What is your dream job?

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  1. maria.rose profile image38
    maria.roseposted 13 years ago

    What is  your dream job?

  2. Glynis Burke profile image62
    Glynis Burkeposted 13 years ago

    My dream job: writing, working on art, making crafts, and helping my beloved hubby and good/talented musician/performer friends make a living doing what they love to do best, too.

    What's yours?


  3. zduckman profile image62
    zduckmanposted 13 years ago

    My dream job is to be a writer and speaker, educating people about injustices that need attention. Some of my current topics are Chemtrails, genetic engineering, the benefits or eating organic, and how hemp can save the human race to name a few.

  4. slwade profile image61
    slwadeposted 13 years ago

    Id love to be a decent painter but everytime I try I think its rubbish and paint over it with something else. Id love to be in a rock band, be a Fashion Designer or model I can imagine would be hard work but sooooo pleasing at the same time. Finally I have always wanted to be a dolphin trainer it always looks so fun and you can have free days out at seaworld lol smile

  5. GSC bennymac profile image58
    GSC bennymacposted 13 years ago

    My dream job is something that I feel comfortable with. I just started working with GSC and all I can say is awesome! Everything about this company is exciting. From the people, work itself and the money you can make. From the a lot to mention benefits, Everything! A place I can call home!

    Check it out!

    You might find your success too smile


  6. wirul profile image38
    wirulposted 13 years ago

    I wanna be a missionary or a public motivational speaker. smile

  7. barbergirl28 profile image78
    barbergirl28posted 13 years ago

    I want to be an advice collumnist like Dear Abby. I like to help people and would love to give advice kind of like that. I have wanted to do that for as long as I can remember!

    So... if anybody would like to send me a question and see what I can come up with I would love to have some questions to answer! wink

  8. marketingskeptic profile image68
    marketingskepticposted 13 years ago

    I'd love to be a professional creative writer with a good chunk of successful books under my belt. I'd love to be a artistic designer or a personal shopper.

  9. Falakhe Drew profile image57
    Falakhe Drewposted 13 years ago

    I've always wanted to be in a position were i could offer a service that would benefit loads of people . I'm actually doing that , :-)

  10. T.Y._Hudson profile image60
    T.Y._Hudsonposted 13 years ago

    I want to be barbergirl28's butler! I read her ode to hubpages, and she constantly makes not of the fact that she neglects her chores due to her obsession with hubpages! I just like helping out those in need. haha!
    No, really, I'd love to be a movie maker. Script writer, casting, acting coach, director... I want to do it all. Life is too short to chose just one thing to be. But the reality for most of us, is that we can't afford to be, and to try many things.
    By making movies, you have the chance to be anything you want in a sense. You can be the hero, or the villain. Be part of the greatest love story ever to exist, or you could even be in a movie where all your sexual fantasies come true. You travel to other worlds, or create an entire new one all together!
    Anything and everything is possible in movies. That's why I'd like to be part of them, that and the fact that I have a pretty creative mine. Oh and for the fact that I have a very short attention span.   smile

  11. Ken Barton profile image60
    Ken Bartonposted 13 years ago

    I'm attempting to discover my dream job right now through Hub Pages as a writer of family stories and inspirational / motivational type stories, and How-to stories.  Other than that, I am already working as a Tutor and Independent Educational Contractor (Substitute Teacher), working with young people and hopefully helping them achieve their dreams.


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