Do you like your job/career?

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  1. Laura Schneider profile image77
    Laura Schneiderposted 10 years ago

    Do you like your job/career?

    If so, what advice do you have for others. If not, why don't you like your job?

  2. Baby-Boomer-58 profile image71
    Baby-Boomer-58posted 10 years ago

    Absolutely. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't do it. The only thing I can think of that would be worse than spending 40 years in a career I don't like would be spending 40 years in a loveless marriage.

    Fortunately I hit the jackpot on both counts ... but it took a while to find a career I loved, just as it took a while to find the love of my life. My suggestion to everyone would be not to settle for the first employer (or partner) to express an interest in having you around.

    If you are not happy, keep looking. You want to be happy to go to work, and happy to come home. That's what makes life worth living!

  3. Genna East profile image91
    Genna Eastposted 10 years ago

    Yes, I do enjoy my career.  If I had one wish, it would be that I had more time to write, creatively. :-)

  4. wqaindia profile image33
    wqaindiaposted 10 years ago

    I have enjoyed both the scenarios that is in the job and out of job as you can see in my real profile. Based on my experience I have a few suggestions to offer:
    1. Whatever you do, do with heart to have the best results.
    2. Never criticize you country, organization or boss.
    3. Always be prepared to change in location.
    4. Never discuss your official problems with the family. Let the family remain as a family.
    5. Praise others with open heart.
    6. Encourage subordinates to own responsibilities and ignore their small mistakes.
    7. Set an example for others to follow.
    8. Work as a Team.
    9. Take decisions with presence of mind. Never hesitate to say "NO" if you can not and never have biased opinion. Form opinions over a period of time and do not jump to conclusion on short term behaviours.

    Presently I am passing on my experience to juniors free of cost after learning how to build a self hosted multi user wordpress site. Members are pouring in to learn and I love to interact with youngsters even though I have to spent my hard earned few thousand dollars.

  5. grand old lady profile image82
    grand old ladyposted 10 years ago

    I like my job because of the freedom it affords and the fact that I am not tied down to any one office. It also suits my inner hermit.

  6. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 10 years ago

    Yes, I do.

    The answer always lie in the spiritual life. So many people go on Customer Care courses! It does help of course, but only for so long. Then we revert to our true selves.

    Human nature simply does not change this way. I need to serve and serve and serve again, even while putting up with what may initially seem painful. This must be accompanied by genuine longing for inner peace and an aspiration to find God. Outside of the Divine, all life is dry and void.

    Still, on a practical level I will ask that we smile more, show more empathy, serve more and take a keen interest in helping our colleagues as the need arises. Still, goodness comes from the heart, not the mind, and for this Grace from above or within is very necessary. The very act of serving means that something is already coming from the heart.

    What I need and what we all need is happiness. An opportunity to raise the consciousness, the only way to heal the form. Higher blessings.


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