What will you be listening and looking for in tonight's "debate" from Cleveland,

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  1. Perspycacious profile image62
    Perspycaciousposted 8 years ago

    What will you be listening and looking for in tonight's "debate" from Cleveland, OH from 9-11 PM/ET?

  2. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 8 years ago

    I know there is a lot of talk about what people expect.  I plan to sit back and just take in what happens.  It will either be very interesting or very boring.

    1. Perspycacious profile image62
      Perspycaciousposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The politicians in the crowd may be trying to tell us what we want to hear. I will pick a serious concern I have and then see who addresses it, or if they all avoid it.

  3. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    When you have 10 people on the stage 8 months before the first primary there is little to gained from having a debate other than watch candidates eliminate themselves by saying something that proves they're out of touch or  "un-presidential".
    Certainly there will media biases on both sides looking for "gotcha moments" and pouring over any "conflicting facts" stated.
    Right now all eyes are on Donald Trump
    If he were not up there odds are viewership would be much lower.

  4. Au fait profile image84
    Au faitposted 8 years ago

    I don't have a TV and sadly the debate will not be made available online to people who don't have a cable TV sign-in, so I'll have to wait to see what is said about the debate after it's over.

    Generally I don't give much time to things happening this far in advance of the election because so many things will change between now and then.  Most things that are said now or tonight will have little relevance 15 months from now.  Who knows what condition our world will be in by then, or what new problems will have popped up?

    If possible, I would watch tonight's debate simply for the entertainment value I expect it to have.  That is why I checked to see if I could access it live (or recorded) online.

    Mr. Trump has people interested in this debate.  People who might normally, like myself, ignore these things for the same reason I normally would, as previously stated. 

    I'm not a Trump supporter, but I do love the way he has the Republican Party stirred up along with most of its Party members at a loss as to how to handle/manage The Donald. 

    While they will do their best not to show it, every single one of the candidates included in this debate are worried about how silly (or worse) Mr. Trump is going to make them look if he chooses to 'attack' them.

    I saw a report on a television las' night in a restaurant.  Mr. Trump says he just wants to have a civilized discussion; he doesn't want to attack anyone.  An advisor to another candidate who will participate said, "Trump says he doesn't want to attack anyone and then he launches into attacks on those Republicans who have attacked him or said not so nice things about him recently.  Just the opposite of what he said he would do!"

    What a surprise, I say.  Trump is acting like the Republican he claims to be -- doing exactly the opposite of what he says he will.  Now if he will sling some mud and then accuse other people of having done it while claiming innocence for himself, he will be the perfect Republican.  Whatever he says tonight, I'm certain it will be entertaining.

    If he becomes the Republican's nominee in the general presidential election there is a good chance he might win if sentiment remains strong in his favor -- and with so much time before the election that is a HUGE if. 

    While I don't believe he would be the best president, and he won't get my vote, The Donald surly would be a better disaster than the last Republican who sat in the Oval Office -- as would a corpse. smile

  5. Danny Cabaniss profile image70
    Danny Cabanissposted 8 years ago

    I am looking for wisdom in how the other candidates respond to Trump.


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