Article comes up as duplicate but was copied by somebody else?

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  1. alexadry profile image90
    alexadryposted 11 years ago

    So on May 12th, I published my article "Why is my dog smacking his lips?". It comes back to me today with a notice from hubpages saying it is duplicate content. This upsets me because I have been a writer for more than 5 years and I hate, hate, hate copied content  to start with and wrote the article using my personal experiences. So I know for a fact it's impossible it was copied, but because there are so many websites nowadays, I can understand that perhaps it can happen that a sentence or a few words may be somewhat close to what somebody else may have published in the past. So out of curiosity, I run a plagium check, and what do I find? Some unethical writer, copied my article word by word on May 13th! Now, how do I report him to DMCA if my article is unpublished and this person's content is instead alive and well? Could there be a glitch? Is there any way this person may have copied my content before hubpages published mine, making mine appear as duplicate? This is really odd and VERY upsetting!

    1. Cardisa profile image92
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You could email the HP team and plead with them to review your hub and the article in question. The published dates are pretty close so the filters could read yours as the duplicate. Is is possible that you could post the web URL here with a space in between to kill the link. I would like to see the site in question. They may have other copied content on there.

    2. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I wonder if some of the followers with 0  hubs are on Hubpages to do just that. Since they are on Hubpages, they can view the articles before they are published and copy them if they want.

      1. alexadry profile image90
        alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Barbara, I didn't think of that.. but it sounds like something that probably could happen.

        1. Rochelle Frank profile image93
          Rochelle Frankposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I am pretty sure that other hubbers cannot see anyone's work until it is published.
          You can eMail  <> if you are having trouble, cannot find help in the FAQ's, and have tried the forums.

          1. WryLilt profile image85
            WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            No, but they may be able to see it if it's published but unfeatured.

          2. Barbara Kay profile image76
            Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Mine gets comments before it is approved and featured. Does Google consider it published when it isn't approved yet? That is the question.  If Google doesn't, anyone could copy and paste it to their site and they would appear to be the first one to have it published.

            1. LCDWriter profile image89
              LCDWriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Mine do too but I think once you hit publish, that is the publish date.  Even if you don't get featured you are still published. 

              What we are waiting on after we hit publish is the QAP but we are still published so that date should be in our account.

              1. WryLilt profile image85
                WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Maybe so, but Google counts age from when the article is indexed. While unfeatured, your article cannot be indexed. If someone else publishes it and gets indexed BEFORE you are featured, theirs is viewed by Google as first.

                1. Cardisa profile image92
                  Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  That makes me wonder if some of the thieves aren't right here from HP because the most likely people to see an unfeatured hub are those here on HP. Judging the time between which Alexadry published the hub and when the thief published theirs, the most logical explanation is that he/she is an HP member.

                  1. WryLilt profile image85
                    WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, although at least if it's published elsewhere on Hubpages, Hubpages can manually verify which was first.

                  2. WriteAngled profile image82
                    WriteAngledposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm sure the news has spread like wildfire among the Internet thieving community  that the new system here provides complete articles ready for picking. All someone has to do is sign up and hub hop until they find an article they want.

                    If they can copy the stolen article immediately onto their site, it will be up and published, while the original is still languishing in the QAP process.

                    Two ways to prevent this would be (a) allow access to the hopper only to people who have published a certain number of hubs, (b) impose a daily cap on how many hubs can be hopped.

          3. profile image0
            Bob Bambergposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I also have gotten comments from other hubbers within minutes of publishing a hub, yet that new hub had not yet achieved "featured" status.

            1. WryLilt profile image85
              WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              It's likely through the hub hopper?

      2. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image80
        Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think they can view unpublished articles, but they can view unfeatured, I believe.  And yes, there are some HP accounts that are used to siphon and copy material.  I found one of mine on Squidoo, as well as one stolen from another Hubber.  The person who published it on Squidoo has an account here (Squidoo banned them, after numerous reports).  HP apparently felt there wasn't enough info to ban them here, since the person had nothing published here.  However, they used the same username, had stolen two hubs, as well as other content from elsewhere, and had published a forum post identical to one of their lenses on Squidoo.  I'm labeling it a duck, but HP still doesn't feel there are grounds to act on it.

    3. Simone Smith profile image83
      Simone Smithposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am so sorry this happened, alexadry! We must be having some sort of bug with our dupe checker. I am checking with the team to see how we may best proceed.

      1. Simone Smith profile image83
        Simone Smithposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hey again! It looks like Robin has already reported the problem associated with your Hub internally, alexadry. We hope to have this issue resolved quickly!

        1. alexadry profile image90
          alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks a bunch for the fast support, looks like it was technical glitch and my hub is now back up and running! Not all bad comes to harm, as this allowed (me and other hubbers) to discover several unethical writers copying content on other websites and we are working on reporting them.

  2. alexadry profile image90
    alexadryposted 11 years ago

    Hi Cardisa.
    It's http://therealowner dot  com. I found other articles of mine there as well and just saw that in particular the user Excelnetwork has stolen content from other hubbers here as well:( He/she puts them on triond:
    http://www.triond  dot com/users/ExcelNetwork
    and apparently right the next hours or days after they're first published here sad

    1. alexadry profile image90
      alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Tried to contact the hubbers that have been victims of  having their content stolen as well but cannot find the contact button, was that removed recently? Heads up to Rajan jolly and Jamijay as their articles appear there as well:( I am sure there are sadly many more...

      1. WryLilt profile image85
        WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Should be at the top of the Fan Mail section.

        1. alexadry profile image90
          alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          thanks, I didn't see it. Am contacting them now...

    2. wilderness profile image90
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Even if you published, he published and you unpublished you may have a chance if, as you say, he has multiple copied works on one site.

      File a DMCA with the host on your other content he has stolen.  If most of his work is copies, they will likely shut down his whole site, and at that point (you have been watching) you immediately publish again.  Now YOU are once more the original.

      If you're not familiar with finding and filing with a host, there is a hub on my carousel detailing how to do it - not long ago I had some 100 hubs stolen by one thief and put onto a dozen different sites.  I (along with others) succeeded in getting them all shut down, so it can be done.  Just be prepared to have come right back with another host, so be ready to re-publish.  Or, if HP will allow it, republish before even filing on all that other stolen work.

      1. alexadry profile image90
        alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, just filed with the hosting company and contacted hubpages about it.

  3. LCDWriter profile image89
    LCDWriterposted 11 years ago

    I don't think anyone can view an article before it is published.  Once you hit publish it does show up in the newsfeed but at that point it is published, just not featured.  Right?

    1. Gcrhoads64 profile image92
      Gcrhoads64posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Could someone see it on the hubhopper and copy it?

    2. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is the big question.

  4. Gcrhoads64 profile image92
    Gcrhoads64posted 11 years ago

    Alex, I looked real quick and there are a few more of your article that this person has stolen. You'll need to file a complaint. … -complaint

  5. Gcrhoads64 profile image92
    Gcrhoads64posted 11 years ago

    It looks like there are a few other hubs copied over there.

    1. alexadry profile image90
      alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, other hubber's work was unfortunately stolen from this user.

  6. shielamaeparreno profile image67
    shielamaeparrenoposted 11 years ago

    recently had a problem with a published hub, says 'duplicate' content..tsk tsk

  7. yupperclub profile image60
    yupperclubposted 11 years ago

    I would file a copyright complaint immediately.  I think Hubpages has a link for you to do this!  Nip it in the bud!  That is your work and NOBODY has the right to copy it without your permission and I'm sure Hubpages knows this.  I think I saw a link somewhere where you can file a complaint.  They obviously know WHERE the work was copied ... they may even take care of this for you without charge.  They want to protect their exclusivity as well.  They don't want their hubs spammed all over the internet.  That defeats the purpose.  GET TO IT!  The sooner you complain the better off you'll be.  If you just let it slide, it could be considered that you gave permission.

  8. LCDWriter profile image89
    LCDWriterposted 11 years ago

    Wonder if it would be more beneficial for all of us if newly published hubs didn't show up anywhere (newsfeeds or profiles) until they had been through QAP?

  9. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years ago

    The same thing happened with me on Triond and I absolutely know that it was not a duplicate. I know how you feel. What I did was remove the article and used it on my personal blog.

  10. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years ago

    The same thing happened with me on Triond and I absolutely know that it was not a duplicate. I know how you feel. What I did was remove the article and used it on my personal blog.

    1. Teresa Schultz profile image66
      Teresa Schultzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's certainly an option - publishing on one's own personal blog when an article is not accepted here due to duplicate content (caused only by somebody having already pinched the article and published it elsewhere online) but it's still not fair, even with the article on your own site, that somebody else got to publish it first.

  11. Teresa Schultz profile image66
    Teresa Schultzposted 11 years ago

    What WriteAngled said is scary! Makes me a little afraid to even publish a new hub to HubPages. It sucks if one's (unfeatured) work is taken and quickly published elsewhere - first for the search engines. I love what LCDWriter suggests, and I do hope that HubPages can do something like that. Also, perhaps, there should be some sort of set-up that new hubbers have to publish a hub - a featured one, at that, within 7 days (or even less) of having joined HubPages, or their account is shut down.


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