HubPages took away my Popular Accolade!

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  1. Dan W Miller profile image55
    Dan W Millerposted 7 years ago

    It says right there in my bio edit:
    "If I have earned any accolades, show them to:
    Everyone  Only Me  No One"
    Of course, I say "everyone." Then one day my 2015 Popular Accolade is gone! Do you know what a fool I look like after writing about it, tweeting about it, posting about it? I look like a flat out liar. How dare you! I am furious over this!
    Nowhere is it written that (and this was the weak answer) HubPages just TAKES IT AWAY after a year. Hey, some people that posted 10 hubs or more at once DID IT YEARS AGO! Yet that's still displayed.
    Please put my POPULAR ACCOLADE that I have EARNED back on my bio, HubPages. I mean really, how hard is that going to be? May not mean much to you but it does to me. Inconsiderate, uncaring, deceitful, not adhering to a legal written contract come to mind.
    Anyone else this has wrongfully happen to please contact HubPages immediately.
    I have a sense of high moral values. I say, I do, I follow up on everything I say and write to be TRUTHFUL. We all should. Do you?

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure what you refer to - I see 6 accolades on your profile, including one for publishing at least 10 hubs.  What's missing?

      1. Dan W Miller profile image55
        Dan W Millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Well, yeah, that's my point. POPULAR ACCOLADE. Do you know how you get one? The other authors on this site ENJOY READING MY HUBS. How, pray tell, can that change? THEY STILL LIKE THE ONES THEY READ! Duh, SnubPages.

    2. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The "Popular" Accolade comes and goes depending on how active you (and your articles) are on the site. For more information please visit the FAQ.

      1. Dan W Miller profile image55
        Dan W Millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HISSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Like the ol' politically correct work wordage when your boss is either too lazy, too mean, inhumane or is a real wimp and starts a response with, "UNFORTUNATELY blah, blah, blah that's just the way it is. I don't care and I have no gonads to attempt to ask higher ups to change nor question authority because I'm a boring person. Now, if you'll excuse, it's nearly time for my daily shearing. BAAAAH!! BAAAAAH!!"

  2. SmartAndFun profile image98
    SmartAndFunposted 7 years ago

    I could be wrong, but I think while some accolades are permanent, such as the accolade for "you have reached xx number of views," some of the accolades must be "kept up." For example, someone who leaves lots of comments can work their way up to "Level 5 commenter" (or whatever it's called), but then if they slack off on leaving lots of comments on other people's hubs, their commenter level will drop back down to 1 or 2, or even fall off completely.

    If I remember correctly, the "popular" accolade mentioned something about a Hubber's work engaging readers, causing them to start discussions and leave comments, so maybe it's just that people aren't leaving comments on your work recently, which caused the accolade to drop off. Honestly, though, this is a guess. I don't know.

    I do know that with the decline of active Hubbers, HP overall is much less social. Back in the old days, many, many members used to hang out here all day, making friends, posting questions and answers, posting in the forums, watching their feed for newly published articles so they could immediately read them and comment on them, etc. HP just doesn't have that atmosphere any more, so it's likely that it is much tougher to hang onto the popular accolade. Mine is gone, but I never check my accolades, so I don't know when it fell off, nor do I particularly care about accolades. I mainly care about search engine traffic, and Google doesn't care about accolades, so neither do I.

    Again, this is just a guess. Maybe a staff member will chime in with an accurate answer.

    1. Dan W Miller profile image55
      Dan W Millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I guess so. Awesome response, S&F. Darn. Someone could have a wild weekend and post 10 hubs at once (or accumulate them over time then release them all at once) and gets a permanent accolade. Huh? I thought I had a valid point stating, "My colleagues like my hubs, they'll still be there (my hubs) and their enjoyment they got from reading them shouldn't waiver, I'd think."

      1. Dan W Miller profile image55
        Dan W Millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        At one point I rather needed them for advertising purposes. You know, "...come out to see the award winning comedian's show." But I satisfied my popularity pursuit. I STILL am a two time award winner from voting done on Facebook. Now THAT can never be taken away from me. They have tact and are CONSIDERATE people. Unlike some admins off some sites I know and not really that crazy about... which shall remain...

        1. Dan W Miller profile image55
          Dan W Millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Just plain mean...

  3. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 7 years ago

    "To win the popular accolade you need people to rate your articles. They can rate it Useful, Funny, Awesome, Beautiful or Interesting. Getting this trophy is pretty straight forward." via Hubpages Help

    The option to rate hubs was removed awhile ago. That means that everyone will eventually lose it, as it's based on a discontinued feature.

    I'd recommend getting legitimate awards for your comic skills - there are lots of online competitions you can enter. The awards here are very easy to receive (and some, to lose) and also aimed at writing, not humour.

    1. Dan W Miller profile image55
      Dan W Millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      EXCUSE ME, McFly. Already DID THAT, thank you. But I kind of appreciate you person that doesn't even have a Facebook account which is only the largest social media site OF ALL TIME?
      I DO have "LEGITIMATE AWARDS," Ms. award winner from this tiny site which is not even in the top 100 online.
      I was VOTED by THOUSANDS WORLD-WIDE to WIN the 2011 3rd Annual DMA from the Facebook community as FUNNIEST(male) I'll have you know.
      Makes this POPULAR ACCOLADE (that I had earned) and all other SnubPages awards appear to be about as important as that fire hydrant on the corner which all the neighborhood dogs are relieving themselves on. Your's is on the next corner and I took the liberty of beating the dogs to it!  Aaaaaaahhhhh....

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I have a Facebook page - you left a confusing comment on it. And accounts on every other Social Media platform. Not sure how that relates?

        You're being a bit contradictory; first you were upset that you didn't have this award anymore, now you're saying the award is unimportant. Which is it?

        As for being an award winner on this site myself, I haven't regularly hubbed for several years now; I have my own sites, my own personal website and other interests I pursue.

        Maybe instead of attacking people who give you a straight answer, you spend some of that energy on entering (more) awards that you can keep, from other sites aimed specifically at the comedy niche.

        1. Dan W Miller profile image55
          Dan W Millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this



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