Do you believe in the magical power of dream???

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  1. engelfantasydream profile image59
    engelfantasydreamposted 12 years ago

    Do you believe in the magical power of dream???

    do you believe that dream is a gift and a medium that tell us a message??, of what and will not do on a particular situation in our waking lives, a premonition of what will happen in our future??

  2. Nell Rose profile image91
    Nell Roseposted 12 years ago

    Hi, yes definitely, not everybody has premonition dreams, but I have had quite a few in my life that have been proven afterwards, in fact I told quite a few people about my dream at the time, and when the story hit the News they were amazed! And loads of other little dreams too, I have no idea why it works, but it just does!

  3. profile image0
    vvaleedposted 12 years ago

    Yes, i do believe in the magical power of dream for it is bestowed by the Greatest Force of nature, GOD!
    God searches for the right person to whom He can entrust the greatest gift He can give a human being--a Dream!
    "I have an idea--a dream." He asks, "Who can I give it to? Who will receive it with respect, embrace it with a passion, and claim it as his own? Live for it? Die for it?

    The dreamer must be someone who will love the dream, even though it will make its dramatic entrance into that finite human mind as an awesome, impossible idea! The Almighty must find some person who will instinctively, intuitively, impulsively, passionately welcome the new dream into his heart, hugging the holy, happy possibility as something precious! A fresh love, a newborn child!

    To whom can God entrust His dream? the wrong person would laugh it off or ridicule the impossible dream, rejecting it out of hand in sarcastic scorn. God must be careful where He drops the seed lest it fall on hard ground--a mind infected with cynicism. Or it might fall on shallow ground, where it could sprout but later die for lack of deep soil, in want of nourishment. God must avoid the mind that would welcome with instant enthusiasm the infant dream, only to abandon it in times of stress.
    In a nutshell, the divine dream is delegated to a dedicated doer!

  4. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    I believe a dream is ideas bouncing in our mind while we are asleep. There can be hidden meanings as I can connect my dreams to reality. They come from our past memories and our desires.

  5. engelfantasydream profile image59
    engelfantasydreamposted 12 years ago

    tnx guys for taking time in conveying your comments towards my question about the dream..i believe it too..and just recently i dream about someone gonna die in her sleep..and it was my beloved grandma..maybe i have a gift of dream..i dunno, but all of us have a gift of dream..specially if we listen to the voice within!!! is full of magic and mystery that we can not fathom!!! all and glad to hear from you NELL ROSE,IBURMASTER AND VVALEED!!! smile

  6. Cresentmoon2007 profile image67
    Cresentmoon2007posted 12 years ago

    I believe that dreams can truly be a message. Not always and not everyone will have this happen to them. I do believe it is possible and I do believe that dreams can be important.

  7. becauseilive profile image86
    becauseiliveposted 12 years ago

    Our minds are trained to think logically. Our mantra is, I'll believe it when I see it (although a more accurate motto should be I'll see it when I believe it.) But when something truly spiritual happens, you can't deny the tug at your heart that tells you, "This is real." read more

  8. SidKemp profile image86
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    I believe that there are many types of dreams, most all of them useful. It is now proven that we review, learn, and reinterpret daily life while dreaming. So our own best thinking can come through in dreams. In addition, I do believe dreams can be a medium with messages from other sources. Some of them are premonitory, and I can use them - though it is difficult and requires a lot of attention - to handle upcoming situations in a more prepared way. I also think that we have working dreams where we work out issues with ourselves, and perhaps, actually with others.


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