This article discusses the possibility of the President using presidential veto as a way to discourage political partisanship and restore states representation.
A brief overview of canned laughter and of some music recently associated with canned laughter.
This is a quick summary of candidates who will appear on most of our State ballots when we go to the polls in November 2016. We will have more than the usual two choices.
This is a speculation on history. It is based on sparse pieces of information from historical events, and from partial solutions of the Kryptos sculpture.
This article is about how technology is changing the ways we keep up with our neighbors, friends and family.
Improved road systems with no toll booths relieve congestion. Elizabeth River Tunnels has become infamous for how it collects tolls for its road improvements. It's not a tax, it's a fee.
This is one mans thoughts on how words and their meanings have changed since the 1960’s, and how that is reflected in our society.
Many people are saying "get rid of the all the snow and bring back global warming". Perhaps they say that because it is difficult to understand how the two might be coming from the same effect.
This old article says it is questionable as to whether the November 2014 election results reflected our disgust with Partisan Government.
This is a title too good to resist. I was visiting Richmond June 10th, 2014, and what transpired was powerful, and should be shared. It is not ALL about politics. This article wrote itself.
It is something of a non-glorious tradition through history that the winner of a contest gains the spoils. We assume the spoiled know what happened. Sometimes they may not know a contest occurred.
This is a selected pictoral record of the winter of January and February 2014 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The site is near the Rappahannock River.
This story describes trying to fall asleep by counting sheep, then dreaming, then waking up. It is interesting what the subconcious comes up with when go to sleep thinking about politics.
There are several books from history that are not yet decrypted. This article is a brief introduction to efforts to read those books, and talks about recent events related to the Kryptos sculpture.
What does it mean ‘to represent’?
This WAS a response to a question here on Hub-Pages, a quick discussion of a new government web-site that is promoting our citizens involvement in government, and a how-to, all-in-one.
This article is a quick overview of the game "Mother May I" - with some discussion of how it is played when we are no longer children.
This article is a reaction to the news of the release of three young ladies who had been held in captivity for ten years.
Sequestration has been in the news recently, with folks testifying before Congress about how badly it will affect the status quo. This article will suggest positive ways of viewing sequestration.
This article discusses concerns that US law might be superseded through treaty. There is a possibility that a group controlling the Senate and Presidency can make that happen.
Hubber Calculus-Geometry posed the question: ‘How many rectangles are contained in this figure?’ This short note describes a method to label and count the number of rectangles that appear in the figure.
I had a dream the other night, a dream that woke me up in sympathetic anguish.
This article discusses elections and Supreme Court challenges after passing the Affordable Health Care Act, and the implications of results. Are citizens voting to end or to continue partisanship?
How does a squirrel feel when someone cuts down their home tree?
This is the seventh part in a fictional investigative story as told by a time traveling investigator. As Schrodinger might say 'Any similarity with reality is probably true'.
This is the sixth part in a multipart fictional investigative story as told by a time traveling investigator. As Schrodinger might say 'Any similarity with reality is probably true'.
This is the fifth part in a multipart fictional investigative story as told by a time traveling investigator. As Schrodinger might say 'Any similarity with reality is probably true'.
This is the fourth part in a fictional investigative story as told by a time traveling investigator. As Schrodinger might say 'Any similarity with reality is probably true'.
This is the third part in a fictional investigative story as told by a time traveling investigator. As Schrodinger might say 'Any similarity with reality is probably true'.
This is the second part in a fictional investigative story as told by a time traveling investigator. As Schrodinger might say "Any similarity with reality is probably true".
This is the first part in a fictional investigative story as told by a time traveling investigator. As Schrodinger might say 'Any similarity with reality is probably true'.
Sometimes you find you have to do things to your yard that you really don’t want to do. This is a sad story about turning a beautiful yard full of well cared-for plants into something less.
This is a quick article on the need to recognize artificial fears and face them for what they are. As children we are taught this, subliminally, in cartoon shows like 'Scooby Do'. As we get older, artifically generated fears may be a little bit tougher to recognize, mostly because a few people...
This is a quick story about lessons learned from learning to play musical instruments as a child. Some lessons you learn as a child are not recognized or understood until you grow older.
This article compares our Senators voting on Health Care, by state, to the list of States that are filing lawsuits against Health Care. It then uses the data as an example of how our Senators no longer owe allegiance to their States, and uses the results to argue for repeal of the 17th Amendment...
This speculative article offers one possible statement that might have been made in the 2011 State of the Union address. This article identifies root causes associated with what is currently wrong with our approach to government, and offers a path to solution. Note that this article does not...
This article shares a letter to a Congressman. The article suggests ways for citizens to actively contribute, rather than hearing in the news what our politicians have decided is best for us.
This article lists the responsibilities of Congress as identified in our Constitution, and talks about the possibility of using the verbs of the US Constitution as a basis for prioritizing the actions performed in our House and Senate.
The question "How to judge good or bad, by word or by the act?" was asked by Hubber "H P Roychoudhury". The response is almost off-the-cuff and just one persons view, but comes from the heart. Thanks go to Hubber "H P Roychoudhury" for asking the question.
This article provides three different perspectives on what might be meant when we say "Don't Drink the Cool-Aid". Two are from the point of view of a child, the other from experience.
This article discusses possible beneficial changes to our United States Constitution and the roles and processes for implementing these changes.
This is a collection of memorable quotes that some of our candidates for public office are hoping we will forget when election time comes around. Remember.
When you are a child, you learn things from playing games that you might not truly understand until decades later.
These are fantasy historical notes as recorded by the medieval fantasy character Thuunk of the real massive multi-player roleplaying game GemStone IV.
This article is a quick introduction to the artist Jim Sanborn and his works.
These are fantasy historical notes as recorded by the medieval fantasy character Thuunk of the real massive multi-player roleplaying game GemStone IV.
Updated occasionally to add a historical perspective. This is a quick pointer to the National Debt Clock web site, and a brief discussion of the information you can find there.
Have you ever pondered what it would be like to see the future, even if it was only a minute ahead?
Not all discussions of "ghosts" are about the paranormal. This can get little children in trouble if they learn about the other meanings of the word "ghost" before they learn about the paranormal ghosts.
A hopefully humorous article that extends the current trend to associate political movements with refreshing drinks of one sort or another.
What do you think is the strongest influence for your Congressional representatives?
It is amazing the things a child will be believe, particulary if the story helps to remove the fear of seeing a real flying disk in the sky.
This article proposes support to medical research as an alternative to the health care law for the purpose of encouraging other perspectives and discussion on the issue.
It snowed one day, so it was good day to see what could be found online about Open Government. The snow closed the government and everything else in or nearby DC.
Children can learn some fairly amazing things when they look at the sky at dusk through polarized sunglasses. But the true lesson may not be learned until much much later in life.
This is a speculation about what might have been said during the 2010 State of the Union Speech. It wasn't. The sentiment remains.
How does a child learn the circumstances of his birth? What if the parents choose to deceive the child? How long would it be before the child found out? The message here is - Protect the Children.