Biochemistry to Psychology. Is that a bad move?

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  1. profile image0
    JeanMeriamposted 14 years ago

    My daughter is working on her degree in biochem but is thinking of switching to psychology. She is still interested in the biochem but thinks the psychology courses look more interesting.

    I know she can get a good job with the biochem degree. How about psychology? She's not sure she wants to stay in school long enough to get a doctorate.

    I started with psychology years ago and quit because there were no job options. I wonder if things have changed at all.

    1. Shadesbreath profile image75
      Shadesbreathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Psychology is something she can read up on over the course of her whole life.  Tell her to minor in it, if you're worried and she's already got a good way down the unit path to a BS in biochem.

      1. profile image0
        JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That's true. She can certainly enjoy it in her spare time. She can't minor in it though as it is part of the BA not the BS. I'm guessing it looked a lot easier than the biochemistry, but I could be wrong on that.

        1. nadp profile image75
          nadpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I think that choice of majors and minors depend on the particular college.  If she thinks she might want to minor in it she should look into it at her school.  Also, even if she's not allowed an official minor she can take a concentration of courses in any area, and even refer to it as such on job resumes.

    2. profile image0
      LegendaryHeroposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      My psychology teacher spoke about this, he said that it wasn't too good for a job and that to really get a job you need a Ph.D.

      However if she really wants to do psychology, why not?

  2. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 14 years ago

    From my experience i would say the market is not good for psychologists.  I work in a psychiatric facility and we just advertised for a psychologist a month or so ago..  We got a ton of applications from all over the U.S.!

    Before she makes her decsion see if she can talk to a psychologist or follow them throughout their workday..

    1. profile image0
      JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds like a lot of out of work psychologists

  3. Jane@CM profile image61
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    My daughter has several friends who are major's in Psychology & who have graduated with degrees in Psychology & are still looking for jobs. You need a masters degree to find a good job.

    My daughter changed her major this fall from Electrical Engineering to Biomedical Engineering and is taking her pre-meds.  She LOVES the biomedical engineering classes.

    1. profile image0
      JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      My daughter loves the biomedical engineering classes too. They have to take a few for the biochemistry. I'm beginning to think it's the chemistry she doesn't like. She looks dazed after staring at that text book.

      And I think, too, the psychology classes are pretty much saturated. Every third person she tells me about is majoring in psychology.

  4. nadp profile image75
    nadpposted 14 years ago

    She shouldn't change her major.  People with degrees in science are always in demand.  I started out as a math major in college and at one point was going to change majors.  I was advised against it and I have been so glad, so many times, that I listened.  Now, 40 years later, I can say that I was ALWAYS able to find a job when I wanted one.
    I think that any science having to do with applications of biology (such as bio-chemsitry) is VERY much in demand these days.

  5. skyfire profile image75
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    She can pick up psychology any time in life.Biochemistry is one good field and it's hard to keep it up with it later as things change. psychology should be for minor IMO.

  6. Inspiration101 profile image61
    Inspiration101posted 14 years ago

    I was also going to suggest she minor in pysch or do a double major instead. Does she have an elective free where she can pick up one pyschology paper to see if she likes it?

  7. LeanMan profile image71
    LeanManposted 14 years ago

    Let her make up her own mind... It is what she is happiest to study..

    I studied Microbiology and went on to work as an engineer working my way up to general manager of a large company in the automotive industry. Now I am working in the Construction industry..

    It is not what you have learnt that matters for your future it is your capacity to learn....... the world is changing too fast to rely on old ways and old learning, the people that will succeed are the ones who can continue to learn..

    1. profile image0
      LegendaryHeroposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What engineering?

      1. LeanMan profile image71
        LeanManposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Back in the days when we had manufacturing in the West... I was an engineer in a factory making rubber and plastic components then moved into body pannels, drive train and suspension parts... Been around a bit.. But now, none of what I did left in the UK... None of the companies there, all been shipped out to china!

        Hence the comment... you have to adapt, change and learn to survive.. stand still and the world leaves you behind!


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