1 Year of HubPages, over 2000 visits and 0 cents in earnings. Is it normal?

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  1. NitroD profile image63
    NitroDposted 11 years ago

    1 Year of HubPages, over 2000 visits and 0 cents in earnings.  Is it normal?

    In one year I have earned $0 using HubPages which is a great disappointment.  I have posted 5 articles that have collected over 2000 visits (mostly from google).  Is it possible they have not gotten even 1 click from the adverts?? Ok 5 articles are not so many but they collected over 2000 visits and not even 1 cent??  How many visits you need to collect to earn 1 cent (yes you read well, 1 cent, not one dollar)? BTW I started to move my articles to my blog which is much better (yes I can get 1 cent from there:))

  2. sparkleyfinger profile image86
    sparkleyfingerposted 11 years ago

    That's strange. Iv been on for 5-6 weeks and have made about 1dollar 20c although I have nearly 20 hubs? You could maybe set up the eBay or amazon options? I haven't done it yet, but will do soon! Good luck!

    1. NitroD profile image63
      NitroDposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      how many visits did you collect in these weeks?

    2. sparkleyfinger profile image86
      sparkleyfingerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      560 visits or so.

  3. getting there profile image83
    getting thereposted 11 years ago

    Concerned about low earnings from your hubs? Make sure your Ad Program, AdSense, and Payment Settings are all complete and set up correctly. It is easy to make a mistake,or overlook something. We all do it from time to time. Here is an article to help you double check to make sure your payment settings and Ad Programs are set up correctly. read more

    1. NitroD profile image63
      NitroDposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      checked my settings, looks fine sad

    2. getting there profile image83
      getting thereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      NitroD, I looked at your hubs, and I noticed a glaring lack of ads. You have ads, but they appear too far down in the hub. You should format your hubs such that an ad appear right next to the first paragraph. The more people see the more they click.

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image86
    M. T. Dremerposted 11 years ago

    I remember the earning in the beginning being very slow. I transferred a bunch of old articles from a defunct writing website when I first came here, so I had something like 30 articles posted right at the beginning. It was slow going, but I think after a year, I had my first payout. The best advice I can give is to write more articles and market the ones you already have. I never know which hubs are going to be popular, so writing more ensures that at least a few of them will hit it big. And, if you post back links to your hubs on relevant websites, it can create a second stream of views separate from search engines. Having said that, even with over 130 hubs and over 100,000 views, I've only reached three google payouts in the last three years. So, it's not a quick or efficient business model. If you make more money on your blog, you might consider doing that instead.

  5. DrMark1961 profile image96
    DrMark1961posted 11 years ago

    You should have 4-6 dollars. If you have an adsense account, and your Hubpages earning program is set up correctly, then I would recommend you contact the team at HP and find out what is wrong. It is not normal, and if everything is set up correctly (adsense and HP) then you do not have to worry about formatting, how many people click your pages, etc.

  6. Goody5 profile image58
    Goody5posted 11 years ago

    You have every right in the world to move your hubs if you wish NitroD, and it looks like many of our fellow hubbers are doing the same thing. I've been keeping track of just how many of our fellow hubbers are leaving each and every day, and it's starting to add up - http://goody5.hubpages.com/hub/Google-vs-the-Hub-Pages Many of us are simply here for fun, and enjoyment and we don't worry about things like earnings or silly profile scores. I want to wish you the best of luck with your own blog, and come back and visit with us from time to time  smile

  7. Everyday Miracles profile image84
    Everyday Miraclesposted 11 years ago

    I see a few problems that stand out instantaneously when looking at your account. First of all, only three of those five hubs that you've mentioned are "featured," which means that the other two aren't showing up on your profile. In order to get those hubs "featured" you need to improve them to the point that they are acceptable by Hubpages standards.

    The second problem that I'm noting is that your hubs aren't optimized for ads. Ideally, you want the ads to show "above the fold" which means that your visitors don't have to scroll down the page before seeing your ads. If your ads are above the fold they are more likely to get clicks even if the visitor doesn't stay on your page.

    The third problem is that your hubs may not be related to subjects that are optimal for earning. You want to write about things that have high earning potential. You can use a keyword tool to determine how much Adwords users are paying Google for clicks on your ads. Ideally you want these to be high amounts since you only receive a portion of it. $5+ dollars will get you started but there are users paying $20+ for clicks, so those are the ones you really want to go after, since it takes fewer clicks to earn.

    There are a couple of other things to take into consideration here.

    1. You only get 60% of ad impressions. You may be earning clicks, but those clicks may be attributed to Hubpages' ad time.

    2. The number of people visiting your page is irrelevant. The number of people /staying/ on your page. If your "bounce rate" is high, you're not going to earn because people will use the back button. You need to keep people on your page. Try adding videos and polls.

    Hubpages isn't perfect, but in one year on 5 hubs, 2000 visits isn't a very high number either. It looks to me like you need more copy on your pages and that you need to optimize that copy for search engines. After two years I finally started to earn enough to make payout every month. After three years it's down again. But I have confidence in my ability to bring it back up!


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