Like everything else music evolves and changes.
Persona 5 is a great game, beautiful colors and a story that will keep you intoxicated for hours on end.
We all inevitably succumb to the earths pulls, but what happens afterwards?
Viruses, riots, political scandals galore.
Dungeons and monsters and bosses oh my.
Sometimes it does not matter how much you forget, you will always remember.
From facing dragons to demon kings, steadfast allies and treachery. RPG's have them all.
Villains in this series come in all shapes and sizes, here are some of the best ones. Opinions may vary.
Stormy skies, a city gone bad, nothing but Jazz filled nights.
What will one father do for his daughter? Love and pain abound, death and tranquility will show the way.
A Knight is only as good as the training that is received, when trained by a legendary swordsman how far will one man go in life?
What goes bump in the night will scare you.
Fighting for something can mean life or death, pray you fight for something truly worth fighting for.
Even a black heart can love, but that same heart can be broken.
An angel with eyes of pure delight.
When a camping trip goes wrong who will be left alive to tell the tale?
An open sea, a sturdy boat and a lesson learned only once in a life time.
From strange materials to weird designs these weapons have stood the test of time for being weird but effective.
You wanted more lovely ladies so here we go, Ten More Gorgeous Gaming Girls.
Awoken in a dark hall, whatever lies within hides in the shadows.
Does my differences truly make me that horrible?
Seasons pass and new changes happen, the world is always evolving.
Alone with thoughts, endless paths and broken bones. What will be the outcome?
You don't see me, you were in the other room how did you see me!?
When a warrior can't protect those he loves what use is his training?
A little something something on what can help you get a date.