Want to become a television show host? Here are somethings that can help you carry on and make it big on TV hosting.
Freelance writing is a great way to earn money (if possible, a living), develop one’s writing and proofreading skills, and establish one’s reputation as a writer. This occupation has become popular in the recent years because of other benefits...
When I was in kindergarten, my teachers were having a hard time training me how to write and read. Sure, I can catch up with songs, colors, and drawing but I was pretty troublesome with the former two. I don’t know if it was due to my teacher’s...
Advice for aspiring vocalists that will help you improve your singing skills!
Easy, honest, straight-forward ROCK. AMIHAN, Philippines Tina Siuagan Marketing an artist’s music is usually a job done by special promotion agents from recording companies. They take care of all the nitty-gritties when it comes to establishing...
Do you dream of becoming Claudia Schiffer or Tyra Banks? Does your heart tell you that you ought to be featured on a billboard or magazine? Do you always imagine yourself in four-inch heels and fancy clothes while walking the ramp? Are you up for...
Here are the reasons why singing rock music for a rock band ROCKS. All insights coming from a singer nurse.
I am not a fashion or make-up expert. I don’t even have the fundamental training in make-up application or artistry. All pieces of information which will be provided in the succeeding article were all just a product of imagination and repeated...
With today’s age of scientific advancements specifically on computer technology, nothing seems impossible. In the past, getting across a body of valuable information to the general public is considered a painstaking task. Such effort entails...
A hub about simple gift ideas not only for Christmas but for any holidays all year round. These are simple, fun, and easy to do. Not to mention, can save you some bucks as compared to just purchasing your gifts from the local stores.
When I quit my previous job for health-related reasons, I have run out of financial resources to sustain some of my needs and the majority of my "wants". To date, this would be the first Christmas that I wouldn't be spending anything to buy myself...
Recent studies showed the emerging importance of utilizing alternative medicine. One aspect of such practice is the use of herbal entities as treatment for various illnesses. Even before the marked scientific advancement in the history of humankind,...
"The chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power. It is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits." - Baron Justus von Liebig Chocolate Indulgence! Chocolate Confections As...
Is there a standardized care every nurse should follow? Find out what makes a good nurse and what is the most important thing to consider in the field of nursing.
I've seen A Walk to Remember over and over again (for like five times now) but I never get tired of it. It still sends me those familiar feelings of being human. I've never seen a story create such an impact. I really do not know why. Maybe because...
Last time, I was planning of 'redeeming' my old photo blog site at tumblr. To do so, I have to think of a theme about something I have not yet posted or encountered before. And since I was hunger-inspired that time, I decided to search for food...
Getting started with a new job could get you really anxious and stressed out. By reading this article, you will find useful tips and pointers on how to make your way on your workplace adjustment. A perfect read for all first-time job starters!
Informative, fun, wacky, and spontaneous, Nars @ Bayan hits the airwaves every Friday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. The mainstay host of the program would be Nurse Alvin Dakis, the youngest, most phenomenal and most influential leader of the modern Filipino...
Cafe Arabiscato, SSS Village, Marikina City Tina Siuagan My parents are so sure, though I can’t remember anymore, that I started singing since I was three years old. They’d make me stand on a small chair and would hand me a hair brush to serve...