What is the most unusual pet you have ever owned? What caused it to be so unusua

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  1. Daisy Mariposa profile image72
    Daisy Mariposaposted 11 years ago

    What is the most unusual pet you have ever owned? What caused it to be so unusual?


  2. Sharkye11 profile image90
    Sharkye11posted 11 years ago

    I grew up in the boonies, and always had a menagerie. I have owned;

    A skunk--unusual because he was actually a wild, orphaned skunk, and I never had him de-skunked.

    A raccoon--very mean-spirited little creature. Did NOT appreciate being rescued and pampered.

    A deer--another orphan. Raised until he was nearly a yearling, then he was bitten by a snake. sad He was very smart. walked on a leash, wore a hunting vest, would ride in the truck, etc.

    A hog--we owned a hog farm, so this wasn't unusual to us. But this pig knew tricks, walked on a leash, and drank out of sport's bottles. He was really the only "pet" pig on the place.

    A banty rooster--liked to ride in a bicycle basket.

    A green anole--Caught this lizard wild, and whenever I went somewhere he went in a jar with me. He would eat from a spoon.

    A tarantula--wild caught as a baby, had to release him when he outgrew his container.

    A scorpion--he was very boring, actually...

    A box turtle--found him injured on the road. Splinted his shell and he learned his name and would follow me around the house.

    A slug--they are much more fun as pets than as pests. This one grew huge...and laid eggs. And then I had a lot of slugs. smile

    I also nursed and released rabbits, squirrels, birds, lizards, toads, frogs, and bugs over the years. I never could catch one, but every year I tried desperately to get a baby armadillo.

  3. teaches12345 profile image77
    teaches12345posted 11 years ago

    We had a pet turkey who acted like the family dog.  He was protective.  We had to give him away because he took his job too seriously.

  4. mary615 profile image93
    mary615posted 11 years ago

    I grew up in the country and had lots of different pets, but my very favorite was my goat.  He followed me everywhere.
    I milked his Mama twice a day so my Dad could have her milk.  He said it helped his stomach ulcers.
    My next favorite pet was a big fat Hen.  Chickens are very smart, you know.  She followed me around the yard too.

  5. Stephanie Henkel profile image94
    Stephanie Henkelposted 11 years ago

    My most unusual pet was a groundhog hat we rescued as a baby when its mama was killed. We bottle fed it and it lived in the house with us and our cat and dog. The groundhog used the cat's litter box and was very clean, but it loved to collect stray socks, underwear, tissues and miscellaneous things and hide them under the couch. It was adorable!

    Not ours, but our neighbor rescued two baby raccoons whose mother was run over by a car. They used to wander over to our house and come in our cat door to play in our basement. They would also join our family if we were having a picnic in the backyard and climb into the wading pool with our grandkids. They were loveable and very gentle.

  6. livingsta profile image88
    livingstaposted 11 years ago

    The snails (not unusual though), just because I loved watching them when I was a kid :-)

  7. The Frog Prince profile image71
    The Frog Princeposted 11 years ago

    I had a three legged skank with a peg leg.

    The Frog

  8. davidlivermore profile image83
    davidlivermoreposted 11 years ago

    A cat.

    I know, it's not too unusual.  However, this cat was.  "Precious", as she was called, was a tough cat.  She would fight dogs and win.  She would travel miles away, only to return home.  She would kill anything she could get her fangs on.  But she was a sweet cat to us, enjoyed attention, and never once attacked me.

  9. KL Klein profile image68
    KL Kleinposted 11 years ago

    I had a scrub jay who would come and go through a window we left open.

    I also had a duck who would attack any intruders on the property, as well as bite my brothers, which I thought was awesome. I had to keep him leashed when I took him for walks, or he would try to attack my neighbor's donkeys.

  10. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image96
    Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years ago

    My beloved box turtle who followed me around.  I would hand feed her all of her meals.  Had her for years in an outdoor pen my father built with wood and chicken wire.  She would hibernate and every year we swore she never made it through and every year she did. 

    Then one day we found that the chicken wire had rusted through and she had gone away.  I was heart broken for a very long time.


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