Did you know about National Teddy Bear Picnic Day?! It's an excellent opportunity to throw a little party for your kids!
I'm a former Kindergarten teacher, and I've also had experience in Pre-K. Now, my daughter is five and headed to Kindergarten! Allow me to share with you some helpful ideas.
If you love the way country music tells the most amazing stories; and if you're perfect escape is sitting in the sun, watching the ocean, & sipping a cocktail, you'll love these lyrics & these photos.
Do you have something to sell? Do you have talent to create? If so, are you on-line? Are your products available for sale on the web? If not, read on. You can easily set up your own website! FREE
Have you heard of National Teddy Bear Picnic Day? This is definitely one of the more fun little celebrations in it's specificity and uniqueness. Plus, there are teddy bears.
I struggle a lot with what to put on the table for my kids that's both healthy and appealing to them. The only things that have saved me are meal planning and Pinterest. Here are my favorites.
I'm 50% Irish and Catholic, and I love celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Each year, my family and I celebrate in our own fun, traditional way. If you're looking for an easy St Pat's event, read on...
If you have all kinds of notes in all kinds of places—maybe even several different planners or notebooks—this is the article for you! Keep all your notes and daily to-dos, etc., in a bullet journal!
If you've ever stepped on a LEGO in bare feet or worried about your floor-bound baby swallowing one of them, these ideas for LEGO storage could come in really handy!
My little girl is obsessed with My Little Ponies & the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, so what other theme would I choose for her birthday party?? Herein you'll find games, decorations, food
I needed a My Little Pony font to make the signs for my daughter's party. Using something close to the real thing simply wasn't going to cut it. It took me all afternoon, but I did it!
It's the Most Wonderful Tiiiiiime of the Year! Let's celebrate and praise God with these Catholic / Christian Craft and Activity Ideas!
It's not easy, but it's definitely do-able, and it can be fun! Here are some tips on how to survive a day of airplane travel with two young kids.
People blame video games for a lot of problems. Many of those people are moms. I'm a life-long gamer AND a mom, and I'd like to present the other side: Video games can be GOOD for kids!
I have 22 years of journal writing experience, and have developed a real passion for it. There are so many benefits of journaling and it's easy to get started. Give it a shot with me!
My husband and I just moved ourselves and our kids into our very first house. To celebrate, we threw an epic housewarming party. Since we'd been apartment living for 5 years, we didn't need gifts...
I was woefully unprepared with Baby # 1, but now that I am a seasoned second time mom, I know what's really needed and what's not for Baby # 2!
While looking over our budget and trying to tighten it up, we found one expense that we could easily cut out, and replace with cheaper options: CABLE! Find out what we do without it!!
This does NOT say "Best way to make the MOST MONEY for your stuff"! This is for people who - like me - are just trying to get rid of the stuff they don't need as quickly as possible. Here's how!
Some tips from an amateur as she stumbles through fixing up her first house, a foreclosure, with her husband and two kids. Here are some tips on things to AVOID if you want a nice paint job!
My first baby, Cupcakes, was NOT a good sleeper, but now that I'm a seasoned 2nd time mom, I have some even better tips and tricks than last time! Our newborn, Tootsie Roll is a GREAT sleeper!
Early exposure to literacy will greatly benefit your children and there are some very simple ways to do this in your own home every day! Read on to find out how.
Penguins are the best! Kids love them too so let's make an adorable penguin craft! Using your kids' footprints will make for a wonderful keepsake!
I have Mom Brain and Pregnancy Brain. Things are hard to keep track of. But I've found a fun & exciting way to stay organized! If you want in, get yourself a Ring-Bound Planner & set it up with me!
Long distance relationships are hard. If you've ever been in one, you definitely know this. Here's what I did to make it through. And I want you to know: It was COMPLETELY worth it!
A Mini-Series on How to Plan an amazing wedding. We're doing this on a budget and we have a year to plan. Here's how we're doing it. Go!
I just want to provide a healthy environment for my littles (children). That means I want everything to be as clean as possible using as few chemicals as possible.
I know so many people who have twitter accounts - technically - but don't use them. As a lover of twitter, I wanted to share some tips on what to do to use and love twitter!
If one of your New Year's Resolutions this year is to feed your kids healthy foods, read this hub! It's all about why your kids should eat healthy foods, how to get started with this resolution, where to find ideas and how to plan your menu! Good luck!!
Picking the right cell phone is a big decision! As I am about to choose my first ever smart phone, I've been doing a lot of research and seeking out feedback so that I can make sure I really like my phone. There are so many different phones. Some things to consider are carriers, rates, operating...
How to create a Facebook Fan Page and make it work to help grow your blog. This hub includes tips on what you can do with your page to get people to come to your site.
I teach preschool so I know that any transition time for little kids can be chaotic. BUT I've found a great way to keep them busy -in a good way- while we do bathroom breaks! Read on.
this hub could really help you. I know all about stretching your pennies and I've done a good job budgeting each month and planning so that we have enough to make it until the next paycheck, get all our bills paid, and if we're lucky, put a little...
You don't have to be lazy to read this hub; anyone who wants help quickly, easily and successfully plan meals for their family can benefit. I have never been a great cook, but I have always been pretty organized. These tips can help even the laziest...
Planning lessons ahead of time helps students learn and keeps you sane! So if you're a teacher - especially at a daycare center, read on!
Ug tattling is the WORST! If you're wondering how to break your kids / students of this ugly habit, try the Tattle Monster!!
I wish I had READ an article on this topic before I started my blog. I definitely should have given it more thought and planning. Hindsight, right? I've been blogging consistently for a year now so I thought I'd pass on some tips. Before you...
I LOVE Rainbows so I was really excited when it was time to teach my preschool class about them. We read rainbow books, did rainbow art projects / crafts and incorporated math and science. We also talked about rainbows during circle time and sang...
Discipline is so important for a peaceful household or classroom. Implement a consistent system—like a time-out chair—and you can make all the difference!
Congratulations on your new job! Here are some tips and some advice on how to have a successful first day. Enjoy!
Determined to Breastfeed but nervous you won't be able? Here are some ways to help ensure success!
These are the 10 Reasons why I decided to Breastfeed. If you're on the fence between nursing and formula-feeding, this hub will tell you why I made the decision to breastfeed.
Here are some great tips on how to feed a toddler during all meals and snack times as well. Included in this article are important things to remember and experienced-based tricks on getting a toddler to eat.
The benefits of Google Plus and some Tips on getting people to add you to their circles.
8 Ways to get more Followers on your blog - using the Google Friend Connect (GFC) Gadget & how to make sure your readers are loyal.
Breastfeeding is an incredible thing to do for your child(ren). Before I had my baby, I was TERRIFIED of the idea but determined to breastfeed. I want to help other new moms out by telling them some helpful tips on how to get started feeding on demand in the first few months.
How to get your baby into a nap time routine.
Media Kits inform potential advertisers and sponsors why they should advertise with you and what you charge. This hub shows you what to include in your Media Kit and how you can create one using Microsoft Word.
World of Warcraft Tips: If your character is a night elf and you jumped off the world but can't resurrect because your body landed on a branch, here is some advice on retrieving your corpse.
We take our Christmas decorations down on a specific date to add meaning to our Christmas celebrations. Also included is an awesome 3 Wise Men tradition with a great activity for kids!
My baby won't sleep! I can help! Read this hub to find out some great soothing techniques that work to get your newborn to sleep - at night and for naps!
Do you interact enough with your child(ren)? I don't think I do, so I'm trying to work on that. I've been doing research and thinking back to my days as a teacher. Just because I was a primary teacher, however, doesn't mean I knew from my...