Ten ReasonsTo Vote for Ron DeSantis.
A Beautiful Christmas At Universal Orlando Resort for my son who has two really rare disorders and Autism in the most accommodating vacation place in the world.
Diversity in any child's diet is difficult but diversity in children with autism and other developmental disabilities is very difficult to achieve. Find within a recipe to help diversify their diets.
This Article Analyzes the Possibility of a Homeland Strike in the USA on September 11, 2016.
A new twist on the average everyday Chicken and/or Egg Salad for your delight. It doesn't matter whether the Chicken or the Egg came first in this paradoxical Yogurt Salad. It has both!
Childhood holidays are such a precious time. Why not make special decorative sweet little Halloween Marzipan Pumpkins or cake decorations? It is easier than you think and fun too!
This article is actually homemade ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, banana ice cream with a hand mixer as it is my son's favorite ice cream and is much heathier for him then the store bought ice cream.
Cold and flu Season is upon us and we must prepare as Individuals to feed the cold/flu with you own version through reading, watching Walter's Medicinal Rosemary Chicken Soup.
This article shows the interconnection between two families who both had children born premature in the same hospital meeting fifteen years later.
One parent's gratitude and optimism for her son who has Mitochondrial Disease.
When It Can't Just Be Autism, It Must Be Mitochondrial Disease.
How You Can Participate in Mitochondrial Awareness Week And Make a Difference!
An analysis of Greg Feldman's candidacy for Florida Senate (District 6) putting people before parties. A new kind of candidate who represents the people instead of a political party.
Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week September 14th-21st.
How to creatively customize your cheesecake to your preferences and dietary needs.
An Historical Analysis of The Intelligence Community and Edward's Snowden's Espionage Activities Against the American a People and Goverment.
A Critical Review of the Foreign Policy Blunders which Have Lead to Two Wars and the Economic Collapse of the American Economy Leaving It's People with out Basic Human Rights and Civil Liberties.
How to make delightful American Chicken Curry impressively, inexpenseivley and easily for the Winter holidays season.
A detailed analysis of one author's journey from grief to the work force while reaping the benefits of writing online for Hubpages.
An introspective look at the social impact of Kaitlyn Hunt's Crimes on her community. The analysis provides a limited choronology of events as they unfolded within the community.
A Comparative Analysis of Predatorial Sexual Crimes Reporting, Laws and Data Collection.
An analysis of the career of the new leader of the sex generation; James Deen.
An analysis of the community response to the Halsteads' petitions to require the kidnapper, rapist and murderer of their four year old family member, Angel Ann Halstead, to serve his life sentence.
A detailed analysis of Staci Halstead's courageous quest to keep her sister's, Angel Ann Halstead, kidnapper, rapist and murder from receiving early release from his life sentence.
Inside the Mind of Brooks Bellay, confessed rapist and murder of four year old Angel Ann Halstead, his parole and how you can make a difference.
A miracle on Christmas for a child with Autism.
An article on the five kindest things you can say to a child with Autism.
An article about negotiating love in a globalized world.
An article about a thirteen year court battle to obtain child support for a child with autism who is medically fragile.
An article about getting to know your audience on Hub Pages.
A recipe to make the best world renown Cornbread Stuffing. Instructions are given how to make the recipe vegetarian and Gluten free.
An article about the 5 secret keys to being successful in life.
An article about the real lives of Hub pages' writers.
An article about autism and ten things not to say about autism to a family with a child who has autism.
An article about Sherry Todd Green's musical message to all women around the world trapped in the sex trade industry of inspiration, hope and love.
How the United States Federal Government solves the poverty issue in America by legally redefining poverty instead of creating jobs and a robust economy. No hope in the Un ited States but for the illegal immigrants.
An analysis from inside of Florida on it's continued discrimination against children who are sick and have autism. As well as an analysis why bureaucrats site not providing services due to fiscal conservation yet continue to draw huge salaries for minimal work.
An analysis of illegal Immigration as a National Security Crisis in this USA through cyber attacks in the homeland.
An article about how to cut 7.2 Billion Dollars from our National Debt today nd preserve The American Dream for Americans.
An article analyzing why Britain has not had a Black Prime Minister but how they insist on telling Americans they are racist if they don't vote for Barack Obama.
A treatment for Autism on the Horizon. One research team's attempts to share their research with the world.
An article assisting parents to have a contructive and productive IEP Meeting in 2012.
An analysis of Florida Senate race and it political follies.
An article about one author's success earning money on Hubpages.
An article about how to get your child to sleep in their own bed.
An analysis of how I doubled my hub traffic overnight.
An article analysizing what it is like to grow up with serial killers and rapists in a small southern community.
An analysis and evaluation of the benefits of having children attend their child support enforcement hearings.
An article analyizing the relevance of party affiliation in the year 2012.
A analysis of the USA presidential candidates platform on rebuilding America and how negative ads reveal more about the candidate authorizing them.
An article detailing the 8 steps to successful voting in the Republican Primary with an Absentee Ballot in Florida.
A review of the the video games in the Lara Croft series which include Legend, Angel of Darkness and Anniversary.
An analysis of whether yo suffer from subversive personality disorder and the cultural relevance of such disorders in the Americas.
A summary of the genesis of the Star Spangled Banner and how it represents American sovereignty. We honor those performers who sung our National Anthem with pride and patriotism.
An article about why the next American President needs ot be able to confront the greatest issues in America.
An analysis of politicians' personal responsibility for the middle east war, the failing economy, unemployment and abuses of power.
An article encouraging all voters to vote out the tyrannical incumbents who have resided over an absolutism government for the past 30 years.
One researcher's adventure making a new discovery for children with Autism.
An analysis of Obamacare's discrimination against children with Autism.
A celebration of one hub authors journey to 50,000 hits on hubpages.
An article about how the reader will spend their first paycheck.
An analysis of how to prosper in a Free Trade environment for the United States of America.
This is an article about Barack Obama, the first women's president, who refuses to take any measures to ensure justice for women and children in the United States of America and in fact is aiding deadbeat Dads to stay out of jail.
An article analyzing the last year of poll data from JT Walters' hubs.
An account of the effectiveness of restraining orders for victims of violent crimes.
A Mother's account in an appeals process for child support enforcement in the state of Florida in search of justice for her autistic medically fragile child and herself.
An article about how to make a man fall in love with you.
An article about the anonymous commentors on hubpages and how they effect the community negatively.
A humerous poem about the Mother's of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
My first year anniversary on hubpages. What I have learned and how to make the HP experience easier for those who follow me.
An article about how the drug Levaquin casues spontaneous tendon ruptures leaving many patients permenantely disabled and in pain.
A poem dedicated to my Mother who passed from Cancer over a year ago for this Mother's Day.
An article for parents who need advice to help teach their children to clean their room.
An political analaysis of Barack Obama's flip flop on Same Sex Marriage in order to gain the LGBT vote.
An analsyis and summary of Robert Redford's greatest films.
A sature poem about JEB's prospects as the Vice President Candidate for the Republican ticket.
An article about earnings depression as a result of monthly earnings starting over each month.
An article detailing how to become a discoverer.
An analysis of the benefits of publishing articles with disabled ads.
An article about encouraging readers to "Take the 8 Mile Challenge" for physical fitness.
An article about a single Mom of a disabled child small victory fighting for her son's child support in the 4th District Court of Appeals.
An article about earning money on hubpages. ONe author recounts her personal journey writing for HP.
An analysis of the White House Correspondents Dinner.
An analysis of presidential candidates initatives on confronting the epidemic of Autism in North America.
An article about the Secret Service fiscal responsibility in Cartagena when dealing with an over privced prostitute to the tune of 1,450,240 Pesos.
An analysis of cliche's in one low income black community from the perspective of a white single Mother.
An analysis of the tangible and intangible benefits of Mitt Romney having JEB as his vice president.
An analysis of how one dead beat Father manipulates the court system and costs the taxpayers even more money to criminally avoid his financial responsibilities to pay his court ordered child support judgement.
An article about how to recovery emotionally from an assault and a brief overview of the criminal justice system to provide restorative justice to the victims of violent crimes.
An analysis of the social impact the last deacde of war has had on violent crimes in America and a personal account of being assaulted.
An article examing whether violent criminals who claim to be physically disabled should receive social security disability checks.
An article about the inhumane deaths of David Alen Gore's victims and how is execution will be far more humane then the executions he has committed.
Father Bill Carmody asking me to forgive David Alan Gore, a sex offender and murder, for his crimes against my dead friend. Give Father Bill Carmody a call if you think the Catholic Church should be defending rapists and murders in America 1-(719)651-7587.
An article about Wasserman Schultz and the Mein Kampf based medical model executed by Jean Kline at the Florida Department of Health against the disabled, disenfrachised, poor, the elderly and the weak enabling doctors to discriminate at publicly (state and federally funded) hopsitals.
An article inquiring why Florida would continue to provide public assistance to Dead Beat Dad's but cut off their children and the custodial parent? This article also offers suggestions for laws to resolve the tremendous dead beat parent issue in the state of Florida.
A follow up article detailing the outcome of one author's attempts to fix their adhesive capsulitis.
An article analysizing whether Obamacare is really at fault for the current medical crisis in America or does Physicians' greed have a direct coorelation with the failure of the healthcare system in America?
A summary and analysis of the quality of respite care available in the State of Florida for individuls with Developmental Disbailities and their families.
A celebration of the David Allen Gore's victims and victims' families lives on April 12, 2012; the day of execution of David Allen Gore.
An article about one author's grief threw her Mother's death and how it impacts her on a daily basis.
One authors journey writing 500 hubs in 9 months. From death to rebirth as an online writer.
Advice on how to represent yourself in a child support case to be successful.
Why can't American policitians ever represent women and children instead of attempting to score political points on them? This article analysizes the aforementioned question and provides some theories as to why DC seems so out of touch with mainstream America and how the government turns on person...
An article about how Hollywood has provided negative portrayals of individuals with disabilities in America and done little if any charitable work for disabled people. This article also details how those negative stereo-types in film are harming disabled Americans today because the a vast majority...
An article explaining the heinous nature of the serial killings committed by David Allen Gore and how he plans on capitalizing on his victims death by publishing a book. The article also gives detailed information how anyone who is interested in seeing David Allen Gore executed can petition the...
An analysis of how Christianity as a scoial experiment failed in the United States after 9/11 subsequently causing the USA to lose its' moral authority.
An analysis of who Barack Obama will appoint as his next Secretary of State and the consequences of such appointments.
An article about the loss of the art of conversation as a casulaty of war and how we can begin a new with a with empathy and love for each other.
An article reviewing the paradigm shift in the signal intelligence and how it has effected patriotism in the USA.
An article about a year long court ordeal in which 12 years non-payment of child support resulted in a court order that the biological father ignored. This article also explains how child support judgements when not paid cut off all AFDIC and TANF and leave the child without any assistance at all.
A summary of Meet the Press on February 5, 2012.
An poem inspired by Alexander Thandi Ubani aka ubanichijioke about one American's response to his poem The Halcyon Days of Our Lives.
A article about Summering on Giglio.
An article about how to fix your car with a Mountain Dew.
A brief summary of Skinner's Verbal Behavior and verbal behavior treatment modalities for children with Autism.
An analysis of why Hollywood can't cast over a film with over 20% of black actors. This analysis also suggests theat the best and most cost effective measures in Hollywod would be to outsource Hollywood actors and make all the actors with charities meet their tax consequences which they owe so...
An article analysizing what makes greta art. Does great art imitate life or odealize it?
A summary of revisionists' tales on facebook authored by Mormons.
An article of a Florida who is a parent of a child with special health care need as well as Autism wondering which candidate will assit this very fragile and very neglect population.
A tribute to the one year anniversary of my Mother's death.
Barack Obama hiding behind the wealthy constituents of Shaker Heights claiming to help the middle class and impoverished even though Shaker Heights is one of the wealthiest communities in Ohio.
An analysis of how Iowa will choose betweent heir heart, mind and wallet while voting for the GOP nominee.
An article about the benefits of joining the Ivy League.
A summary of the cast system in the United States and how it has divided America and been particularly difficult on single mothers of disabled children.
An article about Pit Bull Debbie Wasserman Schultz failures as a Congress woman and her high ambitions and how she projects her character flaws onto sainted Mitt Romney.
An article examing what the American Government has done to its people before and after 9/11 under Bill Clinton and George Bush's reign. This article also includes the last 30 years in politics and incriminates both the Republican and Democratic Party.
A review and summary of the National Security and Foreign Policy successes for the USA in 2011.
An article about the beauty of the American Christmas and how much more joyous that splendor is in in sharing Christmas with the world.
A preview and Review of Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol.
A Summary and review of the final Republican Debate in Sioux Falls Iowa.
A article to measure true christianity. And how Christiantiy in American Politics is a violationof the Frist Constiutional Amendment of seperation of church and state.
A public awareness artcle explaining why children with Autism and thier families can't access charities due to exceptionally poor public awareness of their extreme needs.
An article about the transition through grief to be reborn a writer in 468 articles.
A satire about the secret lives of hubbers.
An article nalysize whether standardize test actually yield higher performing students and the cost benefiot analysis of paying for such tests.
An article about the lack of journalistic ingerity aand how it is continuing to undermined the confidence in the American Leadership.
An article about on author's experience publishing three years of articles on Hubpages in six months.
An article providing guidelines on how to interact with indivdiuals with special needs.
An article about how to resolve Adhesive Capsulitis through exercise.
Commemoration of my 200 followers by maiing creative suggestions how to obtain followers and then reccomendation of some of the followers who I truly enjoy and follow.
An article about how the USA government ostracizes disabled children especially those with rare disorders and Autism in America.
An artilce about how well Wal Street is being compensated by the Obama Administration while famileis are starving in the streets homeless.
An article about the USA series Burn Notice episode Perception.
An Article about the day in a life of a Mom with a child with Medical Complexities.
An article about writing a positive article in very negative times in the United States
A article analysizing who is paying for DC salaries and how DC has foresaken the freedoms of the American Peple.
An analysis of how similar America resembles the former USSR in 2011.
An article on how to make a very special holiday Sangria.
An article about the perils of purchasing accpetance into an Ivy League Universities.
A review and summary of the television show Ringer Episode That's What You Get For Trying To Kill Me. This show has been nomintaed for a People's Choice Award.
A review to the book and Swedish film The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
A humorous article about one women's best and worst Christmas gifts.
A summary and review of the telvision show House episode Perils of Paranoia.
A review of the show Terra nova episode Now You See Me.
An article considering the pros and cons of real of artifical Christmas trees with suugestions for maintinaing real Christmas trees.
An article about make homemade Christmas wreaths.
An article about on hubpages author suffering persnal attacks on hubpages and constatntly being asked for money. And in repsonse te author suggests everyone get to work writing.
An article on wine recommendtaion for the Holidays.
A article about how to send internet Christmas cards.
An article on great hiding place from the holiday snoops.
Holiday Gift Ideas for the Work Place.
An Article on how to easily make homemade apple cider for the holidays.
An article ion how to create fun and easy fecoratiosn for your Christmas Tree.
An article about how to make custom made Christmas stockings.
A article on how to make easy enjoyable holiday desserts.
The top ten holiday carols from around the world.
A review of the top ten Holiday films of all time.
Simple elegant appetizers that take 15 minutes or less.
Do you suffer from the holiday blues? This article will provide you some advice how to conquer or at least minimize your hoiday blues.
An article detailing how entertainment is now easily and readily accessible through On Demand.
A recipe for the homemade Holiday Egg Nog for your holiday celebrations.
A summary and review of the hit ABC television show Revenge episode Suspicion.
A summary and review of the FOX television show Trra nova episode VS.
A summary and review of the television shoe a Gifted Man Episode In Case of Miscommunications.
A summary and review of the television show Fringe episode WallFlower.
Here is an article on how to write our first successful screen play
How Hubpages helps you become a professional writer and how Hubpages publications helps you wrtie your first novel. Including a comparison and contrastment between getting published prior 2000 and now after 2000.
An Article about how faith is renewed on Thanksgiving Day.
Great Gift Ideas for the Internet Entrepreneur and/or Hubber in your life.
An article on Holiday Shopping online in Black Friday.
An article about how to buy luxurious Holiday gifts at really reasonable prices.
A summary and review of the hit television drama Unforgettable episode Trajectories.
A summary ad review of the GOP National Security Debate airing November 22, 2011.
A poem about the positive experiences on author had participating in the Hub Patron of the Arts Contest.
A POem about the intoxicating effects of love and how it makes fools of us all.
A poem about love leaving like the tides of the sea by JT Walters.
A poem bidding Washington DC farewell by Jt Walters.
An article of a first hand personal account of the apathy in American Churches and Charities.
A poem about the cheerfulness of Black Friday 2011 and how much the government is oncerned about the people they supposedy serve.
An article about why I write for Hubpages and how like minded individuals can join as well.
An artilce inquiring exactly who the super secret debt reduction committee is fooling besides themselves as they are too old to realize they are antiquated and a plague on the antion they claim to serve.
A critical analysis of one writer's experience for the first six months of work on hubpages and obtaining 20,000 page views.
A sunmary of one author's experiences writing for hubpages for the past 6 months.
A poem about politicians finally receiving thier just rewards like the elderly inuit population.
A poem to summon Angelic might to heal a wounded soul.
A Sestina titled God is Here Too written by JT Walters. A Sestina about a person who was lost and who God helped through his presence them find their way back through forgiveness.
An article providing a cure for Black Friday madness shopping by shopping Black Friday deals on line.
A summary of JT Walters Patron of the Arts contest enteries for Hubpages contest in November of 2011.
An analaysis of how physically Herman Cain is when he is receiving taxpayer funded Secret Service detail before he even receives the GOP nomination.
A Sonnet: Fray of Freedom written by Jt Walters. It is about the waken of the United States and fighting for their own freedom from their government.