Notebooks - why do you use them?

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  1. Nathan_U profile image68
    Nathan_Uposted 14 years ago

    In the age of digitalisation when everything is available in the Web, people still use classic paper notebooks - why? Why do you prefer paper over computer?

    Personally, I can't imagine my life without few Moleskines in which I collect knowledge and experiences of my daily life, it's just so oldschool and... "slow" - when writing, you don't have to hurry up, like you normally do when typing on keyboard. It's a form of meditation for me.

    What's your story?

    1. Jeff Berndt profile image71
      Jeff Berndtposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I just enjoy the act of writing with pen and ink. Heck, I even use fountain pens. It's a different experience.

    2. lxd35 profile image61
      lxd35posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      There's something really inspiring about a blank notebook... much better than a "new" page on microsoft word. I think it's better to write in hand than type anyway, much more personal, then again it depends on what you're writing. For me, I can't last two minutes taking notes without doodling... can't do that on the computer smile

    3. yolanda yvette profile image60
      yolanda yvetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you.  When I got my computer and set up my online journal I was sure I was done with the regular notebook, but I was wrong.  I currently have 3 notebooks (each used for different purposes) in addition to my online journal. 

      I think I just love the act of recording things with the pen and pad.  Like you said, old school.  It works for me.

    4. kAi Miserabel profile image61
      kAi Miserabelposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      my notebooks are basically memoirs. and lessons recorded for me to learn from. it is a place to vent that is private and that i can rely on anytime.
      i also have many notebooks between my friends and i, its a fun way to keep in touch when our schedules are all different and busy at that. its wonderful.
      the best part of it is, that you dont know what will be recorded until it happens, and you dont know how that book will end. (:
      our endings, even in the worst of times try to keep a positive outlook. nothing like writing something down to keep it in your mind.

  2. profile image53
    janice24posted 14 years ago

    Personally I prefer my paper note books because they are more accessable, easier to carry with no need to search for a wi fi connection.

    I can read back over previous months /years scribbles and re-live the experiences I shared with my note books at that time, which no digitised note book can give me.

    Plus I dont have to worry about eworms and Trogans deleating my scripts. They are more personalable, enjoyable living souls.

  3. Falsor Wing profile image61
    Falsor Wingposted 14 years ago

    I have one laptop, if something bad happens to it war, death, famine, and plague will probably gallop across my yard. I can take a notebook pretty much anywhere.

    Also its more socially acceptible. noone minds if i write in a notebook 99% of the time. i think a computers only acceptible like 30%

  4. profile image0
    Justine76posted 14 years ago

    I hate typing

  5. Hokey profile image61
    Hokeyposted 14 years ago

    I just love my notebooks. I have around 30 of them cmpletely  full.

    1. profile image0
      Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this


      they seem more personal, and private, and easier to carry around.

    2. Nathan_U profile image68
      Nathan_Uposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      30 notebooks? Whoh, now that's big number!

  6. GoTo Gal profile image67
    GoTo Galposted 14 years ago

    I keep a notebook on my desk, one in each vehicle, one on the coffee table and another in my briefcase.

    I'm constantly writing reminders, notes from phone conversations, or whatever subject I'm researching at the time.  Seems the more scatter brained I get, the more notebooks I need to keep myself straight.

  7. wrenfrost56 profile image54
    wrenfrost56posted 14 years ago

    I find it easier to carry my notebook around with me then my laptop. big_smile

  8. Rafini profile image80
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago

    I like to see the ink on the paper that my brain told my arm, muscles, and hand to draw. big_smile

  9. Time4Travel profile image59
    Time4Travelposted 14 years ago

    A handwritten page feels more real to me than a computer screen. When a document is saved on a computer, there's no guarantee that you will see your page again. Backup files are not always reliable either. Computers can be funny creatures sometimes... messing up files so they won't load. Then there's always the dreaded Internet bugs waiting to eat up your harddrive.

    In a digital world, getting published usually means using technology of some kind. I see a notebook as friendly storage for ideas and scribbles. Notebooks are easy (and light) to bring with you-- and you never have to wait for a paper notebook to load.

  10. camlo profile image82
    camloposted 14 years ago

    Most people I know use their mobile phones to note things. I still use a pen and bits of paper (I love 'Moleskines', too, but never use them once I've bought them, same with the 'FiloFax'). Writing things down is just quicker, I think.

    Because I always type larger documents, writing those by hand makes my wrist ache nowadays - just not used to it anymore.

  11. arthurchappell profile image42
    arthurchappellposted 14 years ago

    a note pad is handy when not near a computer or laptop, - I always carry notepads and pens - I end up scrawling on napkins and beermats when the pads run out - writing is a compulsion for me

  12. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

    I think the same way. although I have the digital toys, I find my moleskins and journals easier to write reflectively. I love to write with a pen, for me it is a more creative experience.
    I've even written with eyebrow pencil on a makeup pamphlet while in the bath when a bit of inspiration hit..

  13. Sarah Masson profile image61
    Sarah Massonposted 14 years ago

    I like to write down infomation, ideas, books I want to read, quotes and all sorts of things. I love writing on paper smile

  14. bsscorpio8 profile image61
    bsscorpio8posted 14 years ago

    Yea, it's meditative.


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