, because it's easier. Since time began long before humanity, it will keep on ticking long after this biological experiment called life ceases to be. According to Einstein, time (and pretty much everything else) is relative. I can't say whether or not there is a beginning or end to it as it is only relevant in our own universe which may be part of a larger multi-verse. Basically, I have no idea, so I mentioned a guy that was much smarter than me.

  19. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 12 years ago

    For me personally who have tasted and experienced immortality in my spiritual body on August 1, 1982 A.D. a Sunday morning the answer is no and no. At this moment I am living at the same time with full knowledge and experience of immortality in my physical body now ever since that day of August 1, 1982 A.D. a Sunday morning. I can not explain it in words for you to understand it but I understand it now because I live it every moment of my life here on the earth and I am just giving a living witness testimony of this question because humanity will never become extinct but live on forever on the New Earth and New Heaven that GOD will create in the future. I am looking forward personally to going to that specially prepared place that GOD have prepared for me and given me a sneak preview of what I will be getting over there on the other side of death and it is not hell. Glory to GOD.


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