Google adsense disapproved my application

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  1. nameisg profile image59
    nameisgposted 12 years ago

    My application got disapproved. What should I do?

  2. WriteAngled profile image81
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    You need far more than 2 hubs. 10 is often suggested as a reasonable number before you apply.

    In addition, depending on where you live, you may not be able to get account until your web site or hubs have been up for 6 months. That is Google's policy with respect to certain countries.

    1. nameisg profile image59
      nameisgposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I see. When I applied for Google Adsense, I only had 1 hub. Now I know the reason why I got disapproved. So how do I reapply? Do I have to make another Adsense account?

  3. To Start Again profile image69
    To Start Againposted 12 years ago

    Check the email they sent and see if they tell you or offer a link that tells you how or when. Otherwise, you should be able to reapply by doing what you did before. If you go to 'earnings' under your account and click the button next to the google option it should take you to the application. Use the same info you used before but I would wait a while. I heard a while back that its a good idea to wait about a month or two. I'm not sure if that's still the case but it would give you sufficient time to build up your hubs and get some more traffic to them. Best of luck smile

    1. nameisg profile image59
      nameisgposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I understand. Thank you for your help! Have a great day ahead. smile

  4. sergs_pogi profile image58
    sergs_pogiposted 12 years ago

    I had 5 hubs when I applied for Google Adsense. My application was approved after two weeks.

    1. nameisg profile image59
      nameisgposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      2 weeks? I thought you'll just have to wait for 2-3 days?

      1. sergs_pogi profile image58
        sergs_pogiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That was my case, though. Others' may be different.

  5. WriteAngled profile image81
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    Things change all the time at Google, and I think it depends a lot also on the applicant's country. Two years ago, I was approved overnight after submitting one pdf of the text of a lecture I gave once to a document repository. I do not think I would stand a chance in hell of being accepted with something like that now!!!

  6. nameisg profile image59
    nameisgposted 12 years ago

    I should've joined Hubpages years ago, maybe it was easier to apply before. By the way, a2zoffer, from what I know, we are not allowed to create more than 1 Adsense Account.

  7. dezalyx profile image78
    dezalyxposted 12 years ago

    I think I got approved when I had 6 hubs, 1 month after joining HubPages. I just kept clicking reapply until Google accepted my application. I think the traffic I suddenly got from one or two hubs helped.

  8. rabia iqbal rabi profile image62
    rabia iqbal rabiposted 12 years ago

    Google disapproved my application  four time. When it will approved my application. How many
    hubs required to approved my application . I submit my application from another blog where i have
    a lot of posts .In order to that link when i apply for my hub pages account it is disapproved .what should I do apply again n again or wait . thank you

    Rabia Iqbal Rabi.

    1. To Start Again profile image69
      To Start Againposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      well, for one, stop applying over and over. Your wait needs to be longer than a day or two. Second, check out Googles adsense info page. Your acceptance could be based on the country you are in.

      Third, if you have a blog and are applying, there is no need to apply through HubPages, too. Just do one or the other and once you have an approval (if you can get one) enter your number/ connect the account to the other

      Finally, remember that you only joined three days ago and have two hubs. Google isn't likely to approve you if there isn;t any traffic to your page and nothing there to bring traffic to you

      1. rabia iqbal rabi profile image62
        rabia iqbal rabiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for this information.
        Rabia Iqbal Rabi.

      2. atotsm profile image59
        atotsmposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Good information. Nevertheless Hubpages could help the people a little bit more. People strugling with this gets them more more money. And that is why I think about 'Deliberate Negligence'. And that my friends, is simply immoral.

        1. LiteTec profile image63
          LiteTecposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yeh, they should say the truth about the matter.  It doesn't look very good or very professional to leave users to struggle with a third party that does not want to be helpful.

          1. atotsm profile image59
            atotsmposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I can't call it responsible how hubpages handles this. And they aren't handling it because it brings them money.

  9. Christine Miranda profile image72
    Christine Mirandaposted 12 years ago

    LOL. I just posted a hub on the issues I've had with AdSense over the past 8 weeks, disapproved, under review and being advised to add HTML code. HubPages blames Google, Google blames HubPages. I FINALLY fixed it today and detailed how I did it in a hub for others. I think ATOTSM is right, the longer we are jerked around the longer they are collecting 100% and not paying out to the writer.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I bet Google didn't blame HubPages.  Every communication you get from Google is a stock answer:  they never address your specific problems, that's part of the problem.  Unfortunately, HubPages can't do much to help, because they have no access to your Adsense account. 

      Adsense is being more and more fussy about accepting writers - that's not something that's within HubPages' control.  Besides, a few weeks' delay is really nothing to worry about.  Most Hubbers make a few cents at best in their first few months, because it takes time for your Hubs to rank well enough in search engine results to get enough views.  Bear in mind, you can expect to earn $2 to $5 per 1,000 views, so you can't really start earning until you're getting visitors from the search engines.

      1. Christine Miranda profile image72
        Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You are right, they both kept referring me to the other.  At least HubPages has an email that you can send an inquiry to and get a fairly quick response.

      2. atotsm profile image59
        atotsmposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Its not about those few cents. If they (Hubpages) do this with thousands of people every month. How much is it then? They know this!! So? And Google directs me to fix the problem on Hubpages and Hubpages doesn't know nothing? After all those times this problem occured they could have formed a better handling of these kind of situation. But why would they if they make thousands and thousands of dollars extra each month!?

  10. sroo profile image86
    srooposted 12 years ago

    Ahh!!! Thank you so much for this thread! I've been having the same problem. I was under the impression that one hub was enough for me to be accepted. Silly me. tongue
    Oh well, I'm off to write more hubs!

    1. atotsm profile image59
      atotsmposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      They (AdSense) accepted me after a few days when I had only one hub. Hubpages took down my hub for duplication-reasons; and after that  I encountered AdSense problems for not having any content. My hub was marked as a duplicate because hubpages doesn't allow you to change the name of the hub-url. So. In the help section of hubpages they adviced me to copy the content in a new hub with the right url-name. Great! If they do this with me (deliberate negligence) they do this with thousands! And that is thousands dollars extra each month for who?


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