I wrote this poem as I continue to try to understand the human condition.
There are so many questions left when we lose a loved one to suicide. Sometimes the answer is to just take it one day at a time.
Thank you to those who often do not receive thanks for all they do. Our angels in scrubs witness us at our best and at our worst, yet never give up on us.
Ten Years Into This Illness and I'm Still Not Okay With It! Yikes!
Ringing in the New Year with a muffled ARGH.
I have lived with chronic illness all of my life. I would like to share how new hope entered my life on Monday October 28, 2013
A note written to my ex-husband after 15 years of marriage.
Time moves faster and faster as I age. It is not easy, but I have found beauty within tragedy as well as triumph.
The only constant in life is CHANGE.
There will always be moments in life that will take your breath away.
Every one of us is perfectly flawed. This poem is about a particularly dark time in my life when I did not know what the future held. My writing gave me a way to express the negative emotions that plagued me.
I might have lost my marriage, lost my love, but I will never lose my memories.
This poem was written in honor of my beautiful mother. She is my hero, my angel and the most amazing person I have ever known. She is everything I strive to be each and every day.
Death, Karma & Two Hamsters is a tale of love, loss, sibling interaction and fuzzy deliciousness.
Can you ever be too unique? A discussion regarding embracing your individuality and thriving despite adversity.
40 really is just a number.
Our world has quickly become technologically dependent. While our lives have become easier in many ways, it has also added confusion and created spanking new problems, including no escape from your work, family and friends. What a treat for all of...
We parents need to band together to guide our kids into becoming functional adults who will leave our nest; hopefully before they turn 30. Let's discuss, shall we?
Utah Lake at Sunset Picture by me Remember when you were young and stayed home from school sick? If you were not super sick and feeling well enough to set up shop on the couch, you were actually quite happy to be home. That was probably the only...
Our family's journey with Epilepsy, our amazing daughter and her special kitten named Flower.
I am building a fairy cottage. It’s probably not what you think. A miniature version maybe? Naw. An outdoor, tent-like structure? Nope. A fun place for my young daughter? No way! I’m going to let you in on my secret. I am building a...
Sometimes you just don't need the details of your collapsing life smacking you in the face every day. Beware social media! It can sneak up on you when you least expect it.
Cherish every moment with your kids. Never stop being amazed by the magic within them and never forget how miraculous they are.
Tripping with hammer in hand, swimming in pumps and the painful, yet hysterical, aftermath.
You call it neurotic, I call it practical.
Sometimes the most powerful lessons are those of what NOT to do. Keep your eyes open for these lessons - they are everywhere.
The only constant in life is change. It's not always pretty, but we all have to do it. Carry on!