Do you think it is tacky to post a link to your hub in a comment you leave for s

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  1. davenmidtown profile image67
    davenmidtownposted 12 years ago

    Do you think it is tacky to post a link to your hub in a comment you leave for someone else?

    I can not bring myself to leave a link to one of my hubs in a comment I write to other people. I see that others do and I am curious what the general reaction is to that. I am not saying it is good or bad... just curious what ya'll think.

  2. amithak50 profile image61
    amithak50posted 12 years ago

    I never like when people give link in the comment section also I also don't do this when I comment ..I think it is bad practice and very cheap

  3. bankscottage profile image90
    bankscottageposted 12 years ago

    I don't think it is a problem to answer a question and include a link to one of your hubs.  In fact, HP gives you an option to answer a question with a Hub.  What would be the difference in writing a hub or providing a link to something you have already written?  If you have already written something similar to the answer, why wouldn't you save time by providing a link? 
    It also saves time to provide a link rather than typing in the same information that you have already written. 
    Finally, sometimes you maybe aware of another hubber that has already answered the question with a hub much better than you could and you provide a link to their hub.
    Anyone that reads your answer now has a choice.  If they want more information than your brief answer, they can go to the link.  If not, that is fine too.

  4. WD Curry 111 profile image57
    WD Curry 111posted 12 years ago

    I think it against policy. If two people correspond a lot, it might not be poor manners on their part. If someone is excited enough about their work to leave a link, then I like to read it. Sometimes I can take a hint and come over to look it up. Please, go ahead and leave the link.

  5. Uninvited Writer profile image79
    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years ago

    If your link is directly related to your comment that is okay. I refuse comments, even if they are related and very good if they have an unrelated link.

    I've only added a link once that I can think of.

  6. The Frog Prince profile image71
    The Frog Princeposted 12 years ago

    Tacky isn't probably the appropriate word.  Try "unprofessional" or "self-promoting."

    The Frog

  7. tlmcgaa70 profile image60
    tlmcgaa70posted 12 years ago

    if i have a hub related to the one i am commenting on, i may mention it or sometimes even mention the name of the related hub, but i dont usually leave a link. i figure if someone is interested they will go check it out. i always approve comments posted on my site unless they are vulgar , everyone has a right to their own opinion even if it disagrees with mine. that means even comments with links will get approved.  even if i dont always think the link is related to my story.

  8. Poohgranma profile image80
    Poohgranmaposted 12 years ago

    Yes and I delete the posts if it happens.

  9. Johnrr631992 profile image84
    Johnrr631992posted 12 years ago

    Yes, and when people post links in my hubs they get their comments deleted. One of my pet peeves. I understand you are backlinking, but if I write a hub, I don't want people advertising theirs in my comments.

  10. bloggering profile image71
    bloggeringposted 12 years ago

    Our profile names are linked to our accounts and I figure if someone wants to check you out further, they can click on that. I don't add links to comments, but it doesn't bother me if others do...

  11. fitmom profile image72
    fitmomposted 12 years ago

    I guess it might depend how it was done. I probably would just say that I'd written a hub on that topic and maybe give the name of the hub. I've just recently joined hub pages and am still learning what the unwritten rules are that people follow.

  12. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image81
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years ago

    It can be seen as "tacky."  I think it matters quite a lot how well or if you actually know the person.

    I welcome such comments with links on my hubpages comments - so long as they are always relevant to the topic of the hub - I "might" be so inclined as to include the link via the hp link capsule into the body of my own hub.

  13. feenix profile image56
    feenixposted 12 years ago

    Not only is it "tacky" for one to post a link to his/her hub in a comment on someone else's page, it's not cool and demonstrates a lack of class.

  14. free-seotools profile image38
    free-seotoolsposted 12 years ago

    Yes it's cheap and possibly disrespectful, but the question is why leave a link in the first place. If you leave a comment or a reply or a forum post anywhere then it has a direct link right back to your profile and from there people, if they want, can check out how much you know about a subject.
    I think that is enough personally and that comes from someone who spends the majority of every day looking for quality link opportunities.

  15. EyesStraightAhead profile image74
    EyesStraightAheadposted 11 years ago

    I think it depends on whether you are trying to "sell" the hub or if you are just sharing information. For example, if I wrote a hub about the variations of the Snow White tale, I wouldn't mind someone commenting and stating what they liked or didn't like about my hub and then sharing a link to their hub that contains a review of Snow White and The Huntsman. However, if I shared a link to a hub that didn't relate, I think that is tacky. We are all here to support one another and share our words with the world, but I think we have to also ensure we are doing it appropriately.


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