Should Google Be A Career For A 25yo Newbie Publisher ?

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  1. 5000DAILY profile image60
    5000DAILYposted 15 years ago

    I am 25 years old and have been a Google partner for 3-4mths my first two months I only made like $12 buck and this past month I have marketed my sites like crazy I hardly sleep but my earnings have increased x10 with a average (snipped) ...I just wonder when will it get better. I have been reading up on SEO for 2years now I have 2 PR1 sites up but none of the traffic comes from the search engines. I don't get It what do you guys think am I on the right track ? Or What You Think Is Worng ? Content, Keywords....

    What Can I Do To Boost All My Stats ? ex.CTR, Traffic From Search, Unique Visitor, PR, and Revisits

    Can Anyone Help Me Out?

    Do Anyone Know Of A Regular Person Who Makes Over 5 Figures A Year With Adsense?

    1. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Until you solve this problem, I don't think AdSense is going to work for you in the long run.

      Nor is things like linking to the X-rated adult site in your profile if you want to keep your AdSense account.

      1. profile image0
        shazwellynposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        oooh well spotted relache... God you are pretty amazing!

  2. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    I am a one-person online marketing company and I make well into 5-figures every year and have for almost 10 years. Only you know if you have the talent and ability to make a living as an adsense publisher and affiliate marketer.

    Your question is like asking a group of dentists who don't know you - if you'd make a good dentist. Yes a person can make quite a good living being a dentist, but not everyone has the talent and temperment to be a dentist. (Personally I'm very squeamish and would spend too much time getting sick at the sight of blood.)

    My first month, in December 2001, I made over $2,500 with affiliate programs. And I've seen a lot of increases since then. While I work very hard, online marketing is very intuitive for me and I don't struggle with the concepts. Selling stuff has always been second nature to me and I think writing sales copy is a huge amount of fun. It's just hard to find enough hours in the day.

    I would say if after two years, if you're still struggling, it might be time to reconsider if you're cut out to make this a full-time job - might be better as a part-time supplement.

  3. MikeNV profile image68
    MikeNVposted 15 years ago

    Marketing is NOT about mechanics.

    You are doing the same build it then try and link it that everyone else does and does NOT work.

    What do you know about your market?  How big is it?  Who are the competitors?  How can you bring value to your offer that they can not?

    What do you know about your visitors/customers?  How old are they, are they male or female, why do they visit your site.

    Marketing is about defining markets, figuring out what people want, then figuring out how to get your offer in front of them.

    Then marketing switches to sales.

    The Bottom line is MONEY FOLLOWS VALUE.  It's never about you, and always about your visitor/customer.

    I have started 3 real world businesses.  Bricks and Mortar.  I prefer online.  But I can tell you that there is no way I would put my money into anything until I know I can get a return, and until I have a plan for what I am doing.

    When you open a store or office or consultancy you figure out things like Visibility, Lease Costs, Advertising Costs.  Simple things like a Yellow Pages ad can be astronomically expensive.

    If you think you can make money online just because you have a computer, you are mistaken.  You still have to figure out the market.

    I do know somebody that makes over 5 figures a MONTH! Me. And YOU CAN TOO!  It's not hard.

    Have you heard the phrase "Work Smarter NOT Harder".  You can make a lot of money with a limited amount of traffic.  Just the other day I had a single click pay $5.50!  And $1-$3 clicks are very common.  You MUST create value for he advertisers.

    And I could care less about the things you mention.  I focus solely on making sure my Ads Give my visitors exactly what they are looking for.  My clickthroughs are many multiples of what "average" is... and it's not because of colors, or links, or whatever.  It's because I work on my sites tuning them until the Ads match EXACTLY why my visitors came in the first place.  This is very difficult for people to grasp.

    If you have a site about San Diego Car Rental and you are getting ads about San Diego's Sea World you won't make a good return.  You had better have ads that are about San Diego Car Rental.  Then you MUST figure out how to get traffic that is specifically looking for San Diego Car Rentals.

    While not perfect these hubs I wrote will help you get on track: … r-Earnings … g-Research

    Don't get down on yourself, just switch you thinking from "Me" to "Them".

  4. profile image50
    sotoremodelersposted 15 years ago

    i say your on the right track its not going to happen overnight, and plenty of leg work needs to be put in first before it happens...

    in the mean time just keep refining your approach and try different avenues and see which one is the easiet for you and which one has quicker returns..

    the search engines will take time especially if its a competitive keyword.. find out where the competition is at and see how much you need to make them or beat them than you'll have an idea how long it will take to get a higher position

    do you homework it will always pay off in the long run

  5. Flightkeeper profile image68
    Flightkeeperposted 15 years ago

    You should find Whitney, she's a college student and she made the 4 figure a month threshold. There's no reason why you can't.


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