Why Did Satan Rebel Against God?

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  1. PhoenixV profile image63
    PhoenixVposted 8 years ago

    Why Did Satan Rebel Against God?

  2. David Trujillo profile image53
    David Trujilloposted 8 years ago

    I can give you an asnwer from a book called "Urantia". He was a "governor" of a part of God Universe, he began a rebellion based on the fact that God had never materialized before them (angels) but they served without question. He wanted to rule & have power basicly, many angels followed. The Central Paradise (Heaven) didn´t react, but Archangel Michael did with many others and expelled Lucifer to the lower realms.Earth is kinda in between both realms (energetic realms that is) and so we get affected by both powers. You can search it online, youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5SPozTDwyA

  3. Kiss andTales profile image59
    Kiss andTalesposted 8 years ago

    Good question I guess we can also consider an example here as well, two people happy in a relationship perfect in every way
    Even marriage is agreeable, which means an a vow to love and cherish till death depart.
    What happens when one decides they do not feel the same love for you? What happens when they are not satisfied with thearrangements they have been living with?
    What if their thoughts start to get distorted and they want to entertain other interest that would dissolve the marriage vow
    Because they only start to be concern of their own selfish wants no matter who they betray and hurt.
    That is the case of a Good Angel gone bad because of his selfish desire to be worshiped. He carried that desire out with Adam and Eve and Knew they would die. They listen to his voice of a lie , and they did give him worship of action.
    And also he challenge the heavenly Father's right to tell them right and wrong, what ever satan has done throughout the generations of human history will be recon with
    And undone.many will return to earth after it has been cleaned again. Satan will be locked away from the New society of citizens , much more but so little time and space to write it all.

    1. David Trujillo profile image53
      David Trujilloposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Booo! My answer was way cooler. Hehe!

      Just kidding. Your answer is apropiate (but mine cooler)

    2. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So getit the point is people can be greedy wanting more then they have a right to, even Angels fall to greed.
      Jesus did not , he could have but he remained loyal even in the flesh.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image82
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    Every good story needs a protagonist and antagonist.
    You look at the story of Job. Supposedly God and Satan are chatting.
    God: ""Have you seen my servant Job? For there is no man like him on the earth."
    Satan: "But is it for nothing that Job reveres God?....You have blessed whatever he does, and his possessions have greatly increased. But just put out your hand now and take away all he has; he certainly will curse you to your face."
    Essentially God says, " No way! I'll take that bet!"
    (They shake on it or tap beer bottles)
    This sort of reminds you of the Eddie Murphy movie "Trading Places" with Dan Aykroyd being the "privileged one" but I digress.
    At any rate God drops Job's protection and then Satan goes to work.
    In the end Job stands by God and he is given twice as much as he had before plus he gets to live for 140 years instead going to heaven.
    Note Adam lived to be 930. (Those were the good ole days!)
    Bear in mind Satan is fully aware that {God knows} what the future holds for everyone of us and yet he takes the bet!
    Any fool should know you can't surprise God! He's always right and never wrong. Satan must be an idiot!
    Still one has to wonder if these "two deities"  were just out to have some fun with one another for old times sake.
    It doesn't sound like they HATE each other!

    1. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      the story in the way you explain has some truth
      But they are not equal as deities, for satan was told not to harm Job in death, he did not, satan never challenge God's power but his right to rule over his own creations What the whole issue is about

    2. David Trujillo profile image53
      David Trujilloposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      OK, this one is way cooler than my answer but its wrong for one reason. God can´t bet, he is from Israel and you can´t bet over there. I Win.

    3. dashingscorpio profile image82
      dashingscorpioposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Kiss andTales, Yes, Satan abided by the rules they set forth like with any other game two parties would do.
      David, You ever been to Las Vegas? The' lots of betting tourists from Israel! There's been talk about building a casino in Negev Desert

    4. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Dashing good example of point , but not so to compare it as a gamble This is a serious matter effecting all human life. Satan is a manslayer Reaching out to destroy as many humans as he can. There is no humor or comparison . We are also tested.

    5. dashingscorpio profile image82
      dashingscorpioposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Kiss andTales, If I did not have a sense of humor I would have no sense at all! My interpretation of the Job story is Satan and God disagreed with one another on how he would react to losing everything. In order to prove it they bet/agreed to see

    6. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Dashing funny you should say sense at all
      I get you !

  5. The0NatureBoy profile image55
    The0NatureBoyposted 8 years ago

    Satan, meaning "the opposer," never rebelled against god.  God created the avenue for man to oppose "the self-reproducing environment" god produced by placing the thee of "The Knowledge Of Good And Evil" in the garden.  However, because man-en-mass believe in god as all good -- although JHVH name means I AM THAT I AM -- we refuels to believe this world was intended to operate exactly as it does so we say there was a rebellion against god so we produce satan as the name for the opposer. 

    Most man don't see the Bible proclaims a never-ending cycle which repeats itself exactly the same way time and time again (Genesis 1:14 & Ecclesiastes 1:9), since god is all loving and will never do anything to harm its creation and with our belief in good and evil we can not see the cycle, we are calling ourselves the opposer of the self-reproducing environment even though everything we make we tend to destroy something in it to build our manmade environment.  Thus man are the opposers of what we call god.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Also getit, what about people as an example they work a Job they really like, and so they start to think I am going to work my way to the top, I am going to be top executive in this company, So they act out those positions before they get there.

    2. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      K&T, To work on any man made job is in opposition to the self-reproducing environment because you are supporting the destruction of it. A president signing orders for war is opposing other man's right to self govern more than the warriors.

    3. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      EA Jesus  would.read the.scrolls in public.why
      would he read something to people knowing they would not understand,  people makes books to read and understand .
      And the bible was also meant to read and understand.  But with God's
      Assistance. we can

    4. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That is why Isa 28:9 say spirit will teach all who no longer accept man's teachings [milk] and teachers [breasts] and snow us how to comprehend in verse 10.  Reject everything man taught us and turn to spirit who reveals the truth.

  6. getitrite profile image71
    getitriteposted 8 years ago

    This is one of the stories in the bible that makes absolutely no sense...on many levels.
    First of all, why would Satan, who was supposedly a divine being himself, oppose God, knowing that God is all powerful, and that there is no possible way of a successful rebellion?
    Next...if Heaven is such a perfect paradise, where there is no sin, why was Satan so unhappy in this paradise...
    Furthermore, why were the other angels who rebelled with him also unhappy? How can one call this paradise? 
    How can any intelligent divine being surmise that a coup d'état in Heaven would be successful, unless Heaven is not a paradise, and God is not all powerful, but just the concoction of a very elaborate propaganda machine? Satan, then must surely have rebelled because of Gods false promises, and fraudulent media about His abilities. He exposed this to the other angels, and the smart ones joined him. But God got to live another day because He had enough support to maintain His position as leader of Heaven, although as a fraud...with the loyalty of deluded sycophants.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well getit, you can understand this from a human point , example of a good marriage gone bad,  many of us know of a beautiful couple created then seal with a vow Then one starts to think they can do better  have better , and so they feed their greed

    2. getitrite profile image71
      getitriteposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Kiss and Tells, how can a good marriage go bad in PARADISE? How can anything go bad in paradise? You seem to be missing this CRUCIAL contradiction. Do you realize that...this story couldn't have happened...not in Paradise? Its either A or (not A)

    3. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      K&T, according to Isa 55:8-9 that is why man can't comprehend the Bible and its meaning, e are attempting to under spiritual thins with carnal minds, i's not possible.

    4. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      First getit  I use that example of a relationship to understand that good marriages go bad , one mate could be innocent when the other
      Has a change of heart. , we all are free moral not robots , we all can make our own decisions ,


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