hitting 20'000 page views a day within one year....can it be done? what will it

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  1. dosburros profile image74
    dosburrosposted 13 years ago

    hitting 20'000 page views a day within one year....can it be done? what will it take?

  2. hassann profile image60
    hassannposted 13 years ago

    That would be nice. I guess it can be done but only with some meticulous work and decent keyword research.

  3. mr. daydream profile image60
    mr. daydreamposted 13 years ago

    Depends on how much you write. I peak over 100 pv (page views) at various times after I publish a new hub. It's possible to reach and exceed 20,000 in your first year. More than likely you won't reach 20K a day in your first year (if this is your first year). But after you've been here for a few years and have built a fan base of 1,000 followers and published ATLEAST 500 hubs, you may eventually average a consistency of 20,000 page views a day, give or take a few as internet traffic wavers.

    But trust me fellow hubber, like all things in life, this is something you're gonna work for, good luck!

  4. warchild75 profile image65
    warchild75posted 13 years ago

    It is possible, i have gone from around 200 views a day to around 3500 so i have gone up by around 3300 views a day in about 9 months so it is possible,if you put in more work than i did.

  5. stazstaz profile image61
    stazstazposted 13 years ago

    warchild75, what did you do to get so many views in so little time? Were you focusing on backlinking more or pumping out hubs like crazy?

  6. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 13 years ago

    You have to pick a hot topic.  Hot topics are mostly what teenagers or those not overly intellectual follow.

    Teenagers like anything about video games and video game hardware.  If you have expertise in these you can rapidly gain YouTube followers and likely HubPage followers.

    Hockey, Football, Basketball and UFC (ultimate fighting) are also big draws.

    Hot subjects among the less intellectual are about

    1. New World Order
    2. Contrails and conspiracy theory
    3. UFO conspiracy and cover ups

    Write about those subjects and your view meter will rise rapidly.

    You can also attract followers with subject such as cooking, knitting, crochet and how-to subjects on just about anything. e.g. how to cook, how to sew, etc.

    Another hot subject is the star "du jour".  Write about Justin Bieber and they will come.

    And, of course, have lots of content well written with some links.

  7. Right On Time profile image59
    Right On Timeposted 13 years ago

    Articles about weight loss
    Articles about making money fast
    Articles about saving money in unstrategic ways

  8. Susana S profile image91
    Susana Sposted 13 years ago

    It will take a lot of work but can be done. Read this hub by Misha to help you get going: http://hubpages.com/hub/Google-Keyword-Tool-Redefined

  9. SunSeven profile image61
    SunSevenposted 13 years ago

    Its done before me and after me.
    As for me, close to 10 million views in 3+ years
    A few people have crossed 10M page views at HP within 3 years.

    e.g. Whitney -  Check her out - http://hubpages.com/profile/Whitney05

    Best Regards

  10. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    Yes it can be done. You have to sort out your purpose for the 20,000 page views a day within one year. Big page views do not always earn you big money. I have 955 ever views on my 1 unpublished hub and it earned its first 1 cent on December 28, 2010. It is also earning everyday on my page views that I am getting everyday since that time. 100 percent referrals 0 percent search engines 0 percent direct traffic for my 1 unpublished hub to give you an example. Content is king. Quality always with every hub that you do published or is unpublished like mine is unpublished.

  11. Rosie2010 profile image67
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    Wow, hitting 20,000 page views a day would be awesome and to be able to do it in a year is even more awesome.  Well, let me see... I'm averaging a 100 more or less a day.. I have a looong way to go.  But as some people here say, it can be done.  So here's to 20,000 page views a day within our first year. Cheers!

  12. profile image0
    Mr Tindleposted 13 years ago

    Wow, not even close yet for me, but it would seem from the comments that some have been able to accomplish it. I hope to continue learning and eventually get to the point were my hubs have many more views.

  13. Raaghavan profile image60
    Raaghavanposted 13 years ago

    I am not sure about 20,000 page views per day.

    But one of my hub made close to 2000 views yesterday(Jan 1 , 2011) and the topic of the hub is What is GMMXIe in Google?

    http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-GMMXle- … for-GMMXIe

    As many other users said, choosing the hot topic will be the key and in case if you decide to choose hot topic, make sure that you use the perfect keyword.

    There is nothing possible in this world. If we work Smart enough with very good inputs, I am sure that you will reach your goal.

    thanks and regards,


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