What is the difference between positive and negative attitude?

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  1. eswar profile image60
    eswarposted 11 years ago

    What is the difference between positive and negative attitude?

    It is almost the talk of the world next to global warming, everyone everywhere in every thing they talk about positive attitude there is a lot of books lot of lectures going on and coming up every second but still I don't think no where its been clearly defined about the difference between positive and negative attitude can anyone explain this difference taking one situation for consideration ie how acting on that particular situation is positive and negative.

  2. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    Expectation is the biggest difference!
    Having a "positive attitude" means a person believes everything happens for the best in the end. They tend to focus their energy on finding "solutions" to problems.
    A person with a "negative attitude" tends believe their best days are in the past. There is nothing to "look forward to" and considers it a waste of time and energy  do anything other than (accept) or prepare for an upcoming disaster.
    A positive person never wants to give up trying. A negative person is so cynical they toss their hands up in the air and say, "What's the use?!" A person with a positive attitude (welcomes) tomorrow as an opportunity to change things for the better. A person with a negative attitude is (afraid) tomorrow will change things for the worse.

    1. eswar profile image60
      eswarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No one in this world wants to suffer then how come we can call or say he is positive or negative.

    2. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      eswar, I'm not sure I'm following you. Suffering has nothing to do with a person's (outlook) on life. There are people who are physically well but want to kill themselves and there are others who are paralyzed and grateful to be alive. It's attitude!

    3. Shawn McIntyre profile image82
      Shawn McIntyreposted 11 years ago

      This question reminds me of the old story about the pessimist and the optimist.

      The Pessimist says: "Things can't get any worse"
      The Optimist replies: "Sure they can"

    4. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years ago

      The Zen Masters say, first look at the situation without any concepts. There is your answer. Emptiness. Void. Nothingness. Without concepts, words, nothing happens. Actions happen but they have no true meaning. Now enter your concepts. You make a description or an interpretation with your senses. Then you connect your feelings (energy) to it. You call the situation good or bad. If it's good, you send the energy in a happy direction. If it's bad, you send your feelings in a painful, or negative direction. So the gauge is: happiness or sadness or neutral. Zen says get rid of all three and tell me what is left.

      1. eswar profile image60
        eswarposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        get rid of this three to get what?

    5. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago

      One's attitude oftentimes determine and is influential as to how one achieve success, bounce back from failure, and even view life.  Attitude is EVERYTHING! read more

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        This hub is in response to the question. Please check it  out and leave comments, thank you.

    6. nipunsourishiya profile image39
      nipunsourishiyaposted 7 years ago

      Positive or Negative can only be decided by the outcome of it. And most of the time it is situational. If you know how to react in different situations then there is nothing like positive or negative, it is only Attitude.

      You can never pleased all the people at same time, what every you do some will surely say it's wrong....isn't it? So rather thinking about positive or negative attitude, think how your attitude will impact your personal brand, which kind of communication you are giving to outer world with your attitude.

    7. Alan Grace profile image59
      Alan Graceposted 7 years ago

      When the thoughts or work, which are emmiting unhappiness or hurting you and others are considered as negative. On the other hand, that which gives you and others happiness are considered as positive. https://goo.gl/mQ8JoX

    8. profile image51
      skyfallingyetposted 7 years ago

      It is human perception. We tend to think positively with what we agree with and what we have in common with. So if a person tells you that you have a negative attitude, essentially they are saying that you aren't acting up to society's norms.   

      Here is a link that tells and shows the body language of a negative attitude:   https://study.com/academy/lesson/negati … signs.html

      Here is a link  that shows positive attitude body language.  https://blog.udemy.com/positive-body-language/   

      Success in life is rooted having the right attitude. There was a very successful book written long ago that teaches how to be positive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcNfyBJILZE

      The simplest to explain example of the difference in positive and negative attitudes is the childrens book about the train. If he thought that the hill was too big, and doubted his ability, he was unable to climb the hill. If he thought "I think I can! I think I can! Then he was able to climb the hill.

      Take this test to see if you are a optimist or  pessimist. https://steemit.com/motivation/@perfect … perception

      Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches that need to be aware of the thoughts that we have and correct them to teach ourselves not only how to lose weight but get out of the mental rut that is the foundation of many mental illnesses.


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