I have 3 featured hubs on my account, now i'm planning to earn money with my account. Can i apply for adsense or i have to wait few more days? Please help me, i'm new to adsense. I don't have any idea about it. Is there any other way existed to earn money from adsense?
Publish more hubs (10 at least, I'd say), wait for Hubscore to break 80, then apply.
That's probably the safest route.
Should I need to wait for 6 months for applying to adsense account and to earn money through google adsense?
If as you said earlier your Adsense Account was disabled you must have broken one of their rules, in which case you will probably find it virtually impossible to get them to give you a second chance and re-activate your account. If however, you were never accepted and therefore never had an active Adsense account, then you might be okay, but if you are in India you will need to wait 6 months to apply, and if you are elsewhere you will need between 10 and 20 good quality articles (in good English and well spelled etc) before you are likely to be accepted.
Before coming to hubpages i owned a blog and i was writing to that.
The id that I used both for my blog and hubpage account was the same.
Once I applied for adsense when writing to my blog and it was disapproved.
I stopped blogging and I came to hubpages, then i applied for adsense for my hubpage account through hubpages earnings program and now the website address is same as my blog's address and i dont have any option to change my website(blog) address to hubpage web address.
Sorry I am still rather confused. If you already had an Adsense ID when you were writing your own blog, why would you apply again? I am guessing you lost your account through breaking TOS whilst writing your own blog and that therefore you lost the ID completely which means you can't use it anywhere (including HP). You can't apply from here now and try to get another Adsense ID because this is not allowed by Adsense. Once you lose your Adsense account/ID you are basically out of luck as they very rarely ever give you your account back no matter where you are writing (sorry to be the bearer of bad news).
I applied it again for hubpages because it was not approved for my blogger web...
So, now I have to start with new hubpage account and again wait for 6 months? or Is it possible to associate this account with a new gmail id?
I am afraid I can't offer you much help here because I do not totally understand your English and how you are explaining things (this could well be why your Adsense applications are also failing as good English language usage is essential). It won't make any difference how many new HP accounts you apply through, (If they have rejected you because of poor quality content you will have to publish better articles until they grant you an account.) If you broke their TOS and they cancelled/blocked your account then you are unlikely to ever get it back (gmail is irrelevant for this purpose).
What i have to consider for 6 months period? I mean, if suppose i created my profile on august but my first hub got featured mark on January. As per my profile i completed 6 months duration and according hubs i completed only 2 months. What Google will consider, profile creation date or hub creation time?
Google will look at the time your material has been visible on the Internet.
Going by your message, I strongly suggest you need to review your work carefully for grammatical correctness as this is a vital factor in becoming accepted for Adsense.
I see WriteAngled has already covered the answer perfectly in her comment .
You are in India. According to their current policy, Adsense will not even consider you for an account until you have been here for at least six months.
Use the time to build up the best possible portfolio so as to maximise you chances of success.
Many people are getting rejected, even with about ten hubs. You would be wiser building up twice that number at least.
I have applied, and is now under review (have been that for a couple of days now), I have 18 hubs..but none have reached 80 yet, the highest are 75 this far, so maybe that is not enought yet..we'll see. But what I wonder her is: do I need to implement an html code on my pages? The one that they say is the second stage in the application. Or is that technicalities that are arranged by hubpages?
The 2nd stage of the application process happens when they assign you a number. This is your publisher number. Place that number in your earnings profile for google adsense.
You do not have to add this number to your hubs. That is done automatically.
There are clear instructions on this in the learning center.
If you are from India wait six month, but in the same time try to publish quality hubs of more than 500 words. I applied 3 times before and got my application disapproved because of insufficient content. Then I reapplied a 4th time two weeks ago with 14 hubs and got my account under review before they approved it at the very time I am writing this answer. So good luck and don't despair.
My adsense account was disabled. Will they accept if i apply again for adsense?
Anna, you've stumbled upon one of the great mysteries of hubpages and adsense! I've also looked everywhere for the answer to that question--strangely, it's mentioned nowhere in any of the FAQs or learning center hubs. I even emailed hubpages last Thursday with that very question and have yet to receive a reply. I, like you, am in adsense limbo, wondering what the next step is and unable to find help anywhere.
I suppose this is what the forum is about, that we can learn and help each other. I hope the answer from galleryofgrace will clarify for you as it did for me.
I wouldn't recommend Google AdSense. They'll reject you. Amazon AdSense is better. They let you in automatically.
Thanks, but when reading what another hubber wrote further down here, it seems like you have misunderstood. But now, thanks to this discussion, you learn more as well :-)
There's no such thing as Amazon adsense!
Don't bother awallpost-I have 9 featured articles on my account and Adsense rejected me several times and I won't be applying anytime soon.
If you only have 9 posts and have been here less than 3 weeks then that is why you have not been accepted. Just be patient, write another 5 to 10 good quality articles, give them a few weeks to be indexed (therefore assessed by Google) then re-apply. It really isn't that difficult, and I earn a good three figure income a month from Adsense/HP Ads.
Thank you for your response; I'll keep writing.
I am sure you will get your Adsense account soon if you get a good few high quality articles published here and then once they are featured give them a few weeks (or more) to allow Google to 'find' them, and then apply again. Don't apply too many times close together though, so if you are rejected the first time give it five or six weeks before trying again.
Thanks Misty-I've written 12 hubs and 9 of them are featured. Today, for the first time one of my hubs scored 82. My personal Hub number is 79. Do you think I should wait until all of my hubs are over 80? or my personal hub score? I'm so excited I am now a Level Commentator.
Golden rule here, pay no attention to your Hub Scores or your Author scores, Google certainly don't (in fact they don't even see them). You will read a huge amount over time whilst on HP, many of it from Hubbers who will tell you their highest earning hubs are frequently not the ones with the highest Hub Scores. With regard to your Author score, you should only worry if it drops below 75, and this is because any outgoing links you have on your hubs will then be marked as 'No Follow' by HP, otherwise just focus on writing good quality hubs of at least 500 words if at all possible.
English is not compulsory. You can place ads on any language site. So this doesn't matter at all. A site in Russian or in Urdu can have AdSense ads.
That's true, but it must be good Russian and good Urdu. HubPages is an English language site, so all content needs to be in well-written English to avoid any ranking penalties from Google. If an Urdu language website contains badly-written Urdu, then Google will penalise that too.
Basically 'what chasmac said' . Google will judge content on an English website based on the quality of the English content. If it is poor English and low quality content they will not grant that person an Adsense account.
For getting approved by Adsense bloggers from India have to wait for at least six months. Monetization can be implemented any time but we need to learn the rules of the game first.
I was rejected at 10 hubs. The criteria is changing, and you probably need at least 15 now to get approved. I'm going to go ahead and get to 20 before I apply again.
I got 18 when I applied my second time, I have 20 now and I just got approved, so keep on working! :-)
I figure that maybe you should write a couple of more hubs that are of a decent quality. I was rejected from Google AdSense a few times and then finally after a long time, I was finally approved.
Thank you Lynn
My aim is to have good quality content first
So do Google adsense send you a message when you are approved? I am still under review...
Thanks! I will be patient :-) Makes it easier when you know that this is how it is...
I just got an email from Google AdSense telling that I am accepted, good so far, but in the email they said that ads will soon show up on one of my hubs...but what about all the others? I thought when you were accepted that all hubs will have ads. I can't see what is special with this certain hub that they mentioned..or do they just start with one hub?
Same is the case with me. I have 16 featured hubs. But in email they have mentioned only one hub for ads. Don't know what is the reason behind this. But for this hub I am getting maximum visits from google. So may be that could be the reason.
I don't think so, I have several hubs that have both better scores and more visitors than the hub they mentioned in the email. Hope we get some more replies on the question from some more experiences guys :-)
I can't see how they can do this, as once you input your Adsense code into your account settings here, then all the adverts on your hubs will have that code attributed to them 60% of the time. Right now you already should have adverts on all your hubs because they will be the ones showing HP's Adsense code. All that should change once you enter your code is that 60% of the time your code will be the one that earns from the adverts and 40% of the time it will be HP's. Certainly when I got my Adsense account nearly 5 years ago there was no period of time where adverts appeared only on one hub. Personally I would email the HP team for clarification.
I'm a newbie member here. I don't have an Adsense account yet. I would just like to ask, can I earn money on the Adsense account Hubpages putting on my written Hubs?
No, you need your own Adsense account, then 60% of the time you will earn from the adverts and 40% of the time HP will earn. Until then HP will earn from Adsense 100% of the time.
Then i just realized, Squidoo has a better deal because you don't have to worry whether or not you have an Adsense account because they'll be the ones who will provide it for your article(lens).
You only earn on Squidoo if your articles are over and above a certain level (not sure exactly how it works as I don't write there). Basically lots of people earn nothing on Squidoo and often find their articles marked 'WIP' which means 'Work in Progress', in other words not earning anything at all. Don't assume anything you write there will earn you 50% Adsense revenue share, because basically it won't!
If you want to make money without even having an Adsense account, you can sign up to Squidoo. It's almost the same as Hubpages, but they'll be the one who will provide you with the Adsense ad. You earn 50% of the profit.
Thanks for the idea yansky...I will keep that in mind.
No worries about that AdSense is just mentioning one of your hubs, I see now that ads show up very fine on my other hubs as well..so they likely just took one of the hubs..I don't know, but it doesn't matter as long as it works all right :-)
Yansky23, Squidoo might be a better deal IF you don't have an Adsense account and therefore aren't eligible for the HP Payment Program. But only the top 85,000 lenses on Squidoo get paid from visits and ad clicks, if I understand it correctly. Only the top 2,000 (first tier) get paid the lion's share of earnings. The second tier (I'm not sure where the cutoff is) get paid a less. And the third tier (up to 85,000) get paid much less. Lenses that fall short of that won't earn from Sqiudoo's in-house ad program.
There are, however, various other ways to earn money if you make sales. There is a very big focus on generating sales on Squidoo. The entire site is sort of a cross between writing and affiliate marketing. Lots of traffic won't necessarily bring in any money, unless these visitors are in the mood to buy.
Traffic across the Squidoo site has fallen in recent months.
I'm not saying don't write for Squidoo. I just opened an account there in an attempt to diversify. But it's not an automatic cash cow.
I would say if your going to apply for Adsense or anyone here for that matter, wait till you have published a decent amount of informative quality hubs. Make sure those hubs are "featured" as well. So if your writing 2-3 hubs a day I would wait at least a month.
As you started here to talk about other sites, I wonder what you say about Infobarrel? I saw on their site that they offer you to keep 75% of the AdSenses revenues, that sounds good. Any experiences of this site?
I've read good and bad reviews about Infobarrel. I'm not sure what sides will i believe. I've read that some do earn $500 or more through Adsense and Chitika ads. While some says that they are very strict by scrutinizing every detail of the article subimission. I've also read about the comparison between Hubpages and Infobarrel, stating that Hubpages is a better site for earning revenues.
I've also read that Infobarrel has low traffic. But out of curiosity, i'll also try signing up there and let's see what will happen.
I would like to know too how you apply and what adsense criteria is so they will accept you
I find now answers to help me
Go in on Earnings on your page and scroll down where you see External Affiliate Settings and there you'll find AdSense and you can click in the options there and learn how to do. But wait until you have put up about 15 hubs I suppose, otherwise no point.
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