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Catnip Cats - The Mystery Between Cats and Catnip.

Updated on December 7, 2010

The Mystery of...Catnip Cats!

Nepeta cataria, commonly known as catnip, or [catnip cats]  is a perennial herbaceous plant and it is from the Lamiaceae mint family. It's occasionally referred to as [catmint]. An active agent  of catnip is the oil, which is contained in the leaves of the herbaceous plant. These plants have the ability of changing a cat's behavior by its plain aroma. For this reason, scientists have struck the phenomenon [the Catnip effect].

But apart from that, catnip is also utilized by humans as an herb for medicinal tea. This tea comforts toothaches, assists folks who have a nasty cough, and helps getting sleep. Not simply that, they're also added in salads and other foods. Moreover, it was established that it shows great potential as a natural insect repellent.

Returning to our mystery case...Catnip cats this herbaceous plant affects nearly any cat. But not all. Some folks allege that the response of a cat to catnip is based on an genetic gene at birth. This genome may come from a parent who as well responds to this herb and then passed it on to its offspring. Kittens, on the other hand, don't respond to Catnip until they're sexually matured. Being sexually matured might take up to 3 to 4 months of age.

All the same, other scientists found that senior cats didn't exhibit the effect, which leads them to reason that the effect occurs only to a certain sex and the plant plays acts like a aphrodisiac. As well in this hypothesis, they discovered that the sexual pheromone discovered in a male cat urine is like to nepetalactone found in the catnip's leaves.

It quite interesting to know that additional species from the cat category like the lynx, lion, cougar and bobcat are known to respond the same way as the common domestic house cat would.  So these big felines can be called catnip cats too. As well, when a cat whiffs Nepeta cataria, it behaves as a simulative, but if eaten, it gives the reverse of its common effect... It turns into a depressant.

Now, we all acknowledge that cats love to sleep. They love to sleep all day and arouse only if it's time for some food. This routine isn't good for the wellness of your cat. It will turn into a round, fat, and slothful. That's why turning them into a catnip cats is a real beneficial idea. We already recognize that it boosts activity if it is being sniffed. Your furry little friend will certainly become active, jumping, playing, and frolicking after getting a nose full of the herb. But this result will only last fifteen minutes maximum.

By turning them into catnip cats you can keep their claws away from your furniture. All you need to do is to purchase a new scratching tree, wipe some catnip oil on it, and watch how your kitty reacts. If all goes well, your pet will sniff and scrutinize the post, after doing that, it will begin to scratch it. After a few minutes, the effect will have worn off. No worries! You simply have to re-apply the oil again and hopefully your cat will be trained to scratch the post and not your furniture and carpet.


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