How many cats is too many for one person to own?

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  1. davidlivermore profile image82
    davidlivermoreposted 11 years ago

    How many cats is too many for one person to own?

    I currently own two cats and toying around with the idea of getting a third.  But I don't want to be "that person".  You know, the kind that people think are weird for owning too many cats.  What do you think?

  2. Lady Guinevere profile image65
    Lady Guinevereposted 11 years ago

    When you can no longer feed or clean up or love them all.  I have 6 cats right now, 2 total indoor, 2 that like indoor/outdoor and 2 that are total outdoor ones.  They all get loved and taken care of.  I used to have 16 when a mommy cat had brought 2 litters of kittens to me.  I had to find homes for them.  Although I live in the woods, many do not think that is is a problem with the over population we have here.  After she brought me the 2nd litter I went ahead and spayed her.  At that point the real owner wasn't going to do that ad so I did.  If I can get them I will take them and get them spayed/neutered.  All 6 of mine are fixed. 6 are about all that I can handle and the outside cats know this and will and have chased off other cats.  I have one of my indoor/outdoor cats also chase off others when she is outside.We also have 3 litter boxes and clean them out 2 x's a day.

  3. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    One.  I am not a cat fan. Seriously though, it seems like 2 cats that get along well would be a good number.  Three cats will be a lot like 3 kids, one will get left out.

  4. Lor's Stories profile image61
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    Any more than two!
    Unless you own a farm.

    1. Lor's Stories profile image61
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My present cat is diva of her domain.
      She rules.

  5. ii3rittles profile image83
    ii3rittlesposted 11 years ago

    I think a good rule of thumb for people  to go by is the size of their home. In more specifics, how many rooms the home has. Counting the kitchen & dining room as one, the living room as another & adding in the bedrooms - not including the bathrooms. You should not have more cats then the number of them rooms. I currently live in a one bedroom double. There is a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Counting the kitchen and dining room as one and not including the bathroom, I have 3 rooms. Therefore, I should not have more then 3 cats inside this living space. As for dogs, you add the rooms then split them in half rounding down. Since I have 3 rooms, that would leave me with 1.5 rooms which rounded down would be 1 room, so I should not own more then one dog. I think this is a good number system people should use for cats and dogs.

    1. sarahmoose profile image66
      sarahmooseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting way to work it out, I really like it!!

    2. davidlivermore profile image82
      davidlivermoreposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good answer.

  6. Faceless39 profile image94
    Faceless39posted 11 years ago

    Well, what I've found through two personal experiences is that "3 is a crowd," even with cats.  The pecking order can be greatly disrupted.  When we got a 4th cat, everything went back to normal again.  Maybe even numbers is something to consider..

  7. profile image0
    lisasuniquevoiceposted 11 years ago

    I have two cats now. When my son was living with us after college we had four running around. I'd like to have another cat, but my husband likes just having our two little guys.

  8. DeborahNeyens profile image95
    DeborahNeyensposted 11 years ago

    I have three cats. The third was a stray feral kitten that showed up in my backyard probably days from dying of starvation. I tamed her and eventually moved her inside. I even wrote a hub about the experience. It worked out great because one of my other two cats is pretty antisocial and never made a good companion for my first cat. Now the first cat has a little buddy and is so much happier, the antisocial cat is becoming a bit more social, and the former stray is just a little bundle of love. I say you have too many cats when you don't have the resources to provide them proper care, the space to provide the proper number of litter boxes (the rule is one litter box for each cat plus one - thus, I have four), and your house starts to smell like you have cats.

  9. cre8ivOne profile image70
    cre8ivOneposted 11 years ago

    If you live in a tiny house or have several children I would say 1 is good but if you have an average to large sized house 2-3 would be good.number.  Once you start having more than that I think things can start to get out of control.

  10. nArchuleta profile image74
    nArchuletaposted 11 years ago

    As many as you can afford to feed and clean up after. But please get them from an animal shelter. I'm ashamed to say I bought my first cat (loved him, but I wish I hadn't supported the pet store.) All the rest through time have either been strays or adopted through a shelter. I got my current cat from the Humane Society on a freebie day (when they have too many cats.)

    People who call others "crazy cat lady," or whatnot are afraid of someone who can love a difficult animal, maybe a seemingly aloof, aggressive animal. I take 'em like they come, claws and all. That includes humans, too.  Thanks for loving cats!

  11. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 11 years ago

    It depends on how the cats get along, how much space you have, and how many you can effectively care for. I know someone who had 36 cats, and they were all well cared for and spoiled until the lady succumbed to Alzheimer's. On the same token, I've known people with 2-3 cats that were in over their heads. Do you feel that you have the ability to take on the responsibility of a third cat? If so, great! For myself, I don't think 3 is even a lot, much less too many, but it all depends on each individual wink. I think the "crazy cat person" label doesn't start kicking in until....8-10 cats? But then, I live in a rural community, so we expect there to be more pets than humans.


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