New hub not crawled by google!

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  1. davenmidtown profile image69
    davenmidtownposted 11 years ago

    For the first time, after publishing a new hub, I was not able to find it in google search for three days. I had to manually enter the hubs information into google so that it would be added to the search engines.  Since then, the hub has only had 1 view from google... though yahoo search seems to be liking this hub.

    I am wondering:

    1 why google did not find the hub in the first place?
    2 Do I need to check all of my hubs to see if some of them  have not been added to google?
    3 Could this be related to the Traffic Source issues going on now?
    4 Are other people having similar experiences?

  2. Xenonlit profile image60
    Xenonlitposted 11 years ago

    I wonder how many thousands of hours bloggers have spent trying to decipher the mysteries of Google or play the Google search wars.

    It may be time to take a stand:

    Give up some clear information and quit playing games.

    1. davenmidtown profile image69
      davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      my frustration with google is very large... I was banned from adsense without an explanation while accused of doing something they would not identify, so I could not at least understand why. Not a google fan at all.

  3. shuck72 profile image77
    shuck72posted 11 years ago

    My traffic is way down and I can't find my hubs on google anymore either when some of them used to rank near the top.

    Appears to be related to some Panda release last monday.

    It would be nice if the hubpage staff would shed some light on the recent traffic problems instead of us all guessing in the forums.

    1. davenmidtown profile image69
      davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Was just digging around and apparently since the update to the new profile, google is no longer able to verify my account at hubpages....

  4. WryLilt profile image88
    WryLiltposted 11 years ago

    Ping it on

    1. davenmidtown profile image69
      davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      said failed due to missing components

  5. Norman Stein profile image61
    Norman Steinposted 11 years ago

    Tweet it, google will find it very quickly when you tweet it.

    Having said that there could be a simple reason that it's not indexed...

    There may be a hub with the exact same title already, in that case google will list the first one and the additional ones are listed under in a section titled 'additional results from same domain' I don't remember exactly what it's called.

    Search for your article title on HP, see what comes up.  If there's another hub with the same exact title you'll have to make google think it's more relevant to get it to show first.

  6. Norman Stein profile image61
    Norman Steinposted 11 years ago

    just noticed you said Yahoo search likes it.

    Yahoo doesn't check for keyword density while google does.  Google will not list your content if it feels you're keyword spamming.  Yahoo on the other hand seems to like it.

    Use the SEOworkers keyword density tool to check your KW density and adjust if necessary.

    SEO KW Tool

    1. davenmidtown profile image69
      davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Once I manually submitted the article to google... it listed it as usual... but it had been published for three days before I did that. In those three days I would not appear in a google search for the exact title... after I manually submitted it shows up with just half of the title in the search request

      1. Norman Stein profile image61
        Norman Steinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        If I can ask, what's the article title?

        1. davenmidtown profile image69
          davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          How to breed angelfish -Selective breeding and Genetics

          1. Norman Stein profile image61
            Norman Steinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I think you have an issue with the title...

            If you search google like this your hub doesn't come up...
   "How to breed angelfish -Selective breeding and Genetics"

            If you search this..
   "How to breed angelfish"
            A different hub is first (one of yours btw) and the new one isn't listed at all.

            Personally I think you should change the title.  Perhaps there's just too much on HP with the same KW.

            Just a thought, I really don't see any other explanation for this.

            I did check the KW density and you have an amazing 48% for 'angelfish', from what I understand anything over 5% is a no no.

            1. davenmidtown profile image69
              davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              this hub is also huge... it is close to 5000 words... I don't think my tags are just for angelfish... but not sure if that is important or not... I usally would make a tag: how to breed angelfish.  not just angelfish.

              1. Norman Stein profile image61
                Norman Steinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I'm now convinced it's a KW density problem.
                If you search google like this, taking out 'angelfish'
       "selective breeding"
                your new hub is the number one result.  google thinks your spamming angelfish. 

                I'd break it up into two words occasionally, and maybe just use 'fish' once in a while

                1. davenmidtown profile image69
                  davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  shall try it..

                  1. davenmidtown profile image69
                    davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    so why do you think it did not list the first time around? as all of the other hubs did?

  7. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 11 years ago

    New Hubs are crawlable and almost always crawled by google quickly.  Just put your url into google and search for it to see if it's there.

    I was helping another Hubber with this the other day and sure enough, it was.

    1. davenmidtown profile image69
      davenmidtownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I put my url into google for three days and that hub did not show. I went down 10 pages and nothing... the url should show spot 1.  It was not until I went to the google site to enter a url or announce an article that the article was crawled. By the next day I had one google view.

      I thought this was very odd, because as far as I know this has never happened to me or to one of my articles that I have published here. Almost all of my articles are consistant in how they perform... if you look at them by subject... i.e. all my garden hubs do X this good.... all my fish hubs do XX good.  But this hub was different... it was very large... 5000 word... it  has 18 pictures, etc. It is out of my norm for most of my hubs.  I am still curious... that is how a scientist thinks... why this happened.


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