Superman Lives was a film almost made in the late 90s directed by Tim Burton, written by Kevin Smith, and starring Nicolas Cage as Superman. It was a disaster from the start and was doomed to fail. It did.
Everyone wants to be part of a team, which is completely understandable because no one wants to be alone. We haven't evolved as a species nearly as much as people like to think.
My favorite video game commercials ever. The 1990s were a great time for video games and the commercials that made you buy them.
Hollywood actors that turned down major movie roles. What if your favorite movie character was played by another actor.
Can The Avengers live up to the hype? Marvel's movies are leading up to the movie. Ironman, The Hulk, Captain America, and Thor all in one movie.
A bad driving parody. How to become as bad a driver as everyone else is.
Is America Doomed? Don't let the media or anyone else tell you who to vote for. Think and decide for yourself.
Verbal crutches are words we say all the time in the absense of better, more thought out, words.
50 every day enjoyments that aren't always appreciated. There are many more, but these are my 50 that come to mind.
Joe Rogan, Louis CK, George Carlin, and Bill Cosby are my favorite comedians of all time. Each with a different point of view, they have made the most of themselves.
The Forever Lazy is the downfall of society as we know it. No one should sell or be allowed to buy this product. Ever.
Do you have certain movies you're not exactly proud of saying that you love? Anytime they come on TV, you can't seem to turn the channel? Well I do. These are my top 10 guilty pleasures: movie edition.
The last original movie idea was probably sometime in the early 90s. Seriously, nothing new is being made. Just rehashes of older ideas. It's pathetic.
All About Reality Television and Why There's Nothing On TV.