Poetry, Inspiration, Emotions, Sadness
Here's an article about the COVID-19 pandemic with a few facts, my opinion, and feedback as to what I believe will happen next. #covid19 #pandemic
Everyday we walk and talk, we live our lives according to our hearts, our thoughts, and most importantly our actions. We are the ones who control our own futures to a certain extent. Sometimes, people our lives they may end our future and other...
My inspiration for this poem came from commenting on another's beautiful poem. It seems as if we are always in a rush but for what and for whom ?
Poetry, Life, Deep Thought, Beauty
Poetry, Inspirational, Emotional, Sadness, Pain
Animal Poetry, German Shepherd, German Shepherd mixed with Child, Poetry, Lost Loved One, Animals, Happiness
Horoscopes, Relationships, Zodiac Signs, Astrology,
Dear Mom (A Poem) A Poem of Love Found and Love Lost What is Lifeee tacos mexican food similies analogies doritos locos tacos meat lettuce tomato cheese difficult humor comedy funny Hope is Lost (A Poem) Til' Heaven Do Us Part Breast Cancer,...
1. Love Due to a female's hormones, environment, upbringing, and varies other reasons, one of the many things that we want the most is love. Whether this love comes from a relationship, family, or friend, we would love the fact that there is...
poem, bliss, world, insight
tacos mexican food similies analogies doritos locos tacos meat lettuce tomato cheese difficult humor comedy funny
men baldness funny the five stages of baldness causes of baldness treatment of hair loss treatment of baldness women baldness
Breast Cancer, Cancer, Susan G. Komen, Death, Loss, Mother,Loved One
Dear Mom, The dark is here, the wind is cold the light has left your eyes Im less of me not feeling bold Without you here by my side Your giving up and Im scared I don't know whats going to happen next Will you still be here...
Gardens can be seen as sanctuaries or plots, where someone can grow flowers, vegetables, fruits, or a variety of other plants. Simple misconceptions about gardens are that they are hard to maintain, hard to construct, or not worth your time or...
The first thing that attracted you to this hub was not the title of this hub, but the picture that is associated with this hub. Yes, the picture is of me, which was taken around two years ago. I was extremely bored and playing with my new webcam at...
Inventors, Cons of Technology, Pros of Technology, is technology making us lazy, can we solve the problem of technology
Optical illusions are defined as being perceived images that are different from reality. This is caused by the eye obtaining information that is processed by the brain that gives a perception that does not match the physical measurement of the...
Recently, I've noticed how studies are showing that more and more children are dropping out of high school and college. More than likely this is due to the environment, personal reasons, lack of motivation, money, etc. Likewise, the highs and lows...
What is it ? Does it exist ? A real guide to how females are suppose to act in public, privately, and when they are around their friends ? Yes, this guide does exist that stands to speak on the wrongs and rights of what is expected of a female. It...
There is this show called "My Strange Addiction" that features people that consume, smell, or feel things that are out of the ordinary. Mostly, on this show, these people would consume things that shouldn't be consumed such as deodorant or smelling...
Your reaching believing that untold dreams do come true your pouting doubting scared and turning blue your hurt your pain no sun just rain coming down on your parade you can't go forward you must go back that's where safe is at your use to...
This entire hub was inspired by petenali.
Due to this economy and ever rising prices of goods and services, it is important more than ever that we learn to conserve our money and to spend it according to our needs and not our wants. There are many ways to learn to save money but there are...
sleep, benefits of sleep, myths and facts about sleep, stages of sleep, sleep paralysis, sleep deprivation, sleep disorders
In this recipe, there is a little spin on the classic traditional lasagna that you are use to. Instead of one type of cheese, there are four different types. The four different types of cheeses are cottage cheese, parmesan cheese, Neufchatel cheese,...
Change Oil, Change Tires, Change Windshield Wipers, Change Lights, Change Brakes,
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were German academics that wrote folklores. Some of these popular folktales are popular stories such as Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and Snow White. The story of the brothers began when they were raised in the...
In today's society, I've noticed that the main problem is our inability to respect others, when they really need us the most. The things that we were taught and our environment in which we grew up in has had either a negative impression on us or a...
Title: The Giver Author: Lois Lowry Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012 Publication Date: 1994 Edition: reissue, reprint Pages: 240 Price: $6.58 (Amazon) ISBN: 0547995660, 9780547995663 In the beginning of the book, you meet an...
Yoga is a type of exercise that helps to relieve stress, while toning your body and tightening your muscles. Many people are now taking part in this exercise more than before because it is less stressful on your body and yet still gets your body in...
The second best dessert choice that I would choose after chocolate would be cheesecake. Not just any cheesecake, but strawberry cheesecake. I found that when I ate plain cheesecake that I didn't like it because it lacked flavor. After this happened,...
Love Love Love was it meant for me ? how did this come about? how did this come to be ? your touch your kiss the twinkle in your eyes the laughter the fun no wonder feelings never die you speak of truth and what is real expressing...
Chocolate is the processed food that comes from the seed of the Theobroma cacao tree. There is evidence that chocolate or caco has been used in ever since 1100 BC as a beverage. Back in the Mayan and Aztec time period, chocolate was seen as a...
Money is an object that is accepted as payment for goods and services. The dollars and cents that we use to day help fund research projects, education, salaries, wages, and so much more. Due to our ever changing economy, there will come a time where...
Due to our society, every woman should make sure that they have the right objects in their purse. In case of an emergency, you have the right things at hand to properly make sure that the situation can be handled. This hub was created to help those...
Around this time of year, particulary in March, millions and millions of people are getting ready to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The misconceptions about St. Patrick's Day are that it deals with wearing green, leprechauns and pots of gold. The...
When I was in the fourth grade, we had the option of picking a class that we wanted to do for fun such as cooking, art, or a music class. I decided to be a part of the cooking class. We made different foods that were easy to cook and most of the...
In today's society,socialization is seen as being the process of inheriting norms and customs by individuals so that they are able to possess the necessary skills and habits to participate within his or her own society. During the time that...
Its like a revolving door that will never stop spinning.
When I was in a program called Destination Technology, we visited different colleges and even went to a tecnology and engineer fair. I learned a lot about the way that things worked, how details matter, and the ways in which we have to think in...
When I was younger, I remember learning how to write the alphabet, spell my name, learning of different colors, and learning how to count. I remember being fascinated by counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. I was fascinated by...
When I was younger, I remember how my mother brought the entire children encyclopedia for me so that I could gain knowledge about space and do certain activities. I remember stumbling upon a book that said making things. I went through the book and...
This is just a sample of how much you mean to me.
Swimming is an amazing sport or activity that children and adults have tried to attempt at least once . Ever tried teaching someone to swim and failed? If so, here are some techniques that may help.
The ways that society views tattooo may be different from the way other societies feel about tattoos and there spiritual and traditional background and meaning to their culture.
In the past year, I've learned in the news about children having tantrums and physically harming other children with no remorse. Which brings the questions does the bipolar disorder exist in children?
history of nurses' aides, explanation of what a nurses' aide is, why I loved working as a nurses's aide and what you learn from working as a nurses' aide, healthcare field, certified nursing assistant
Positive and negative effects of social media on our society and how if affects the people that are constantly using it on a day to day basis.
This article consists of when it is appropiate to give a gift, how to figure the cost of the gift, and how it relates to the three major perspectives in sociology.
Here in this article I've included perspectives and feelings on how the children and citizens throughout the country felt at first about the former football coach from Penn State.
Being a mom or dad and taking care of your family can be a hard ordeal. Here in this hub, I introduce to you healthy and quick breakfast snacks to give to your family.
As generations have passed, I've noticed how kids are not helping out as much as they use to such as chores or cleaning. In this hub, there are tips and information on how to get your child to clean.
If your looking for a new and fun way to make a few changes to that watermelon that you have. Check out this hub on how to make a twist on this delcious and tasty fruit.
Have you ever wondered what would be a good topping for a piece of french toast, pancakes, or waffles? Have you ever felt the need for something healthy and yet tasty? If so here a recipe for you.
Strawberry Shortcake is a popular dessert among children, teens, and adults. The fact that this delicious shortcake comes in different flavors helps to widen the variety that you can choose from.
Lately, there seems to be alot more females wearing alot of don'ts instead of alot of do's. Explore my article on the best tips to make sure your looking right all of the time.
They once met in a special place a place they would call their own Constantly chatting laughing and spending time together never wanting to be alone Their thoughts clashed and the creative flow was always in the air Comforting were each...
Valentine's Day is nearly a few days away and flowers are to be brought. Your wondering now what flower to buy to give to your Valentine. Here is a list of flowers that you may consider buying.
As the days pass by and the beloved Valentine's Day approaches. The thoughts and ideas on where to go are scrambling through everyone's mind, male or female. Here I've compiled up a list of the top 10 places to take your Valentine.
Delicious snack or treat that will definetly help to show your appreciation!
A simple, quick, and easy way to make delicious chocolate chip cookies.
Love, Gifts, Valentine'sDay, Flowers, Chocolate
In today’s society, the funding for education has become a relevant and serious problem in the eyes of school district boards across America. The main problem is that there is not enough money received in order to buy supplies, equipment, or pay...
Millions and millions of people of today are living with a disease that they are unaware of. These people are unaware of possible diseases because they are either too nervous or scared to get checked by a doctor and/or hospital. The possibility of...
As I watched the video, I learned a lot about mentally ill residents and how more and more of them are now staying in prisons instead of mental hospitals or institutions where they belong. I learned about a few of the prisoners that stay in these...
As I watched a video, I learned about a child named Jacob that was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed Ritalin. He was given more and more medication. As he was given more and more medication, he was diagnosed with having a more aggressive...
As, I watched a video about the wounded platoon, I learned about a soldier of the name of Kenny Eastridge. His mentor was a sergeant called Shawn Huey. Everyone liked Huey and felt that he was a good guy. As Kenny and his platoon, served overseas,...
living illness decisions family loved ones
Imagine your house destroyed, your loved one’s severly injured or missing and everything you’ve owned gone. These events have actually happened to people that have been involved in natural disasters across America. Upon these events happening,...
In today’s society, the amount of pollution has increased significantly due to the amount of waste produced by humans and manufactured products of virgin material. As the amount of waste has increased, there has been more pollution entering our...
Millions and millions of people throughout the United States have been affected by unhealthy food consumption. Some people believe that unhealthy food consumption is because of our lack of concern. While other people believe that unhealthy food...
Walter J. Freeman was a young enthusiastic individual, who was eager to make an impact on the world as we know it. Even as a young adult, he was eager to get involved in the medical field and making a name for himself. He began reading books about...
In today’s society, customs and norms are looked upon as unwritten rules that everyone is expected to follow. A person that decides to go against these customs and norms are labeled as deviants. In a way, everyone has been a deviant from time to...
In today’s society, socialization is viewed differently in the eyes of many. Socialization is seen as the interactions of people in a given society. Others might see socialization as being the interactions of people in a culture or country. As in...
In the book, “Shantung Compound”, Langdon Gilkey speaks about his time spent in an internment camp in China. He speaks about how Americans, British, Russians, and people of other ethnicities were forced to live in a camp because of the war...
In the beginning of this book, Americans, Italians, British, and Russians were living a comfortable life in China. These people were use to others doing their laundry, cooking, and cleaning for them. One day, the Japanese sent out letters to...
As time has passed by, there has been an increasing concern about the United States economic position. The Republicans and Democrats have yet to make a compromise about a plan to help improve the economy, other than the American Jobs Act. President...
In today’s society, obesity is a major health issue that has been on the rise. The many factors that contribute to obesity in America are food, genes, environment, pressure, the thyroid gland, and decreased smoking. Obesity could lead to fatal...
A deviant is someone who goes against the norms and expectations that everyone in society is expected to follow. In America, a deviant can be someone who isn’t trying to be successful, does something illegal, or doesn’t work to maintain our...
There are many nursing homes located throughout the United States. These nursing homes range in many different sizes from small to big, from luxurious to simple. The design of the nursing home depends on when they were built, who built them, and...
Music is an art form that consists of tempo, pitch, rhythm, and dynamics. The definition and production of music varies culture to culture. For example, the African and Irish cultures have their own type of music that differs from music in the...
In today’s society, teen pregnancy has been on a steady incline. There are many factors that can help explain the increase of teen pregnancy in the United States. Some of these factors are peer pressure, the environment, media, parents, emotions,...
As I lay soundly asleep in my bed, I was awoken by my mother’s hands shaking me to get up.” I have a surprise for you wake up”, my mother exclaimed with excitement. “ Mom ! ” , I crooned as I slowly began to arise from my slumber. “We...
As the days have progressed, the apparent concern on everyone's mind is the increased violence in society. The senseless killings, crimes, and injuries that has happened to innocent people needs to come to an end. The best course of action to take...
While your watching your next show or movie, always remember that this is not reality, only just a scripted projection of what you might want your relationship to be like. The televised programs that are shown are of finding true love, sex,...