Excuses from husband to wife! Lots of excuses!
Charles James a retired prodfessional and three year veteran of HubPages comments on how HP operates and suggests what HP should do.
The story of how a youing French teacher tamed a class of tough English schoolboys.
A candid account of the struggle to write a good novel. How I made a number of mistakes whivch have been pointed out by friends. More work to do!
Mitt Romney faced the traditional Republican dilemma between red meat for the entuisiasts and taking the middle ground to win. He took the wrong path, and his VP choice Ryan denies Mitt the middle ground. So he loses. And the Right will say it was because Mitt was not Right enough!
How Charles Got on with the first edition and what is currently happening with the seconfd edition.
After the Senate investigation into HSBC is it time to withdraw HSBC's banking licence? The message has to get across that banks must obey the law.
A novel about a polygamous household. You will never think about librarians the same again!
Why ordinary people took in refugee children. What happened.
An amnusing article about a dowsing situation and a total misunderstanding.
This article explains about the old English coinage - groat, farthing, halfpenny, shilling, florin, half crown, mark, guines and others. Makes reading old English history and literature easier.
Why I went to Russian occupied Czechoslovakia in 1971 and what I saw and learned there.
An honest non-gouging garage who are family owned and treat people right
A suggestion that the USA should comsider joining the Commonwealth. It involves the Americans changing the way they currently conduct diplomacy.
The pop folk group Fairport Convention celebrates its 45th birthday this year. Fairport has its own pop festival and uses the Festival to showcase up and coming musicians.
Why polygamy is a rational answer to some of today's problems, particularly the shortage of decent men. This leads to a need for legislation around polygamy.
Totally biased account of a debate between Socialists and extreme Conservatives. Great fun!
A happy story about two children playing in a huge pile of bark inside a garage. An antidote to gloom!
We all understand the Gutenburg press, where the press is inked and then placed down onto the paper. Alternatively the press is inked and the paper is brought up to it. Variations on this process operate today, although sometimes superceded by newer...
How sound can be used to aid industrial drying. A discussion of an energy saving environmentally friendly technology.
The economics of hotel pricing. Hotel pricing policy. How to book a cheap hotel. What to be aware of and what to watch out for.
Early report on investigations into a family tree. Inaccuracies seem to abound, which increases the intellectual interest. A mysterious lady visitor, and missing war medals!
How I came to be running a children's chess club. Adventures of running a chess club including an outing where I gained a child!
Review of two important books on cutting waste in government. Real examples of success and the obstacles to success. "Your Disobedient Servant" and "Waste Away" deserve a wider readership.
Discussion of the Welfare issue. Discusses the classic liberal laissez faire approach. Contrasts with a socialist approach.
At any one time there are over 35,000 children in care in the United Kingdom. In almost all cases the children are in care because of the failings of the adults who brought them into the world. The adults often have difficulty with alcohol and...
One of my former students and I wanted somewhere to have a long conversation. On a Thursday afternoon about 3pm this was not that easy, and we ended up in an Islamic Nightclub. We had coffee, and the coffee was wonderful. I had read about caffeine...
Charles visits an Islamic nightclub and really enjoys the experience. You can have a good time without booze!
Britain has for all of my .lifetime suffered from "tribal politics". There are a significant number of people who vote for a particular party in any election. If they are really unhappy they may not vote, but normally they vote and they vote for...
Obama and the black vote. How Obama could lose the re-election. The Republican prossible problems. How Obama might win.
commentary on hubbing, How to write the Eldorado hub. Followers and hubbers to follow.
A proposal to help ex services men who have offended and now need help to build new lives. Deals with how they get into trouble, what can be done,the present costs of inaction, and the funding of a project.
Are we the same family? Jews from Calvari near Vilna called Freedman or Freeman. Social history, too.
The War On Terror Board Game is tremendous fun. It has parallels with reallife. This reviewer puts the game on a par with Risk or Monopoly.
I am an author around the legal aspects of Packaging and Labelling. Apart from my book "Guide to Packaging and Labelling Law 2011" available from www.contentpublications.com I also write for trade publications whenever possible.So I am very happy to...
the Reading system or the Mikardo system was leading edge technology in its time. This article explains what it was.
King Henry VIII 's life was saved by a female poacher. Embarrassing but true!
The oldest constituency Labour Party in Britain, Colne Valley, recently celebrated its 120th birthday. This article is about the birthday party,
With a normal book club, you send them money, and they send you books. With the Book Aid International reverse book club, you send them money, and they send books to people in the Third World who really need books. Printing books in quantity, they...
How Charles James stepped into the Rushdie Satanic Verses row and came out smelling of roses. Thoughts on the politics behind the extremists and on free speech.
Giuliani was a controversial mayior of New York. The figures show he was spectacularly successful. A brief commentary
A partial Socialist Reading List.The Canterbury Tales, the Putney Debates, The Wealth of Nations, the Federalist Papers and Thomas Paine.
Reflections on the ten thousand views milestone on HubPages
A piece about why a non-American needed to register with the Internal Revenue service, and how you register with the IRS from abroad.
The thoughts and strategy of marketing my book. Lots of problems to be aware of and lots of ideas for other authors and self publishers.
The practicalities of writing a book for publication. Pitfalls, mistakes, and learning experiences.
An interesting proposal to vary democracy by giving more votes to those who have raised kids, have worked abroad, have been officers or have degrees, or have economic success. Controversial but interesting.
A spoof piece about the Lone Ranger written for a HubPages competition. The question posed was "Was the Lone Ranger Gay?"
When I first understood the idea of HubPages I was surprised. It was so logical, why had Bill Gates not colonised the concept 20 years ago? The 60:40 split is better than most publishers would offer a new writer. New writers need encouraging and...
A timely reminder of the fact that there are 27 million slaves in the world today. A suggestion what could be done about it.
Running a High Schools Debating Competition is fun. It has its challenges too. Advice from a college lecturer who set up a high schools debating competition.
Using different ways to tax and spend to obtain desired economic and social outcomes.
God sent a message to a would be vicar.
The Google book project is controversial because Google are not asking authors for permission before placing the books online. Many authors feel violated. An analysis of the situation.
An early report on the British Coalition Government between the Conservatives and the Liberals. Critical but fair.
A rationalist agnostic receives a message from God. So now what? Where does this place the rationalist agnostic once he accepts there is a God?
Tomatis therapy deals with dyslexia, autism, many learning and communication difficulties. It is also used for people with brain injuries and vertigo. It is even used for language learning.
description of a betting system that worked for me. Simple strategy requiring considerable self discipline.
A happy story about the accidental discovery of local council waste and what happened to the discoverer.
Recipe for Eritrean Spaghetti - Mince chili garlic rosemary makes a tasty and filling meal.
Idiots guide about how to change a flat tyre using the weight of the car and your own weight rather than using brute strength. Explanations of terms and tools, and general advice.