How do you deal with a bitchy office colleague?

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  1. rob_allen profile image60
    rob_allenposted 13 years ago

    How do you deal with a bitchy office colleague?

  2. Tati Irodova profile image63
    Tati Irodovaposted 13 years ago

    IMHO Ignoring is the most effective method.

  3. T2 MGMT Training profile image60
    T2 MGMT Trainingposted 13 years ago

    Fire them? (Joking!) The most important thing is to make sure they don't poison your other workers - it takes just one bad apple to spoil the bunch. I agree that ignoring works - the more they see it's having an effect, the more they'll do it.

  4. writeido profile image61
    writeidoposted 13 years ago

    Just talk to them in confidence and let them know of your view point. If it does not work... just ignore them.

  5. profile image53
    James Gregposted 13 years ago

    Mind your own business and ignore the snide remarks you will be hearing everyday. Although it is not really possible for everyone to ignore these kinds of people but just don't become too friendly with these lot and also don't pick up a fight. Ignoring can help a lot.

  6. Larry Gee profile image58
    Larry Geeposted 13 years ago

    I think ignoring it is a good option... but I'm always in favour of trying level-headed, clear communication. Despite the best intentions, I think it's easy for resentment to build up against people if behaviour you find upsetting or irritating isn't addressed. I suppose it also depends on your own judgement - are they intentionally targeting someone? Is it a general attitude? I think the little details can sometimes be the most telling, and can help you figure out the best way to approach the situation.

  7. delaneyworld profile image80
    delaneyworldposted 13 years ago

    I think the others hit it right on with ignoring her providing you don't have to work directly with her.  If that is the case, you should sit down with her, perhaps with someone who serves as a mediator to discuss the issue.  Use "me" words and tell her how her behavior and attitude is affecting your work. 

    If that is not successful, go to your supervisor, if you have one.  That is what they are there for and should be able to assist - at least keeping you out of the position of your output being affected by this woman. 

    If you ARE the supervisor, sit down with her and have a heart to heart.  Look at your company policies and follow procedure.  Be sure to document everything.  Good luck.

  8. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 13 years ago

    Misery loves company so treat them with kindness.

  9. rembrandz profile image74
    rembrandzposted 13 years ago

    I. Being a bitchy person is a bad thing at a work place. So talking to such people will not work, unless they listen to us as though we are counselors. That's likely not going to happen. So, just ignore and do not react. Normally once a person like her realizes you are a hard nut to crack (i.e., if you don't show you are effected by her bitching), they will stop bothering you. It takes two hands to clap. So just move out of her destruction path if it's possible. They are not worth even worrying about.

    II. If she has more powers at office than you, then it's a whole other ball game, she could effect your job position. In a worst-case-scenario, step 1: Talk to her (so she gets a warning that you may react officially)
    If that fails, 2. report to your immediate supervisor....they normally as per policy must hold an official meeting with the offender and victim to talk it out.
    If that fails  and the supervisor does not take action (usually right to go above the supervisor, but then you have 2 people you have to go against. Hence 3. I would make good of the job while looking for other options and move on. (But I don't recommend this one needs to be cautious in todays bad days...because there are lesser permanent jobs out there in any part of the world.
    III. So your best bet maybe to assert yourself and stay....get lost in your job and don't worry. It will show in your appraisal whereas the bitchy person may have to officially shut up because such things are basically born out of insecurity.

  10. Savvycruzr profile image60
    Savvycruzrposted 13 years ago

    I strongly think that YOU should talk to the person about how you feel - tell the person: "Are you AWARE that you have been...."  The word "AWARE" will most definitely jolt the person into becoming aware of his/her behavior. :-)

    The person might just be having a bad period in his/her personal life and has been subconsciously reacting negatively.

    In the event that this doesn't work then you can ignore the person - and believe that you've don your best.

    - Savvycruzr

  11. night-furry profile image56
    night-furryposted 13 years ago

    the best way to deal with them is to convince yourself that they do not exist. If you know what it means. smile)

  12. dipsmi profile image67
    dipsmiposted 13 years ago

    be good but not dumb.when you think that she is crossing the limits ,do give her a piece of your mind.Complaining to the supervisor might help but not always.A letter to the HR should be a lethal weapon.


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