Do you believe that king Solomon could control demons?

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  1. IntimatEvolution profile image67
    IntimatEvolutionposted 12 years ago

    Do you believe that king Solomon could control demons?

    It is believed that king Solomon posse the wisdom and power through a ring that gave him the capacity to call upon demons and control them.  It is said that these demons built the original  Solomon's temple under his command.  Do you believe that this
    could be true?

  2. Sapphireid profile image62
    Sapphireidposted 12 years ago

    Hey there Intimatevolution,

    Good late evening. To answer your question, yes! God can do anything. However, we live in a world where all are not striving to be holy, a Christ follower or a Christian. As such, there will always be those who defy what God has ordered, done, proven and smacked them right in the face with. Tell me this, why is it that many will believe that Moses parted the red sea and discount the fact that King Solomon did have the power (Bestowed by God) to control demons?

  3. bright_sorcerer profile image59
    bright_sorcererposted 12 years ago

    Oh yes... and much more. My own magical studies have found me exploring numerous texts from the writings of Trithemius, to Abramelin the Mage to the Goetia, claimed to have been penned by King Solomon. In The Testament of Solomon, it is quite explicit that he did utilize demons and spirits to do a variety of tasks in building the Temple. And a surprising response from at least three of the 72 spirits catalogued in the Goetia, claimed that they would receive redemption from the Creator, once their contract was completed and they'd be welcomed back to  their "home".

    The ring you spoke of, the Pentalpha, was allegedly given to Solomon from Archangel Michael. We have heard references to this type of demiurgic technology before.... the Grail, Aaron's Rod, The Ark of the Covenant and even the Holy of Holies was an inter-dimensional tryst, where the high priest in the Temple interacted directly with highly advanced non-physical beings.

    I firmly believe that Solomon was a sorcerer and magician of first rank and that he could both bind and command spirits and entities... and the Freemasons regard him as a brother. His life may have been portrayed as idyllic but I find that hard to believe, especially his death.

  4. Disappearinghead profile image60
    Disappearingheadposted 12 years ago

    No. There are no biblical references to such and event. The source of this idea appears to come from apocryphal works and pseudographia written centuries after his death in approximately 200 BC. At this time Israel was obsessed with superstition about spirits and demons which they picked up from Zoroastrianism during the exile, and which are completely alien to Judaism. These books read like myth and legend and can no more be taken as documenting actual fact than King Arthur and the round table.

  5. Alastar Packer profile image71
    Alastar Packerposted 12 years ago

    The Old Testament has proven to be an accurate historical record of the ancient Israelites in many cases. What Solomon refers to is what is now called Djin. These entities are in the stories passed down and written on in numerous cultures throughout history. The Djin are a very old race of beings that appear to dwell in a parallel dimension to humanity here on earth. Through technology they can cross the barrier into our dimension and could be responsible for many paranormal occurrences. There are many levels or types in their society with some hostile to humanity, some indifferent, and perhaps even some few well disposed to us. Their life spans are considerably longer than ours. One of the most powerful Djin was under Solomon's power and grew a hatred of mankind as a consequence. Any serious research into the Djin will tell an open-minded person this is not something to laugh at or disparage.

    1. profile image0
      msorenssonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow..please do write this in a hub..

    2. andrew savage profile image58
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are Djin used in mirror magic?

  6. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 11 years ago

    All myths have some basis...........................

  7. andrew savage profile image58
    andrew savageposted 11 years ago

    Yes. Solomon was a mason, an alchemist, a member and leader of a very interesting order that brought order to the world for some time.

    There are many books out there regarding the craft of Solomon and his fellowship, though you may not find it at just any plain library, you may find may many PDFs out there on the net to help you in your practice. Practice with care and caution.


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