Please reassure me that neutering my cats isn't going to make them become fearfu

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  1. Everyday Miracles profile image85
    Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years ago

    Please reassure me that neutering my cats isn't going to make them become fearful and skittish. Our oldest male took a turn after neutering. Tell me about the process.

  2. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Although, it's not 110% the same, the process is about the same for neutering a dog, as are the emotions and everything that go behind it for the animal.

    Here's a hub I have about neutering male dogs, which should provide a little more information for you, at least in terms of the process.

  3. Kristal Wozniak profile image60
    Kristal Wozniakposted 15 years ago

    Hi there,

    My cats have been neutered and sometimes it can can take a little while for them to readjust and 'be themselves' again after they have had the procedure. My Oscar was fairly quiet and very 'aware' of the changes to his body and was 'attentive' of that region for a couple of weeks following. He is back to being himself now and is doing just fine. I suppose my advice would be to inform yourself of the process first, know what to expect and find a good vet that you are comfortable with. Ask your friends or neighbours if there is a vet in your area they could recommend, check out their practice and make sure that it is clean and have a chat to the vet about your concerns and ask lots of questions. Generally if they come recommended and you have a good 'feel' about them your kitty should be fine. Just be considerate of him after he comes home and give him some extra special attention and be sure to call your vet if you are concerned about anything. Good luck smile

  4. CindyRoy profile image60
    CindyRoyposted 15 years ago

    My cat, Tomas, was a rambunctious and obnoxious one at four to six months old.  I could not wait to get him neutered in hopes of calming him down!  Unfortunately for me, that did not do anything to change his energy level and destructive behavior.  He is still happy as a clam and crazy as a disobedient dog.  In my cat ownership lifetime, I have had four male cats neutered and four female cats spayed, and none have had any noticeable effects afterwards except the fact that the male cats are not very territorial and the females may be.

  5. profile image53
    J. K. F.posted 15 years ago

    Dear Everyday,

    I'm sorry to hear that your oldest took a turn after neutering. Although that can happen, most cats keep the disposition they were born with unless something in their physical environment causes them to change, i.e. hearing thunder and becoming afraid of the loudness and vibration, being attacked by another cat or animal, mistreatment by humans, etc.

    Have you asked your Veterinarian about this? A professional could check your cat to make sure nothing is physically wrong with him to cause him to act this way. Also, was he treated roughly before or after surgery, frightened by another animal at the Vet's office, did he have enough anesthesia and pain medicine so that he didn't suffer before during or after the surgery, etc.?

    Also, how long after his surgery did you notice this change? Sometimes an animal needs to be given time to recover from such a big event like this but if he continues to act this way after a week or two I would consult your Veterinarian about it.

    In the meantime, best of luck to you and your cats!


  6. mistywild profile image60
    mistywildposted 14 years ago

    In my vast experience of neutering and spaying my cats (too many in my lifetime to count) it all depends on the animal and how their personality reacts to loosing their manhood. You need to make them feel completely comfortable for a couple of days after they get home and be reassuring. Think about it as if it were you. I hope this helps a little.

  7. staci_lynn profile image60
    staci_lynnposted 13 years ago

    Don't fear fixing your animals. It can only do good. There is no excuse for anyone to not fix their animals, unless you pure breed animals. I have had more than 50 cats fixed, mostly from rescue projects. None of their attitudes changed for the worst, they only improved. Maybe something traumatic happened before, during, or after the whole surgery that you are unaware of. Your vet or animal behaviorist can help you with this. Don't let one bad experience keep you from doing what is right and responsible. I commend you for fixing and wanting to fix your animals! Most people don't and they make it hard for me and the people that rescue animals. We have to go around and clean up after the mess they created.


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