I personally adore Saint Anne, who's Basilica at St.Anne de Beaupre in Quebec, I have pilgrimmaged to many times and each time found it beyond any kind of description except for 'awe' and 'the numinous' which it is shot-through with and invades every mosaic (within the Basilica) and even the air...
Kids love to color pages and when they color Bible Story pictures they learn a wholesome lesson about God at the same time!
The name Antichrist, in Christian theology, would fulfill the Biblical prophecies concerning an antagonist of Christ. Technically the use of the word antichrist only appears in the letters of the apostle John, where on the one hand refers to the event, scheduled for the end of time, a decisive...
The crucifixion of Jesus is not something, despite it's harshness, that should be left out of any Christian's catechism. To know what happened, and to understand it is essential to the Christian story of death,sin,redemption and resurrection. Kids need to know about it and cross coloring pages...
Is Halloween just an innocent, fun celebration of trick or treats or is it something more, something deeper, something actually Evil that disguises itself as harmless dress-up day?
The ritual of Anointing the sick in the Catholic church and around the world.
If you read the Bible, even if you are a non-believer, you cannot help but be impressed with the stories of corruption,lying, and sinful,wicked men and women. The Bible shows us human nature at it's best and at it's worst, but always it is the narrative of God's will and human nature and the...
If you belong to the Catholic Church you may have considered becoming a priest at some point in your life. Some are called to marriage, (yes marriage IS a vocation to Roman Catholics) others to be monks and it is possible that you're called to the...
When we talk about Christmas these days, it is no longer a religious holiday, but rather has become a mere consumer orgy , seasoned with a dose of cheesy humanitarianism.
In today's world full of conflict, uncertainty and violence there is a constant that you can always depend upon, named Christ Jesus. To be a Christian is a joyful thing and if you need more reasons than that here are 10 reasons to become a Christian--a follower of Jesus.
Christmas is closely connected in the New Testament with the Annunciation. The Annunciation is about the Mother of Jesus and as such She was Mary the Mother of God.
Many painters of the Italian Renaissance were devoted Catholics and Frau Angelico's paintings are a marvellous and deeply spiritual expression of this fact. His painting are a kind of 'magical realism' but always of a religious tone...
The Catholic church is a sacramental faith based on holy rituals of which the Sacrament of Healing and Anointing of the Sick is one. Learn about this sacrament in the Catholic faith.
Siena was born the 24th child of what would be 25 children, in 1347, the year before the infamous Black Death that devastated Europe. Despite her short life and never having held a position of responsibility, it seems almost incredible how a young...
Marriage in the Bible is an important subject because families are important to the world view of Christians. Marriages forge links between Biblical characters and God works His will through such characters within the narrative of biblical history. Learn about marriages in the Bible...
What does the Bible say about lying? What is God's response to lying? Here are a few biblical examples of the sin of lying.
The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is filled with heavenly creatures called Angels. Angels are everywhere in the Holy Book and play an important part in the history of salvation in the Christian story.
Christians are a happy lot and have a great sense of humor and love of clean jokes. Here are some Christian jokes to make you laugh or at least smile. :)
The stories of repentance in the modern world are many and always captivating as they review journey of a sinner coming to God.
Jesus cast out demons. He healed those who were possessed. The Bible has many illustrations of those who were demon-possessed...
Earthquakes are on the front page of the news these days and in the Bible they played a part as well. Find out about how earthquakes are mentioned and how God uses them in the biblical account.
Altars are a part of every Chtistian church,which stems from far back into the Torah (the Old Testament) and into the New Testament. Altars are an essential element for worship,and something every person of faith should enjoy learning about.
Where can I find Christian lapel pins? Tell the story. Support your faith as a customer of a Christian lapel pin.
The Universe, for Christians, was created, not spontaneously generated by chance,and as such it is an expression of God and his wondrous works. Here are some wallpapers for your desktop to remind you that God created a beautiful universe for all His creatures to appreciate and enjoy.