What can you do if you feel bullied at the office?

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  1. LisaKoski profile image80
    LisaKoskiposted 10 years ago

    What can you do if you feel bullied at the office?

    I work in an office of 9 employees (all 15+ years older). After being here 4 months I've found that almost everyday things are worse. I'm an assistant for two women and I'm given nothing to do (when before I got plenty) so I end up just sitting at my desk. They used to insult me but now they pretend I don't exist. If I don't dodge out of their way they will run right into me in the halls. They openly complain about me to each other and customers while I'm sitting right there and are rude if I try and talk. What can I do? (I've already talked to the only boss here, who is also the owner.)

  2. Zsuzsi profile image59
    Zsuzsiposted 10 years ago

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience with colleagues. In this situation (without knowing any specifics what might have started this) I would invite one of them for a meeting. There I would say: 'I feel there is something wrong based on that I am not so much involved in your work nowadays compared to before. I'd like to discuss this with you and resolve any issues there might be, so we can work better together. What do you think about this?'
    This person will have two choices: to stay on the same negative track and you will probably look for another job then OR respond openly and give a chance to change things for the better. Hopefully she will choose the second option. Good luck

    1. LisaKoski profile image80
      LisaKoskiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I tried talking to them and one dropped me as their assistant and the other one said everything was fine, even though the behavior has continued. I have no idea what caused this or why it continues and I've run out of ideas on what to do to fix it.

    2. Zsuzsi profile image59
      Zsuzsiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If you've tried talking to them already, then go back to the boss and explain the situation with specific examples. If that doesn't work, I think there are no more options, only leaving this job to another. Hope things will turn better for you soon.

  3. profile image35
    kenneth876posted 10 years ago

    try to stay focused on what you are there for. the social pool comes second.
    don't let ( at least try not to) let some distract you from what you are supposed to be doing, especially with constant chatter. laugh some things off. sometimes just look and don't say. usage of the two depending on who it is and/or what is said.
    good luck on the job lisa.

  4. Same DiNamics profile image61
    Same DiNamicsposted 10 years ago

    Have a meeting with your boss and the person who's treating you this way. Tell them that you'd like to fix whatever happened. Sometimes, we aren't aware of it because we are never told, just complained about.

    I can tell you now, the stress that their behavior towards you is causing you (or will cause you if it continues) is not worth it. I worked in an environment where I was passively-aggressively bullied, if that makes sense. The stress I suffered, unknowingly at the time, caused complication in my last pregnancy.

    You need to set it clear to them that you will not stand for their behavior towards you. They can say whatever they want to say behind  your back but they will respect you as an individual and employee while in your presence and those of the customers. That's just poor workmanship on their part.

    It could very well be that they feel threatened by you. You are the new blood in the office and they are older. They are afraid that you will replace them. Still, it doesn't give them an excuse to treat you this way.

    Good luck. If things don't change after you talk to them, start seeking other employment and leave as soon as you can. When asked why you want to leave be honest with them. It'll probably open up your bosses eyes. Who knows how many they've treated this way before you.

  5. bethperry profile image83
    bethperryposted 10 years ago

    I know office politics and clique-playing can happen to anyone, but that part about them physically running into you is completely unacceptable if it is deliberate. If the boss isn't doing a thing to rein such juvenile behavior in and it happens again, quite frankly I'd suggest pressing charges.
    I wish you luck!

  6. profile image49
    olivia13posted 10 years ago


  7. cheshnotes profile image41
    cheshnotesposted 6 years ago

    I am trying to answer this question 4 years after it has been asked, but I do not think this question has grown outdated. I myself have never been able to find a solution but when I searched away from the problem I got the answer. When caught among clowns, do not be an ace. If they are playing queens, you must play Jack. Dianne Hunt is right. Talk to your boss and ask him to remove the lid off the cooker. They will stop frying you. They are just letting off some steam coz they have grown so unused to your presence and u shud use your boss to make it felt and if boss does not listen make yourself heard louder...


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