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Mihaela Raileanu (Mihaela-2012)

Joined 11 years ago from Bucharest, Romania

  • 21
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    Maria Sibylla Merian, the Lady of the blue butterflies (and other beauties)

    11 years ago

    Maria Sibylla Merian was a pioneering naturalist and scientific illustrator (or, if you prefer, you could call her a botanic artist). She studied plants and insects (including The Menelaus Blue Morpho) and made detailed (and very beautiful) paintings about them. In fact, her studies and drawings...

  • They never got an Oscar for interpretation (I)

    They never got an Oscar for interpretation (I)

    11 years ago

    In the history of American Academy Awards, there are some (many) huge actors who never received an Oscar for interpretation. I intend to present some of this actors.

  • Top 5 Inhabited Islands

    Top 5 Inhabited Islands

    11 years ago

    We all remember Robinson Crusoe or at least Tom Hanks in Cast Away, don't we? There are many islands on Earth, some uninhabited, some inhabited but in a real danger because of the global climate change. Let's remember some of the inhabited and interesting islands.

  • How to decide who is your Mr. Rochester

    How to decide who is your Mr. Rochester

    11 years ago

    Jane Eyre was always one of my favourite book and film. The book is only one, the films made after it are many. It is always a pleasure to watch the movies and realize how far or how close they are from the original story. You can find here some thoughts. I am sure you can add many others. I would...

  • Facebook sabotages your silhouette

    Facebook sabotages your silhouette

    11 years ago

    Daily conversations with friends on social networks can have positive and negative consequences on all of us. It's up to us (or our will) in what part we can tip the balance. Such an activity (like Facebook conversations) increases the level of self-confidence and this is a good thing. However, the...

  • Top 10 bizarre things animals are able to predict

    Top 10 bizarre things animals are able to predict

    11 years ago

    This lens is about the way animals communicate/help people. Sometimes we are not able to understand their language, maybe because it is in fact the sixth sense. But there are many articles in the international press about very special animals who helped human beings, guessed political / sport...

  • Albatrosses, sovereigns of the skies and of the oceans

    Albatrosses, sovereigns of the skies and of the oceans

    11 years ago

    Few people can say they saw the silhouette of a huge albatross projected on the blue sky. If you are among them you are lucky, because you saw a miracle of this living world. The magnificent albatross is a bird that has been perfected over millions of years of evolution. Albatrosses look like...

  • Legends of the stork

    Legends of the stork

    11 years ago

    The white stork bird measures around 100 to 120 cm from the tip of its beak to its tail. Its wingspan is 190 to 220 cm. It is a light bird weighing only around 2 to 4.5kgs. More about these beautiful birds and the legends about them in this article.

  • World of Waterfalls - Top 8

    World of Waterfalls - Top 8

    11 years ago

    Waterfalls are beauties of the nature.They are rare enough and not very understood by scientists. However, we can see them, or read about them whenever an opportunity occurs. A site has made a Top 8 the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.Of course, there are more than eight. For the present I...

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    "Lincoln" (2012)

    11 years ago

    Few weeks before the Oscars, the political drama “Lincoln" has become the first among favorites, winning ten BAFTA nominations 2013, for the flawless acting of the actors, scenario and costumes.

  • 2013 Oscar nominees list

    2013 Oscar nominees list

    11 years ago

    "Zero Dark Thirty", "Lincoln", "Les Miserables" and "Life of Pi" are among the nine titles in the 2013 Oscar race for the "Best Picture". "Lincoln" leads with 12 nominations top. More details about this year nominees in the text.

  • Little secrets about colors

    Little secrets about colors

    11 years ago

    Our life is made of colors: we use them in decorating our homes, we enjoy them spending as much as possible in nature, we dress in colors and we are able to perceive our disposition in colors. More than that, we use colors for communicating.

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    Richard Crispin Armitage, a (beautiful) story to tell

    11 years ago

    In this article I will try to present the way in which Richard Armitage sees the films he played in (some of them quite interesting, like North and South, 2004). I intend to do this simply because I do believe he is one of the most good and serious young actors. Well...sometimes he is too serious,...

  • 5 reasons to read (and watch) Tartarin of Tarascon

    5 reasons to read (and watch) Tartarin of Tarascon

    11 years ago

    French literature has many important writers, more or less known all over the world. One of these writers is Alphonse Daudet, and among his wonderful characters is Tartarin, a local hero from the small provincial town of Tarascon. His adventures have been adapted into cinematic form in 1908, 1934,...

  • 10 reasons why you should meet Thorin, Bilbo, Gandalf and the band of dwarves

    10 reasons why you should meet Thorin, Bilbo, Gandalf and the band of dwarves

    11 years ago

    The middle of December 2012 means Hobbit time. Time to read the book, to see the film, to write about it. Tolkien wrote a marvelous fantasy, Peter Jackson directed the story in a very unique way, and the actors did the best to offer us a very special film. It's our turn to enjoy it.

  • The Cons and Pros of Freelancing

    The Cons and Pros of Freelancing

    11 years ago

    Being a freelancer could be a wonderful job if you know enough about it. The decision is important, so don't be afraid to read more and more abouit it, whenever you have some free time.

  • Paintings of the Little Ice Age

    Paintings of the Little Ice Age

    11 years ago

    Artists have always been inspired by the weather, and the painters are not an exception. Some beautiful paintings are the evidence of the foggy, cold weather. And some of these painters are famous.

  • Finally, the secret was revealed: men really love (but once in a lifetime)

    Finally, the secret was revealed: men really love (but once in a lifetime)

    11 years ago

    Relationships are difficult. We all know that and we didn't find out this watching "Grey's Anatomy". Usually, men say that women are impossible, but they don't realize how impossible they seem in the eyes of their girlfriends/lovers. Anyway, the good news is that men could love, and women must take...

  • Climate change, a global challenge

    Climate change, a global challenge

    11 years ago

    Climate change is a serious challenge of our times. In spite of this reality, defining the phenomenon is not a very simple task, even for the scientific communities. Even so, politicians are taught to use softer terms, for electoral reasons.

  • As a freelance writer, what kind of readers you really don’t want?

    As a freelance writer, what kind of readers you really don’t want?

    11 years ago

    When you write something, no matter what, the most difficult thing to manage is the negative opinions about your writing.These "unpleasant readers" can influence your joy, your desire to write. That's why it's time to understand their role and focus on the other group of readers.

  • A moment in time: Carl Sagan

    A moment in time: Carl Sagan

    11 years ago

    Carl Sagan was one of the most interesting and creative men on Earth. He used his knowledge and love for science to teach other people wonderful things about our planet and about the Universe.


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