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Joined 13 years ago from California

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    Laws of Nature

    5 months ago

    We are all familiar with the physical laws of Nature – gravitation, space and time, evolution, etc. But there are also laws that defy measurements and analyses, but make sure that everyone who walks through life gets a glimpse of Nature’s wonders and grandeur.

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    Nothing is Perfect

    6 months ago

    We are the product of imperfection; as a result, each person possesses unique capabilities to do good as well as bad things. We learn that by working together for the common good of the whole, we have the opportunity to turn Earth into a playground instead of a battleground and an imperfect life int

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    End of Life Journey

    15 months ago

    My mother was 94 years old when she passed away in her sleep. She was one of those lucky ones who were able to live to the day when all her body functions ceased due to old age. Her final years would not be smooth, stress-free, and peaceful without outside professional help.

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    Prime Directive

    17 months ago

    Our world is made up of many independent countries, each with its own unique history, language, and culture. We know that each country is best positioned to safeguard and continue its precious heritage. Interference is necessary only when it is invading the other country without the proper cause.

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    Facing Uncommon Problems

    18 months ago

    For the first-timer who is not familiar with the perils of the man-made world and the invisible laws of Nature, facing and solving uncommon problems are not only a learning lesson but also a life-changing experience

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    Management of Life

    19 months ago

    Management brings order amidst disarray, purpose amidst uncertainty, discipline amidst the free-spirits, and cooperation amidst dissent. In the animal world, Nature is its manager, and the animals are at its mercy. In the man-made world, we are the manager and at the mercy of our actions.

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    How and Why It Works

    20 months ago

    We, human beings, are the only living things on Earth endowed with the physical and mental capabilities to understand how it works and to ponder why it works.

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    Things That Are Part of Our Life

    21 months ago

    TV, refrigerator, PC, microwave oven, and cell phone are the things that have become an indispensible part of our life. They free us to have more time to indulge ourselves sometimes at the expense of our health.

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    What Is Glioblastoma (GBM)? My Friend's Experience.

    18 months ago

    GBM is a malignant glioma that is a deadly type of cancerous brain tumor. My friend was 74 when he was diagnosed with this condition.This article is an account of his final odyssey on Earth.

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    Forgive and Forget, Friend and Foe

    23 months ago

    When a long-term friend breaks a promise that results in financial and physical distress, we normally will not forgive the incident and the friend becomes a long-time foe as we cannot just forget what has happened.

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    World Is a Stage

    2 years ago

    When we are watching a movie in a theater, we know that we are witnessing well-scripted, produced, directed, and acted performances. Can this also be true for our life when it is being observed from afar,

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    Longevity, Continuity, and Immortality

    2 years ago

    No living thing on Earth lives forever. Once it is born, it is destined to perish by illness, sickness, disease, accidental death, or old age. But, we can break Nature's enslavement to take control of our existence, raise a family with someone we love, and create artwork, literature, and structure t

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    IC, UV, and AI

    2 years ago

    All the modern technological advances were and are not possible without the IC. To make ever-smaller IC that consumes ever-smaller power requires UV light source is used to etch complex electronic circuits onto silicon chips. It has always been our goal to create machines with AI that learn, react,

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    TV Personalities Who Enriched our Views on Life

    2 years ago

    There are many TV programs out there but only a rare few that have attracted a large, loyal, and cult-like fan base. They all have one thing in common – the program host who is not only knowledgeable about the program's subject matter but also has engaging, persuasive, and cheerful demeanor..

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    Real and Unreal

    2 years ago

    In life, we face real problems of murder/robbery/bullying/deception/financial fraud and unreal expectations of knowing how the world works, studying how to find a job in society, coping with how to work in a stressful environment, and learning how to raise an ever-demanding family.

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    Information, Inspiration, and Innovation

    2 years ago

    From propeller plane to jet-engine airline to rocket-power space shuttle, from wired telephone to mobile phone to iPhone, and from Model-T car to electric car to self-driving car, all these developments were not possible without Information, Inspiration, and Innovation.

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    Standards of Life

    2 years ago

    We live in a world of subjectivity, relativity, and variability. For us to co-exist peacefully, to work constructively, and to manufacture products reliably, we need to have laws and order, rules and regulations, and understanding and tolerance. Before we can accomplish all that, we need to complete

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    Regret, Remorse, and Repent

    2 years ago

    Our 7000 years of civilization are sustained and based on a set of codes of conduct that help minimize personal conflicts, encourage civil communication, and promote peaceful cooperation. Regret, remorse, and repent are the natural byproducts of those rules and regulations and are exerting a heavy t

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    Mobility, Morality, and Mortality

    3 years ago

    Mobility enables us to interact with diverse groups of people on a myriad of matters and issues. Those encounters inevitably open the door of morality where questionable choices are made, prejudicial judgments are passed, and discriminatory behaviors are revealed. Morality leads to an increase in mo

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    Civility, Humility, and Sensitivity

    3 years ago

    Civility teaches us to respect other people’s privacy, humility means to be humble, and sensitivity is the ability to be aware of the changes around us. They help us to go through life with minimal conflict, confrontation, and chaos.

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    Changes and Chances

    3 years ago

    Nothing remains the same for long. The weather can be sunny, cloudy, windy, or rainy from one day to the next. These changes give us chances to understand why Nature works the ways it does and how to overcome its furies and to embrace its wonders.

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    Human Relationship

    3 years ago

    Human relationship is complex, complicated, and confusing. We lie to hide the true intention, pretend to be something that we are not, and change our physical appearance as demanded by human relationships.

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    Goodness in US

    3 years ago

    We, human beings, are capable of many bad things and evil deeds. Yet, despite destruction, disruption, and decadence, our 7 thousand years of civilization is still thriving with a population reaching 7 billion people for the first time. Our good fortune can be attributed to the goodness in us.

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    American TV Shows that Changed the World

    3 years ago

    Due to the public's tastes for fresh ideas, new faces, and unique stories, a vast and diversified variety of TV shows were and are being created to attract the public's attention. As a result, there were TV shows that had not only gained wide and loyal audiences but also made the world a better plac

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    3 years ago

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    Music, Mathematics, and Machine

    3 years ago

    Music brightens and enriches our life, Mathematics helps us understand and harness the power of Nature, and Machine frees us to pursue the meaning and purpose of life. They are created by men to make life more enjoyable, meaningful, and purposeful.

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    Life Science

    3 years ago

    Life Science is about using scientific methods to study life on Earth in general to understand human life and how to make it better. A person can immerse one's lifetime to study, understand, and advance the content of just one field of Life Science.

  • Silence Is Golden

    Silence Is Golden

    3 years ago

    To be able to express ourselves in conversation is essential to have a healthy family life, a meaningful social life, and a smooth working life. But, when to remain silent and when to let actions do its talking requires wisdom, patient, and hard work.

  • Hospital, Health, and Happiness

    Hospital, Health, and Happiness

    3 years ago

    When our health is compromised, it is hard to be happy. Hospital cannot fix all our body’s problems, but, at a minimum, the remedy will cover up or eliminate the symptoms and restore the quality of life.

  • Talent


    4 years ago

    You need to have special talent to play in the professional sport where the players are rewarded with fame and fortune. Each person’s body is built differently to enable each person to see and do things differently. Depending on where the person is born and the environment one is in, the person’s ta

  • It Is Written

    It Is Written

    4 years ago

    It is written that no living things lives forever and their common destiny is death. It is written that when a person takes the life of another out of greed, hate, or jealousy, the person can be punished with incarceration or death. It is written that the physical world can only function based on a

  • Automation and Repetition

    Automation and Repetition

    4 years ago

    Life is not possible without automation and repetition that starts at a microscopic level. In the man-made world, repetition and automation allow the human population to explode, dominate, and spread to every land mass on Earth unaffected by the changing environmental conditions.

  • Nature’s Ecosystem

    Nature’s Ecosystem

    4 years ago

    No doubt, we have caused irreparable damage to Nature’s ecosystem but we have also created a man-made ecosystem to ensure our survival.

  • Chance


    4 years ago

    We have only one chance to live our life but many chances to make and learn from our mistakes. We have only one chance to be a teenager but many chances to reminisce those adventurous, awkward, and rebellious moments whence we are transiting from a child to adult.

  • Desire, Wish, and Hope

    Desire, Wish, and Hope

    4 years ago

    Desire is the motivation behind human achievements and destructiveness. We wish when we realize that we do not have the chance to fulfill our desire. Hope is our offense against the unknown.

  • Hero, Villain, and Average Joe

    Hero, Villain, and Average Joe

    4 years ago

    A person who risks one’s life to save people from a burning car or building is considered as hero. A person who spends one’s life in crime and deception causing other people’s life miserable is considered as a villain. Most of the people are law abiding, non-risk taking, and looking for a peaceful

  • Appearance, Personality, and Character

    Appearance, Personality, and Character

    2 years ago

    We spend a lot of time and energy making our appearance look better. We use our personality to start a relationship with the people we like. But, it is our character that will influence how we live.

  • What Does It Mean

    What Does It Mean

    16 months ago

    We invented the words and languages to communicate the meaning of our intention and actions, we are the only living thing in Nature evolved with the capability to ponder the answer to What Does It Mean.

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    Close Encounter of the ID Theft Kind

    20 months ago

    It all started when I received in the mail a bank letter stating that my application for an increase in credit card charge limits was rejected due to a bad credit score. But I never made that application.

  • Competition Why

    Competition Why

    5 years ago

    Through competition, we can find a better person for the job, we can improve our mental sharpness, physical strength, and skill levels in the sport, and Oor knowledge on how Nature works will grow in leaps and bounds.

  • Insignificant


    5 years ago

    How significant is the function of an ant to the health of the colony? How significant is the role of a wildebeest in keeping the animal’s migration going in the African Savanna? The answer to all those questions is insignificant.

  • Unknown, Uncertain, Unfair

    Unknown, Uncertain, Unfair

    4 years ago

    In the journey of life, we have to face many unknowns, to expect many uncertain, and to accept many unfair. The journey of life is an obstacle course. Everyone will be challenged one way or the other.

  • My Root Canal Retreatment

    My Root Canal Retreatment

    5 months ago

    The root canal retreatment occurred when the previous root canal procedure failed to clear out all the pulps causing the bacteria infection to spread to the root of the tooth. Since the infection can spread quickly through the jawbone, immediate action is needed.

  • Aware-ness


    2 years ago

    Awareness is the ability to sense what is happening in the surrounding. In the animal world, awareness is crucial to survival. For human beings, awareness is no longer about just survival; living just to stay alive.

  • Of Bacteria, Insects, and Men

    Of Bacteria, Insects, and Men

    4 years ago

    There are only 7 billion people on Earth, a tiny fraction comparing with the bacteria and insects. Yet, men are able to live on every corner of the Earth under extreme environmental conditions.

  • Absolute


    2 years ago

    Is there a single yardstick or the absolute standard that we can rely on to evaluate whose life is more meaningful and what is the better way of living?

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    U.S. Military Might

    20 months ago

    After WW2, the U.S. realized that it had to play a proactive role to prevent the occurrence of WW3. The U.S. with its vast natural and intellectual resources and with its people living in a democratic and free society is in a unique position to develop the world’s most powerful military forces and...

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    My Experience With Kidney Stones

    18 months ago

    My brush with the kidney stone began innocently and painfully in September 2013. I had never experienced that kind of pain in that area before.

  • Body Human

    Body Human

    4 years ago

    The human body is the most powerful and complex living organism on Earth. So much so that it urges its host to wonder how it works, to explore how it is put together, and to seek its origin.

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    American Professional Sports

    2 years ago

    Professional sports are an important part of the American entertainment industry. Their impacts on culture and commerce are enormous. There are many professional sports in America. The 3 most popular ones are Baseball, Basketball, and Football.

  • Life After Death

    Life After Death

    2 years ago

    There is good but also bad and there is life but also death. It is inconceivable and unnerving to realize that our life on Earth is a one-time deal and there is no life after death.

  • Book of Changes

    Book of Changes

    9 months ago

    I Ching, the Book of Changes, was the oldest known book in the Chinese civilization. I Ching lays bare the secrets to anyone who seeks to live harmoniously with the surroundings, peacefully with others, and contently within one’s abilities in society.

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    Buddhism in China

    5 years ago

    It was written somewhere long ago that God sent 3 of his sons – Buddha, Christ, and Mohammed – to 3 different regions of the world to guide human’s spirituality. Buddhism established its root in China around 120 AD. It attracted a lot of devotees seeking salvation from life’s pains and sufferings....

  • Incredible Edible Tofu

    Incredible Edible Tofu

    3 years ago

    Due to its nutritious value, jell-o like soft texture, and tasteless flavor, with proper seasonings and/or mixing with other ingredients, a wide variety of tasty dishes can be made. In today’s health conscious public, Tofu is being accepted by people around the world.

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    Wonder Drugs of Our Time

    2 years ago

    Today, we are more susceptible to allergy, heart disease, obesity, respiratory infection, and bodily injury. But, don't worry and relief is on the way in the form of wonder drugs that can temporarily eliminate the discomfort, mask the pain, and numb the nerve to enable us to live a normal life.

  • Are We Alone

    Are We Alone

    2 years ago

    Since the dawn of civilization, we have been wondering about the origin of life. Are we unique or there are many like us living in one of those shining stars in the sky?

  • My Bronchitis

    My Bronchitis

    2 years ago

    My Bronchitis occurred an average every 6 to 7 years. My symptoms of the Bronchitis were pretty much the same each time – fever with aching joints, running noise with thick mucus, sore throat, and prolonged coughing.

  • My Sneezing, Runny Nose, and Peanut Allergy

    My Sneezing, Runny Nose, and Peanut Allergy

    2 years ago

    Sneezing and runny nose have been part of my life as far as I can remember. After years of analyses, documentations, and experimentations, my sneezing and runny nose can be traced to pollens, common cold/flu, and peanuts.

  • Voyages of Zheng He

    Voyages of Zheng He

    2 years ago

    Although no detailed records were available, based on historical and archeological data, Zheng He’s voyages started in 1405 and ended in 1433 taking him as far as Africa to the west and maybe America to the east.

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    Chinese Medicine for Dummies

    2 years ago

    Chinese medicine dated back to its early civilization more than 4500 years ago. It was based on the empirical knowledge collected and refined by the people who treated illness and sickness at the time.

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    My Seborrheic Keratosis

    23 months ago

    The is the story of my seborrheic keratosis.

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    Who is Mao Zedong

    2 years ago

    Despite the unimaginable sufferings and countless deaths he caused, Mao changed the course and the life of a billion people through his unique brand of Marxist indoctrination and transformed a despised weakling into one of the superpowers in the world.

  • My Eye Floaters

    My Eye Floaters

    2 years ago

    I learned that the appearance of floaters after the lightning bolt (or flash) could be the result of a retina tear that could result in blindness. The Ophthalmologist explained that my condition occurred when the vitreous gel shrank and separated from the retina.

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    Confucius for Dummies

    8 months ago

    Learn about the teachings of Confucius and understand the essence of Chinese culture throughout most of its history.


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