Not only does Trump want us to go back to work against expert advice, but he seems to think we old folks should be willing to take the hit.
,At first it was a Democratic party hoax. Then it was a small problem that was under control. Now it is a pandemic, and people all over the world are dying. Government doesn't seem to know how to keep us safe.
If you don't live in Utah, both of your Republican senators have betrayed you. If you do live in Utah, only one has.
The Christian right has spoken. Not only is Donald 1 our king, but he is also our savior. Don't believe me? Just ask him.
Whether you are conservative or liberal, we don't want a crook in the White House. If President Trump did betray our country, we have a right to know what he did and how he did it. We must demand a full, fair impeachment trial in the Senate whether or not Trump is guilty of wrongdoing.
Impeachment is The Gift That Will Keep On Giving long after this generation is gone. I hope it won't be too late for the wild life we're losing, the kids who are being killed, and above all, for all of us who are effected by Trump's treason.
President Trumpski is a traitor. The more facts come to life, the more obvious it is that he committed treason.
It isn't Donald Trump's fault that he doesn't have a conscience. The heavens could only do so much to divert the 2016 American Catastrophe. Let's join hands and undo it in 2020.
Sample letters from Donald J. Trump's fan club that I just made up. The letters are fake, too.
Donald J. Trump is a narcissist. He is unable to see any point of view but his own. He will cause irreparable damage to America's reputation abroad, and to Americans themselves if he is not stopped in 2020.
Donald J. Trump is a sexual predator. He is guilty of sex crimes from assault to rape. The evidence is overwhelming. His friends are predators as well. Even his own daughter is an object of his lust. From his Access Hollywood days, to the beauty pageants he owned he has treated women with contempt.