A new accolade was recently introduced regarding the number of featuring of hubs. It is a wonderful concept and everyone appreciated. Now I would like request the HP people for introducing a new kind of Accolade. If more than 60% of the hubs of a hubber is Featured, he can be given this kind of accolade saying "60% of xyz's hubs are featured". I think you can plan some grading like 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% and above. The Accolade for those who have achieved a stunning distinction of 90% to 100% can be a very special one or something like Level VIII (as we see in Commenter level grading). You can think of this Accolade very seriously as it will boost the morale or confidence level of a Hubber, who is doing so well here. Moreover his handwork, patience and achievements are noticed by the fellow hubbers and he can thus improve his traffic too. This will also help him to get more followers, fan mail, etc. This will bring some vibration to the hubbing activities. No doubt It is a good recognition for a great achiever. Since quality is evaluated for getting a hub featured, you need to give this kind of accolade for people who have achieved at least 60% (a normal decent score). At least think of the pride and joy of the hubbers, whose 90% hubs are featured and to acknowledge this great achievement, they are given a suitable reward by way of a new accolade. They will be too excited on this development. Please do think of it and design some program in this regard. I also invite a serious discussion on the idea. Dear Hubbers, please open up your mind and leave some valuable comments to this suggestion, which I hope all of you will agree 100%.
I think this is an excellent idea, I completely agree 100%. I would love to see this new accolade to be introduced.
I think this is a terrible idea.
You can easily achieve 100% featured by deleting or editing old hubs. Once you have been awarded to accolade, it stays, even if the percentage falls at a later date.
I have hit a million views, but have already deleted quite a few of the hubs that got me there, bringing my total down.
Not all of us have the time to go over hubs, constantly updating them, especially when one has hundreds of hubs.
The incentive is already there to update hubs. Being unfeatured means they can never get SE views, and so can never make money.
I don't care about badges, never have and never will. They don't pay the bills.
No, if the percentage falls, the rating also should be lowered. That is why I request for a computer program to analyse the ups and downs and ranking accordingly.
Actually, I realize now that HubPages could become very much like Squidoo, as they pay only the top 2,000 of lenses and there are millions of lenses on Squidoo. HubPages could do the same, and start paying people based on their rankings.
i am totally agreed with it... thts a great idea...
i would really like to watch accloade to be launched...
I am not a big fan of unnecessary accolades and this seems unnecessary . So, no .
This seems like an excellent idea. It would definitely encourage those having more featured hubs and would also motivate those having low %age in this aspect to improve their hubs. I agree to this idea.
I can bring this idea up in our community meetings.
We are currently revising the way HubberScore is determined so that it better reflects the quality of your Hubs.
It sounds like this would server some of the same purpose of your suggestion.
Is there some way that this would be more helpful than a HubberScore that reflects quality of Hubs?
You can find the full blog post here related to the HubberScore and HubScore revisions.
http://blog.hubpages.com/2013/07/summer … bberscore/
Thank you so much. Hope you will seriously work out some some strategies in this regard.
If you do introduce this, can you please also introduce an option to select which accolades you do not show?
Sure, a good idea. Getting an option to hide/display our choice of accolade is fine. I support it.
i agree to this idea too. This badge could help to boost the hubbers to keep updating their old hubs. Feel appreciated and good too
I agree with Izzy. Bad idea, making people feel "proud" with less than 100% featured hubs. Having all your hubs featured should be the norm. We don't want inferior hubs on this site, so either get rid of the bad ones or bring them up to standard, which is not that difficult to do if you make sure all the boxes (top right) are ticked when editing/improving your Hubs.
I can create awards and stuff through photoshop. Even create qualifications, but they mean nothing if your whole approach to online shizz is just a few measly accolades that on the face of it mean diddly squat.
sad to note you don't value accolades and think these are meaningless!
I can't fully agree for at least we hubbers wish to read more of good performers hubs and wish to follow them always. I mean traffic from HP platform get increased for the people who are doing well and have earned a couple of accolades. You get easily noticed by the fellow hubbers and an impression is formed when you have plenty of accolades. Outside HP, your point is correct.
They are meaningless - they're good for your ego but no use for anything else. They certainly don't improve your traffic or get you more readers.
Each accolade has a meaning and represents certain achievement. If accolade has no purpose why HP award us these things? Each hubber is proud on the number of accolades he received and it is his delight to display them. Even you too display whatever you have got already. If you find it meaningless, why can't you hide it when an option for that is available here. Terming it as ego is your misunderstanding dear.
I display my accolades because I am proud of having my hubs read over a million times, or 100,000 or even 10,000.
The rest is as meaningful as the gold stars my teacher used to stick on my workbook when I was 7 years old.
Designed to make me feel good (and it worked at the time, getting a silver or a green or red star never made me feel as good as the gold star).
Sadly, there are adults who seem to need this type of accolade in order to function.
This is why HP brought them in.
Marisa is correct, as is Wrylilt.
Accolades mean nothing.
Search engine traffic is everything.
According to you only the traffic like 10000 or 100000 hits are great. OK. What about having 500 or 1000 followers? That achievement clearly shows a hubber's quality as well popularity. You ignore that fact too. Sorry!
Em, not to cut in, but a well know fact, and very heated conversation arose from the concept of "fans/followers" = better quality, popularity within HP digital corridors equating to better traffic. The reality behind it was astounding, for some, meh, for others. In essence the larger the volume of fans/followers, statistically, the less earnings the Hubber received, due in part to members being only 1% likely to click an Advert on a well written, engaging publication. Secondly, most fans/follows are done for the very reason of gaining more fans/followers -like the Twitter scam, err, loop.
Volume of internal traffic, or fans, does not justify (nor equate) to better quality based on popularity. If fact, the greater the volume, the greater the likelihood of extremely lower quality writing (aka factory work, assembly line). Certainly 5 years ago, the popularity contest was a necessary evil. Today, it is redundant, as are many publications. Even still, the top 150 writers (of a 100,000 multi-account member community) are the cause and purpose of over 80% of external AND internal traffic, and hold the largest volume of fans/follows (aka are a micro niche).
If you do not believe me, check the Hub Factoids. 100k Unique Visitors annual to an article is peanuts -about 325 unique views per day. But the reality is: even at 35M visitors per month ** -not Unique Visitors, just visitors in general- equates to about 31 views per publication, per month, on average, as there are nearly 1.01M active hubs. That breaks down to 1 view per hub, per day, statistically. The average member, statistically has 11 bugs published to date. But, I know many who have 500 to over 1,000 published hubs, which drives my point home even more. A very small handful of people are controlling the quality, traffic and revenue. The accolade would be of no use to them.
Followers don't make you money, don't read your hubs and are as worthless as most Facebook fans.
I think that's what you were saying, right? Correct.
Fans/followers are good for Social Influence, depending on how they are structured to interact.
Else they are just "newbie candy".
I would agree on followers here on Hubpages. While I love having their comments and visits to my hubs, the money is from outside.
However I would disagree on FB fans. That all depends on how you set up your FB fanpage and on your niche market. If FB isn't working for you (and it is my main source of steady traffic), then you either don't have the right niche market for FB, or your doing FB wrong.
I do agree to a certain extent. I have somewhere around 25 Facebook pages.
But a lot of people assume that a Facebook fan has value. 95% do not - you cannot guarantee they'll see all your posts due to algorithms, or that they'll be return customers.
At least with membership sites and subscription lists, you can better grab onto them and their details.
I'm with Izzy and Sue. This is a terrible idea.
A Hub that's Featured is a normal Hub. It's not special or elite. If any Hubber is publishing new Hubs and finds that 20%, 30% or 40% of them are not achieving Featured status - those are failures, Hubs that are not good enough to be part of HubPages, which is why they are hidden from public view. It's not in HubPages interests to give those people a reward so they think a high rate of failure is OK.
The accolade I suggest is for the best performers, not for the under performers. Hope you got my point.
Anything less than 100% is an under performer. That's the point.
Could you please define a 'Successful hubber' or 'the best achiever'? I seriously wish to learn.
Unfeatured hubs can't be viewed on most areas of Hubpages. They generally won't display on your profile. They are worthless almost, because they are invisible unless directly linked to. If you have unfeatured hubs, you need to delete, move or fix them.
A successful hubber is one who gets good traffic and money from writing here. Traffic and money from OUTSIDE Hubpages.
Thank you for sharing the knowledge.
Unless you have 80% to 90% of your new Hubs Featured, you're an under-performer.
I'm not referring to Hubs which are unFeatured for lack of traffic - that's a different story altogether and has more to do with search engine behaviour than a Hubber's ability. But if a large percentage of your new Hubs are failing the QAP, there's something seriously wrong - the standard isn't that high.
In my case I have achieved 100%. All my 69 hubs are featured, a fact I am too proud of.
I do agree with you that 80 to 90% is a fine scale. Someone has opined it must be 100%, that is illogical and not helpful.
I, personally, will accept no less than 100% on y account. An unfeatured hub is more useful somewhere else where it will not be no-indexed.
I agree. What is the point of an unfeatured page?
Then why were you suggesting the accolade should start at 60%
Since this accolade is proposed to give people incentive to have a higher proportion of featured hub, it seems like it would help get rid of low quality hubs by having the Hubbers delete or improve them.
Wrylilt, idled hubs can be viewed on a hubber's profile page if the box at the bottom on the "Edit profile page" that says, "Show only Featured Hubs on my profile:" is checked no. My idled hubs get traffic in streaks. When they get enough traffic they are re-featured, and when traffic drops off they are again idled. Back and forth, back and forth. There is usually no need to fix them since they are usually idled entirely because they do not get sufficient traffic.
Curious to know why you say views by other hubbers do not make a hubber money. They are exposed to the ads like any other reader.
As I said - "generally". The majority of people either aren't aware of that option or don't use it.
Hubpages has stated that hubbers should not click adverts on the site. Logged in users also see less adverts. Plus, hubbers are less likely to click adverts, anyway. It's called banner blindness. You do not make serious money from the the tiny stream of internal views you get.
I would like to get that new accolade. It would show my friend on Facebook that I am not wasting my time. "Why", they would exclaim in admiration, "You are not the failure I assumed previously. Indeed you Sir, have achieved a pinnacle on the internet of writing skill by being featured 63% of the time."
It might be that in several years I would acquire a new friend, who was also interested by my skill. They might be an alcoholic or perhaps suffer from a palsy - which could one day lead to an accidental AdSense click. Then I would be making real money.
This would cause me to redouble my efforts in order to move up the levels. No longer would I be content to write any old stuff. I would go to night school and learn about words of the great masters. My next page could be so good that HubPages might move up the Google rankings leading to a fortune for us all.
I am 63% behind this idea.
They ALREADY have a visual incentive to get their hubs featured: the icons on their dashboard, and the fact that the hub is invisible to search engines and not getting traffic.
If that's not sufficient motivation, then cute little badges saying, "congratulations! Your hubs are now functional" isn't gonna do much more. In fact, your accolade would most likely motivate people to delete low-traffic hubs in order to keep their ratio of featured to unfeatured from being skewed. Which is silly.
Once you've been on the web for several years, you're going to find some of your experiments and pages don't pan out. That's a natural side effect of a career as an online writer.
Say I'm getting 5000 visitors a week with 100 hubs. That means I've got some hubs pulling in hundreds of visitors, and some hubs that aren't as successful. That's a normal spread. So is my account less successful than someone who's got five hubs, pulling in about 20 visitors a week, but -- wow, they're all featured?
Hello sunilkunnoth2012. I understand what you are saying, but I don't think it is necessary.
I can already see you are a skilled hubber (because your hubber score is in the 90s) and you are attracting a good amount of traffic to your hubs (because you have an accolade for over 10,000 views). Your profile page tells me you are a steady and conscientious writer (because you have published 69 hubs in the 16 months you have been a member) and a quick look at your titles and lovely photos (displayed like an attractive menu in a quality restaurant) indicates to me that you offer lots of lovely food for thought. Therefore I anticipate that you will have even greater success with the passing of time.
I don't need to see an additional accolade telling me what percentage of your hubs are published. (I expect 100% of your hubs to be published because that is, as others have quite rightly pointed out, what should be 'normal' for every hubber.)
Awarding a badge that says "70% published" is the same as saying "30% of hubs unpublished" - and I don't think that's helpful. I'm sure that people who have hubs unpublished are already aware that their hubs need some kind of work.
Just my thoughts.
I simply loved your thoughts. Great! And Thank you for your kind words and frank expression.
Second WryLilt.
I have 13 accolades at present, but hide them because I consider them meaningless.
The only accolade I want is money in my bank account to compensate for the hours put into creating my hubs. So far, the return on investment at Hubpages has not been worth the effort I made.
Why you people always think of money? Money is fine but it not the finest!
Why else should I waste my time here, except in the hopes I might earn some money?
I have plenty of activities that bring me joy: singing and playing with my West Gallery Group, learning the harp, learning Welsh, geocaching, interacting with my cats, winemaking, cooking, listening to and learning to play folk music, exploring my beautiful land of Wales which adopted me.
My emotional and spiritual life does not need Hubpages. Does yours?
The mission of HubPages is to make money from advertising on our Hubs. Therefore it stands to reason that HubPages wants writers who write for money.
BTW, 100% of my hubs are featured. If one became unfeatured, I would consider this a major failure. Featured is "normal" status; it does not require yet another accolade, for heaven's sake!
by Missing Link 6 years ago
I'm thinking the answer is probably yes?If you have hubs that have been deemed "not featured", for one reason or another, will that factor into lowering your overall score/rating as a HubPages member? Example--let's say your overall rating is 75. If 10 non featured hubs become...
by Patty Inglish MS 11 years ago
I was really surprised to notice a new accolade today - for 1,000 Hubs in featured status simultaneously. Yippeee! Thank you, HubPages! With some consistent work, most of my Hubs are featured and I am thankful for that. Keeping Hubs fresh, updated, and interesting can help our readership and...
by David Livermore 11 years ago
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by SpaceShanty 11 years ago
I have just published my 10th featured Hub and received an email from Hubpages saying that I am in the top 6% of Hubbers who achieve this milestone. Can anyone tell me the next milestone and what percentage that is?
by Mary Craig 11 years ago
How high are your not featured hubs numbers?It seems like my unfeatured hubs are multiplying rapidly, exponentially...is anyone else experiencing this recent phenomenon?
by John Hansen 9 years ago
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