The warnings, the good luck omens, the curses and the blessings. The Tales I was told growing up on the Plateau
My first experience ever seeing a beach was gulf shores Alabama with my boyfriend and his family. Breathtaking views and experience
This casserole is so easy to make and everyone that I have met so far loves it. My Sunday School kids beg me to make this as our dish on special Sunday's. Definitely something worth trying!
Birds chirping, flowers blooming, and the air feeled with wonderful spring scents. This could mean only thing in my family, It is nearly strawberry season. Strawberrys have been one of the world favorite fruits for centuries. There are even wives...
This "more seasonal" roll is something that is easy to make and is delicious to boot! Read on how to prepare this wonderful dessert.
Bottle feeding calves can be a scary endeavor for a beginner. Learn a few tips before you find yourself lost :)
Learn how to make a delicious cornmeal pie!
Being raised in the south I was raised on different types of dumplings and loved every minute of it! My favorite is blackberry or blueberry dumplings. I remember when I was little- begging my grandmother to make them. They are sweet, yet tart, and...
This cheesecake is sure to be a huge hit as most get togethers. Combining the taste of cheesecake and nutty bars, this dessert is sure to provide a sugar rush and a wonderful experience all in one!
Tips to purchasing your first goat and avoiding problems in your near future. With hope this article will be able to give a few good points to new goat owners.
Tattooing a goat can a useful tool in many cases. Want to learn how to tattoo? Read on.
Want to learn how to grow some vegetables with limited space? Or get creative ideas based on other plants that you can? Read on.
The Jesus rock ministry is located in Jamestown, TN. Want to learn more? Please Read on ...
LaManchas a breed of dairy goat that originated in the United States. They are a distinctive breed being noted for having their "unique and unusual" ears
Catnip is a natural herb that often grows wide. It can be used for a number of medicinal purposes.
Mint is a natural herb that is hardy and easy to grow. There are many medicinal and food purposes of mint and it does well where other forms of herbs may not be able to grow.
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