Does telling lies lead to stealing?

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  1. whoisbid profile image59
    whoisbidposted 12 years ago

    Does telling lies lead to stealing?

    A wise man said that lies lead to stealing. What do you think he meant?

  2. sweethearts2 profile image75
    sweethearts2posted 12 years ago

    A lie is a stolen truth.  It also is the theft of self respect for the liar and the target of the lie or its victim.

  3. Linda Compton profile image61
    Linda Comptonposted 12 years ago

    Once we allow ourselves to lie or cheat, we weaken and begin to break down an internal mechanism which serves to intervine on our behalf. There is a quiet knowing that alerts us. Our conscience gives us a blinking red light. Each time we disregard that warning it becomes easier to lie again, to cheat, even to steal. What one may not realize, when they think they have pulled a fast one and gotten away with it is this: ultimately we are disceiving ourselves, we are stealing our own peace of mind and harming our future.

  4. stars439 profile image60
    stars439posted 12 years ago

    Good question. We all know that telling lies is normally never good. A habitual liar I would say has a problem. I never tell lies. I was brought up , and raised to allways tell the truth.

    I would say that being a liar would be and unethical choice for an individual. I had a cousin who was a constant liar, and a thief, and went to prison. I considered him to be a real screw up.

    I am not a psychologist, or psychiatrist, but I was a police officer, and I think that both behaviors are terrible ones, and that a lack of ethics might just lead to bad behaviors.

    Would lying lead to stealing ? Excellent question. I would not want a liar in my home, or protecting my wallet, or purse if I had to trust one. I do not trust liars.

    Bad behaviors can lead to other bad behaviors in my opinion. This is why it is so important for parents, or leaders , or teachers with good ethics to explain that as good citizens we should always conduct ourselves in proper ethical ways.

    I think that one may not lead to the other, but one bad behavior like lying seems as if it would make stealing easier to try.

    Stealing is a terrible thing. I have always considered stealing and act of low class predators. They may , or may not be low class predators, but I feel like they are because it hurts when something you cherish is stolen.

    And one of the worst crimes of all involves stealing from sick, or elderly people who cannot protect themselves, or their personal assets.  Stealing from someone who is vulnerable, ill , or sick, or even dying is a terrible wretched thing to do.

    It is very important that parents, teachers, educators, and important officials to take time out to teach children, and young adults not to ever steal, and to never lie. Teach children to do the right things in life.  Without guidance children, and young adults are left on their own to learn bad habits.

    There is nothing cool about being a liar , or a thief. Both acts are degrading to one's self.

    I hope what I have said makes some since. I am not perfect, and do not know everything.

    God Bless You

  5. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 12 years ago

    I must be jaded becuase the 3 previous answers act as if lying is rare, when I think people lie all day - everyday as the social grease. Perhaps I thinking of harmless polite lies and the other are thinking lies to get away from a crime.

    "Dear, does these pants make me look fat?" - "No honey, you are fat."

    Perhaps the brutal truth can be smoothed over with a evasion answer - "I like the dress better than the pants."

  6. brandasaur profile image60
    brandasaurposted 12 years ago

    Yes. As per a saying goes: Liar is the sibling of a thief.


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