Anyone interested in acquiring my Hubpages account at $100? here are the stats:
1)Makes payout every month.
2)Gets 1400+ views every day
3)99 hubs of which over 90% are featured.
4)Got over 1 million plus views in about 2 years.
5)Page rank of 3
Let me know if you're interested.
How would this work? I haven't seen HP staff input on the matter. I would really like more information.
Would Hubpages handle the transfer from the back-end, such as allowing me to change the username?
I can't see where this would be "Hubpages TOS" legal (selling for money instead of just transferring ownership of the account). Is this a violation of Terms of Service anywhere? I know I'm pretty new here, but I've never seen articles up for sale (hubs) where ownership is clearly attributed already to this screen name (and ultimately the owner of such).
There's all kinds of legal implications here regarding copyrights into the future which, if for some reason you wanted to, you could file to reclaim at some point.
If an account holder dies, their information can be "given" to someone to continue posting on the account. This is clearly stated in TOS. But selling the account is not something I've read in TOS.
If you don't want the account and have made so much $$ from it already, transferring ownership for free doesn't seem to be a violation of TOS.
I guess I just have a problem with the "selling" part and the possible copyright problems down the line on already published hubs.
Hi. I'm interested. Please contact me via fan email here on hubpages. thanks.
If the account is really doing that well, why get rid of it? Even if you don't want to continue posting new content to the account, why not let it continue run off of its own fuel and keep collecting passive income from it?
From what you say in 2 months of doing nothing you would get what you're selling it for (If it's even allowed, maybe privately you can but not like this).
Why sell if you are making payout every month? That's over $600 per year, and you are willing to sell for $100?
He's posted about this before. He declined my gracious offer to take the account off his hands for free.
I guess the eBay thing didn't work out?
To this day I still don't understand why he refused. I would have cared for and nurtured it as if it was my own.
Biggest joke i have ever heard.....I would delate it than you.
It does seem like a steal of a deal. If I'm being honest, and this was accurate and you had the recent earning reports and analytic results to confirm it I would probably buy it. Unfortunately, I feel uncomfortable making a deal with anyone outside of the United States where enforcing a contract of sale would be difficult.
You make it sound like you are referring to all countries outside of the US rather than specific non common law locations. haha
He gives the password, you immediately change it. Change the HP information on adsense, amazon, etc. It's now yours. Get an email as well, to prove it to HP should it be necessary. Maybe an email sent through HP?
And making payout does not mean that the owner receives that much, after any paypal fees for going overseas and exchange rates.
@Len check the stats at bottom of the page. As for making a deal with anyone outside the U.S, that's your personal choice. No one will force you.
@Cfin i agree with you.
@Wilderness, well said.
I have emailed kenyaentrepreneur offering the money s/he needs so s/he doesn't need to sell those hubs. Why? Because it is an impressive result in a relatively short period of time and I respect the effort that it must have taken.
If someone needs to sell what is clearly an asset at such a low price, they obviously need the money.
I'm happy to take a gamble. If I get paid back sometime this year, great. If not, what have I lost? Nothing really.
Life is too short to quibble over the little things. No need for anyone to worry about the technicalities of buying the hubs.
HI - That is a very nice gesture. It would be too bad if he had to sell his hubs.
@LongTimeMother, Thank you for your trust. As you said it, i need money urgently and that's why am selling the account. Check the stats of the account at the bottom of the bottom of this page. I can also send you the stats if you wish.
@brakel2 i thank you for the concern.
But if he really needs the money, he will get it in two payouts. Has he explained why he would get rid of it if it's making him more money than he's selling it for?
He does have the accolade for a million views after just 2 years. They do this type of thing at Infobarrel a lot.
I'd like to pay your asking price but in 99 chickens. These are very productive chickens that I raised myself. They lay big, muscular eggs with the biggest yokes you have ever seen. And these are no ordinary chickens. These chickens have been raised on a diet of friendship, high quality left over food and coffee made with catpoop, all hand-fed to them by someone certified by the American Chicken Association (and if you know your chickens you'd know that's a big deal). These chickens just don't know when to quit. They will lay 1 million eggs in 2 years. Get these chickens and you can have your own chicken empire in no time. So, what say you?
I say you should stop drinking the catpoop coffee, RonHawk and try and put yourself on a diet of friendship instead of sarcasm. Do you treat everyone with such a lack of respect? Any hubber with a million views deserves respect.
it offends me that your comment remains unchallenged.
I disagree that any hubber with a million views deserves respect, but I can certainly appreciate that perhaps the OP needs help and some money. I think people are uptight about this because if they bought the account, and then had to add their own Adsense ID, it could be disastrous for them if the OP was being dishonest, although I'm not saying that they are.
I think the safest bet, for anyone who wants to help the OP and does not care if they lose $100 is just to send them $100.
I already did that, Hollie, days ago.
Oh my gosh. You just got scammed. I am really hoping you didn't get scammed and that I'm totally wrong and just being really cynical and untrusting, but I'm pretty certain you just got scammed.
Cute, but this only confirms my suspicion. The web is filled with scammers and you seem to go out of your way to resemble one.
This is the exact point where I stopped assuming your were honest and well meaning, because such a person would not insult people, and would not use a disability as an insult term.
How sad that an international site has no appreciation or understanding of cross-cultural communication. A hubber asks me to speak on his behalf because he has a genuine concern about whether or not another hubber has a medical problem, and the poor bloke gets banned from the forums.
Deliberately offensive posts towards the op go unchallenged - but not his innocent observation.
What is wrong with you people who are so quick to be derogatory and negative towards someone who has earned his place within the HP community - both in terms of time and effort? The sentence wasn't even structured to be an insult.
I believe cultural biases and bad behaviour is being projected onto others who live a far different life to your own. This is an international site. Is it so difficult to spare a thought for the Australians and Kenyans and other nationalities who make very real contributions to the success of HubPages, and understand that we do not all think (and therefore write) like Americans?
In my view the attacks on the OP were pretty nasty, although I don't blame people from being suspicious of his offer, there are many scams on the net, but there is no reason to get nasty.
But the OP's remarks where also offensive. If I remember correctly the redacted one wondered whether a poster was 'mentally retarded', and I definitely read that as an offensive insult, not a concern about a medical problem. Then there was his answer to MadScientist, saying she didn't look like a 'real American'.
I think all sorts of people behaved rather badly here.
If the sentence was still there, aa lite, you could see exactly what he said and how he said it.
In Australia, it would have been perfectly acceptable. It certainly wasn't posed as an insult in my cultural environment. Had it appeared in a shortened form in a different context it could be, but we actually use that term in a genuine context without offense.
As for the comment to MadScientist, I am about to comment on that as well ... at the relevant place within the thread. )
I would suggest that depends what part of the Australia you are in. Some people in Australia have definitely learned that calling someone r----- is not any better than calling them n----- or f-----.
I am Australian and anyone calling me mentally retarded would be punched. Australians have a story similar to other countries around the world, where there is too much immigration and not enough integration.
lol. He didn't 'call' him that. He queried if he might be. But in all seriousness, Suzanne, would you really punch someone for that?
Sometimes teenagers call each other a shortened version of the word (I'm sure you know what I mean) but I've never seen anyone so annoyed by that to want to punch the other person.
I don't let my kids say it, but I wouldn't put it up there with the seriously offensive insults. I've learned something if you do.
The word is extremely offensive. It is treated as common slang by Reddit people, teenagers, some internet users but it is pretty much up there in terms of offensiveness.
It says to me immediately that I want nothing to do with the person who uses it.
As for scam or not - let's see what the next good cause is.
+1. I won't punch anyone on this forum because we are simply having a verbal debate. However, I do feel obliged to tell you that if any adult called another adult mentally retarded or a retard in Australia, they would be looking for their missing teeth. Even passersby will assist people with disabilities who get called those names. Kids do it all the time, but adults will not put up with offensive language. Anyway, just letting you know.
Yes, it is offensive. I am probably hyper-sensitive to it, but I think most people find it offensive anyway. If I heard it come out of one of my children's mouths, they would be staring at their bedroom walls for a month mulling over just how offensive it is.
I have been to Australia. I didn't come across one Australian I didn't like. But mostly, I realized what we have in common with Australians far outweighs our few differences.
Judging from where you are (Kenya) and the quality of your hubs I doubt you make payout every month. Most of your hubs hardly have any comments and quiet frankly not topics I'm interested in so I wouldn't even take it for free.
That's kinda harsh.
If you check the hubber's profile he/she has surpassed 1 million views in two years! Not many hubber have achieved that. I believe he/she is making monthly payout.
There is some work to be done in terms of fixing errors which I noticed but those topics ARE what people search for on a daily basis and this is why he/she has surpassed one million views in two years.
Things that seem to be too good to be true, usually are. Furthermore, I do not believe such a sale is legal. Not buying it, my friend (no pun intended).
I hoped a moderator would have come to this forum to discuss the legalities of this idea.
As stated above, I believe copyright ownership would be a potential problem. At the moment, I am dealing with copyright issues of my own regarding content only. I googled certain sentences of my hubs and found them intermingled on websites and blogs with garbled text. Three have my name and copyright symbol which was lifted from some of my hubs. There is no reason for my text to be included on these sites, but yet it is there. I have filed 42 removal notices over the past week. 37 have been successfully removed.
Using that as an example, if someone were to copy any part of kenyaentrepreneur's content for which his name (screen and legal) were attached (as in cache and live), the new account owner would be hard put to be able to prove they were kenyaentrepreneur. The screen name would probably not be contested, but the legal name of kenyaentrepreneur, address and phone number would be required to complete DMCA forms.
I would like to hear from a moderator what they think about the future copyright problems of selling one's Hubpages account, where all the existing hub articles are copyrighted to the present owner's real name.
The sale would be legal. I've never done it, but people are paid to write Hubs all the time, and HubPages accounts change hands too.
I mostly meant when content is copied from previous hubs onto non-Hubpages websites, how the new owner would not be able to say he is known as kenyaentrepreneur's real name.
In filling out DMCA forms, you have to "swear under penalty of law that you are the true copyright owner (or authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infinged"
If someone were to buy this account with the intention of moving the content, they would be pretty silly.
When you buy a website (or sub-domain on HP), you're buying more than the content. You're buying the reputation those articles have gained during their lifetime - their comments, their backlinks, their age, their ranking on Google. If you then delete the Hubs and move them, you're throwing away most of their value.
Copyright can be sold, so the new owner of the HubPages account would own the copyright and would be able to claim to be the rightful owner.
So ask for a bill of sale, specifying any and all rights to the copyrighted work. You CAN sell those rights, after all, either whole or in part.
Cardisa, I agree with you. So many hubbers complain that they are not making monthly payouts and can't attract traffic, but fail to recognize a successful hubber. There are lessons to be learned here.
Why would someone who has gotten 1 million hits on their Hubs, and is making at least $50 per month on them be willing to sell their account for $100? Seems kind of odd. They can make that $100 every two months with little to no effort. Perhaps $1,000, but $100? Perhaps they are just trying to see what kind of reaction their offer would generate?
It would be nice if he offered an explanation. We don't know his situation - he may be desperate for cash (though I think he's selling too cheap in that case). He may have lost his Adsense account, which means he won't be able to get paid any more. Or his Paypal account.
Good point - without those the hubs are financially nearly worthless. Still should be worth more than $100 to someone else, though.
I don't consider the hubber's reasons for selling to be any of my business. I don't expect people to tell me why they choose to sell their car. I just examine the car and decide whether or not I want to buy it.
I agree to a point but my conscience may not allow me to take such value for less than what it's worth.
I agree with you, 100% Cardisa. Interesting to note, however, that other hubbers have offered to buy the hubs for a mere $100. It saddens me that people would take advantage of someone desperate enough to offer to sell a significant asset for so little. At the very least, I'd have expected they offer to pay a more realistic price.
It appears not everyone has a conscience.
My conscience does also not allow me to accuse anyone of being a scammer without firm evidence, does not allow me to be racist, and does not allow me to ignore the fact that many individuals face hard times through no fault of their own.
No, it isn't.
If you look at the high number of Hubs that are clearly on spam topics, which include links that are completely unrelated to the Hub subject, which are missing media-rich details, and which all appear to be completely written with a lack of any genuine personal experience, this account does NOT seem like it would be worth buying.
Well said madam....You're entitled to your opinion.
(ala Nelson Muntz from "The Simpsons")
"HA-ha! Nice burn!"
Hi Relache, yeah...I didn't look through all the hubs. I did notice a lot of spelling/grammar errors and the links (I didn't check them). Some of the topics I flipped through seemed to be search friendly.
One hubber did question/mention the traffic source. With that amount of traffic it would be helpful to know where most of the traffic comes from.
I've been here three years and just passed 550,000 views. I would probably have just made the one million had I not deleted over 200 hubs, but I highly doubt I would have reached one million in two years....just saying
Comments aren't everything. Not by a long shot. Some of my lowest-performance hubs have tons of comments and some of those that perform the best have very few. It depends on the content of the hub and its invitation to interact with other people.
Page views are the thing, and you can clearly see that this account has 1M page views in 2 years. That says something about the viability of the account. It's obviously an asset to its creator.
The part that's too good to be true is the actual sale.
I agree. I also have to wonder why the hubber wants to sell for such a low cost. A cost which can be (assumed) to be gotten in two months' payout at least.
Yes, was that ever explained? It makes no sense.
I don't have a lot of comments on my hubs either... I make payout at least every other month (35-50 per month)... with half the amount of hubs and far fewer total views.
Comments are more of a community thing... and I'm not real big in community. My readers come from Google and tend not to leave a lot of comments... although my on-page time is pretty.
@Aneegma i'm proud of where i am (kenya). As for whether i make payout, check the stats below...I have never missed payout...As for comments, i have disabled all (check the hubs)....And a final note; my account doesn't deserve you even if you offer $1,000,000....
@Cardisa thank you for your kind words.
@Rock_nj, i know the amount is little. To be honest, i need cash seriously and that's why am selling the account to anyone who may be interested.
@Marissa, No i didn't loose my adsense account or paypal.....I need money for reasons i won't discuss here.
@Everyday i agree with you...I disabled comments on all my hubs.
@Cardisa, i need money urgently and would be more than happy to consider an offer that is more than what i quoted.
I do not see this in any way as being something allowed by Hub Pages!
Why not? A hub is a shell, you an change who earns/pays tax in it. Ergo, it can be sold. That is what is being discussed here as far as I can see. People sell copyright all the time, all it takes is a signed document.
@DzyMsLizzy, may be.may be any case, the work is mine and i can do it with what i want.
I sold off niche accounts and content. It is pretty common practice across UGC sites.
Im not sure why so many of you are so quick to be interested in how HP would feel about it. It's your content, do with it as you wish.
"HubPages does not claim ownership of Your Hub Content or Author Content. Such content will be owned by You or a third party from whom You got permission to post the content. By posting Hub Content on the Service, You grant HubPages a worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license, for as long as Your Hub is displayed on HubPages and for a commercially reasonable time thereafter, to reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, modify, adapt and publish the Hub Content solely for the purpose of displaying, distributing and promoting Your Hub on or in connection with the Service. By posting Author Content on the Service, You grant HubPages a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable license to reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, modify, adapt and publish the Author Content on or in connection with the Service. You may remove Your Hub Content from the Service at your discretion. You may not remove your Author Content from the Service. HubPages may preserve and store Hub Content (including, for a commercially reasonable time, Hub Content you have removed from the Service) or Author Content, and may disclose such content if required to do so by law or if HubPages believes in good faith that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with legal process (e.g., subpoenas); (b) enforce these Terms; (c) respond to claims that any Hub or Content violates the rights of third parties; or (d) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of HubPages, its users and the public.
The Author, and not HubPages, will be fully responsible for all Hub Content or Author Content that is uploaded, posted, transmitted or otherwise made available by the Author on the Service (collectively "User Content"). HubPages cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of User Content. HubPages does not pre-screen User Content, but will have the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to refuse or remove any User Content for any reason, including User Content that may violate these Terms, or that is otherwise objectionable. HubPages also cannot take responsibility for anything that Your Hub users may do in reliance on the Hub Content You post in Your Hubs.
The TOS do very little to protect you here anyway (but they do as much as is needed) .. you own the content and responsibility, so they dont have to be (AS IT SHOULD BE)
This doesn't make any sense. I don't know if selling it is allowed, and, even if it is, why would you sell it if you're making more than what you're asking. Makes no sense. Something is fishy.
@vicky check the stats below... There is nothing fishy as far as am concerned...and i have explained why am selling the account.
Was there an explanation given later? You did say you needed the money, right? You would have it in two months time if you're making payout every month, so that doesn't make sense. Was there another reason?
It doesn't make sense.
Maybe those pages no longer get any views. You would need to see Analytics over the last two years to see the traffic patterns - steady, rising, falling.
Maybe there was a big spike at some point for some reason.
If I found a genuine offer that paid fifty dollars a month for a hundred dollar outlay I would be delighted. It is never going to happen.
You're right - many Hubbers have experienced a roller-coaster ride over the last two years, so there's no saying whether the account is still getting good monthly views today.
@Marissa check the screen shots below......The account had highs of 3000+ views a day but now gets between 1200 to 1700
Not that Alexa is very accurate, but out of nosiness I checked the subdomain on Alexa.
It is substantially better than my subdomain, and I'm now making monthly payout (just), so, unless Alexa is wildly inaccurate, I think the claims about the subdomain traffic appear to be true.
But I agree with everybody here who is very cautious about this. The deal just seems too good to be true, and there are many ways to be scammed in a deal such as this. For example, perhaps the traffic was artificially generated.
@aa i can understand your concerns but as far as i know, everything that i have said is correct. Check the traffic and income screen shots below.
@kenyaentrepreneur, actually I find what Alexa says about your subdomain to be much more reliable than a screen shot. Forgive me for being so suspicious, but there are a lot of internet scams. A screenshot proves absolutely nothing, I could easily show you one where I get over a million views a day.
But as I said alexa seems to thing that your subdomain gets more traffic than my subdomain, so I am entitled to believe you.
Alexa says I'm the #11 top Hubber on I know that can't be true. I only have 46 Hubs and I know for a fact there are many, many people with larger accounts who get more traffic. Alexa gets its data from people who have the Alexa toolbar installed on their browsers and the ratings represent a very small sampling. Further, there are plenty of ways to unduly influence that rating if someone wants to take the trouble to do that. All I'm saying is don't base a purchase decision on an Alexa rating.
&Writer Fox, I know and I have said that Alexa is inaccurate, but, you might not be the 11th top hubber, but you do get a lot of traffic. It is certainly more accurate than a screenshot.
This is the problem with this sale, isn't it. The only way you can really check it is if you had the password to access the account, and of course as soon as you get the password, you could change it and lock the owner out.
And of course, the bare traffic numbers aren't all that useful, I would want to know how much of the traffic was organic, what countries it came from, etc. Really I don't see an easy way of checking out how good the subdomain is.
I would recommend a Skype conversation with the seller and using LogMeIn to watch him access his account while you discuss it on the phone. He can then disable your LogMeIn access as soon as the call is ended. This will enable the buyer to view the account without getting access to passwords on HP. I would also advise a potential purchaser to check for plagiarized copies of any of the content on that subdomain, because stolen content will be a problem if you want to move the Hubs to your subdomain. Probably, the name KENYAENTREPRENEUR isn't the best choice.
I am certain there are other hubbers who know what it is like to need money for one reason or another, and struggle trying to access it - but they probably haven't commented on this thread.
I am also certain there are lots of hubbers who know that their best performing hubs don't attract comments.
I know for a fact that it is possible to make payout every month without having anywhere near 1 million views, and I also know that living outside the USA doesn't have a negative effect on making money on the internet.
As I said before, kenyaentrepreneur is welcome to my money. He can keep his hubs and pay me back at a later time or, if he really doesn't want or need them any more, I can think of one homeless hubber who would accept them with grace and appreciation. I'd be more than happy to gift them to her.
Random acts of kindness, folks. Not hard to achieve with the right attitude.
@LongTimeMother, you're one of the few people who seems to understand my situation. Thank you for your trust and understanding. As you correctly put it, i need money urgently and that's why am selling the account for that cheap price.
For the doubting Thomases, Here are the stats for the account (traffic plus income for the last 3 months)
Hey why sell it , why not post more meaningless articles about meaningless titles ," How to finish off the best canned soup " or something . Not that that's what you've done necessarily , but is everything for sale ! Maybe , just maybe that's why hub pages is Dying a slow death ! Because it's come down to valueless hubs . Maybe you should explore the arts or something . Revive your interest in writing !
Goal achieved - huge traffic spike as a result of a simple forum thread...
This makes absolutely no sense as the amount being asked for would be made in 2 months. Even if they stopped writing altogether it would still make money. I don't buy this.
With all due respect, there are a lot of scam artists coming out of places like Kenya trying to work people out of their money. This just does not seem like a legitimate deal. @kenyaentrepreneur I'm not necessarily saying that you're a scam artist, but the way you've posted this information does make you seem sketchy. I am an entrepreneur myself, and one thing I know is that if your product makes you money, you DON'T get rid of it....
Haha....what a joke....From your looks, "you're real American" (sarcasm )Kenya doesn't need and deserve people like you...#BeautifulCountryWeHave....
What is that supposed to mean? Is that in regards to my race? Yes, this is a great way to get people to feel sorry for you and buy your hub. You just made a very narrow-minded statement and I really hope that no one falls into your scam.
madscientist12, you know as well as I do that he was polite and restrained for the bulk of this thread. I am sorry he was rude to you, just as I am sorry so many others were rude to him.
No scam. Just a frustrated individual who obviously started from the bottom of the thread at the time he received the money he needed and felt able to lash out at others the way he felt they'd lashed out at him.
Given the chance, I suspect he'd have had a swipe at everyone who implied he was a scammer ... all the way to the top. Nice to see he had the personal restraint to stop, but that doesn't make the hurt any easier for you.
Don't underestimate the hurt for him either, though. I wouldn't want to be the person receiving such disdain if I'd made the original post.
RonHawk's comment below this one is absolutely unforgiveable. I can see no excuse for such blatant rudeness.
Kenya, if that is really where you are from, keep posting here. Because the more you write the more you reveal the darkness that lays beneath your superficial facade for that's what scammers and con artists are. America is a rainbow country. Among us we have people of all ethnicity and backgrounds. Each time I look upon the many beautiful faces of America I am proud my country represents the whole planet. Maybe some day you can learn to see people for their humanity and not through your prejudicial views and ugly labels. Until then who you are are is your own best punishment.
I find your defense of racism odd. I find your enabling a person who's using vulgarity on posters and finding excuses for their behavior odd. I find your incessant chastising of anyone who is rightfully skeptical of patterns of scamming here odd. But most of all, I find your trolling someone who has never exchanged a word with you and throwing one insult after another at them quite odd. I don't even know you, lady. Your next attempt at stalking will be reported.
I doubt I meet the definition of any of terms you use here, RonHawk. I have responded to your posts on this thread. Nowhere else that I am aware of.
If you don't want to be challenged at all, perhaps you should word your comments differently. You have no more right to post without expecting responses than anyone else.
"I doubt I meet the definition of any of terms you use here, RonHawk. I have responded to your posts on this thread."
Interesting that you would phrase it like that. Freudian slip, perhaps. I only wrote to Kenya, not to you. So are you saying you're Kenyaentrepreneur? That would explain a lot, including the over the top defense of him and coming unhinged just like Kenya did.
Click where it says 'in reply to this' at the top of your post, RonHawk, like every other reader who is wondering who you are writing to would do, and you'll see you were responding to my comment that said, "You should be ashamed of yourself."
You didn't write to the op, you wrote to me.
I thought it was odd that you wrote that comment to me, but it seems even more strange now that you state you wrote it to the op. Are you actually paying attention to what you are writing? You are certainly not doing yourself any favours here.
I add 'unhinged' to the list of words whose definition I do not meet.
I know who I wrote to. Read it again. You missed the point entirely.
It’s pretty obvious you came unhinged when you started jumping up and down, writing nasties to me or chastising others for not joining you in your tirade. I counted 5 posts by you to me or about me before I ever said a word to you. You’re unhinged when you’re trying to mobilize others to “hit” the report button or to ban me. Seriously? That kind of immature attitude is what I associate with high school, not to grown-ups. You certainly did come unhinged. Read comments of others. You see theirs mostly corroborating that. I had to duck the spit flying out of you as I was reading some of your posts which are still there for everyone to see. If you defend someone for calling people re***ded you’re an enabler. If you’re defending someone who makes racist remarks to a nice lady for no other sin than being skeptical of online offers of rather questionable nature you’re an apologist. If you blame others for the way KE is acting here, explaining he’s being racist or vulgar because others questioned the integrity of his offer for good reasons you’re making a statement about yourself and it doesn’t matter whether you see yourself as unhinged or not. It’s the impression you leave on others.. You don’t call the person who condemns racism a racist. On what planet do people make up stuff out of thin air like that unless they’re in denial? I have come to believe that when someone with whom you have never had an encounter of any kind reacts very strongly to you it’s not you that they are reacting to, but their own demons and past experiences. There isn’t a single person here other than yourself who believes calling people re***ded is cool or making fun of one’s color is acceptable. This site redacted his comment, did they not? What compels you to defend that kind of behavior? I have been to Australia quite a few times. Australians don’t strike me as people who are cool with this sort of language so don’t insult your own intelligence by expecting anyone to believe that tripe. You can try all you want to mobilize your family and friends to “ban” me from HubPages. It won’t be a big loss as this isn’t a major portion of my life by any stretch, nor is it a source of “income”. This is a nice place to hang out and make some friends and learns a few things, and getting banned isn't a big deal because one just makes a new account, comes back to be with those friends and maybe even those other friends who get them banned and now have to see them all over again. If you want to hit the reset button, calm down and make a rational statement about what part of my couple of posts have set you off I’ll be glad to explain them to you and maybe then I won't be so unforgivable to someone so kind and gentle and giving as yourself. I already have an idea what one of those triggers might be. But most of all, calm down, enjoy life and be well.
And where are all the good hubbers who object to racism, hate speech and personal attacks now, I wonder. Am I the only one to challenge this hubber? I hope the rest of you are clicking the 'report' button even if you are not prepared to type.
.... because arguing with racists and hate speakers only fuels their fire, it never changes their mind. So ignoring them is always the best option. Especially when we have a more effective weapon to use - that of getting them banned by reporting them.
Thanks, Marisa. Good advice. I'll try to follow it from here on ... but I offer no guarantee. lol.
What a shame, madscientist. The o/p weakened and impersonated Western hubbers he's seen in action here on this thread ... making assumptions about Americans in the same way Americans make assumptions about Kenyans.
When the global financial crisis (which is largely acknowledged as being fallout from America's problems) reached Australia, I was one of its victims. I sold assets that would have continued to make money in the future because I needed to access cash immediately.
There is always an element of risk for any entrepreneur. Because I live in a global community, I can identify with the sudden shock and desperation for anyone suddenly faced with a cash crisis.
How one reacts to that crisis helps define them as a person. I would much prefer to see anyone (American, Australian, Kenyan or any nationality) try to sell their assets instead of trying to steal someone else's.
However, if as a community we discourage people from trying to sell - and discourage others from considering buying those assets, what other options are left?
Gee, if every Kenyan trying to sell something receives this kind of reaction from Westerners, I'm not surprised some of them resort to internet scamming.
What do most Americans do when they need cash urgently?
We go to loan companies when we need cash urgently. And I am not saying all Kenyans are scammers. What I'm saying is that A LOT of internet scams come from Kenya. I didn't target anyone, I'm just stating facts. And I didn't make any racial/prejudice/sterotypical remarks either, such as saying he isn't a real Kenyan. And if you read my statment, I said that the METHOD in which he was trying to sell his account made him SEEM like he could be trying to scam people. I didn't say anything negative about him actually selling the account.
I'm not arguing with you madscientist12. I saw what you wrote and understood you.
What about Americans who lose their jobs or are homeless? What do they do when they urgently need cash? Do loan companies loan to them?
No, loan companies don't, but neither do most Americans either. Most Americans just pass them by without even thinking twice. However, there is a way to do anything and no matter how you try to take up for kenyanentrepreneur, it still doesn't change the fact that the post was suspicious. If this post was from someone in the U.S. , I'd still think it was suspicious.
Not to mention the fact that instead of explaining why he was selling the account, he started posting mean things.
Ah well. At least I know in ten years time I can try selling my portfolio for one hundred dollars.
Sad news for those hubbers who tried to buy kenyaentrepreneurs' account. He no longer needs the money ... and I couldn't be happier for him.
I suggest that instead of trying to appear high and mighty compared to other hubbers, at least some of you would benefit from spending more time working on your own hubs.
If you were actually successful at writing for the internet, you'd have enough spare cash courtesy of your hp payout to help someone doing it tough without being so mean spirited.
Enjoy your hubs, kenyaentrepreneur. I wish you every success.
Tell them....I no longer need their cash....I'm glad i won't sell my account to any of them any time soon....
lol. You don't need to spend any more time on this thread, my friend. Go and do good things, and get those hub statistics rising even higher.
I am pleased to have helped you. Don't let the comments here distract you.
You're right. This is the lat time i would comment here.
I sure don't understand how people are being high and mighty because they don't want to buy his accounts. I checked out some of his hubs. They aren't that good. Many of them don't have pictures or polls to engage readers, and many of them are pretty much the same. This may be another reason (besides being scammed) that people don't want to buy his account.
lol. I looked at his hubs, and hubs of other hubbers. His are easily fixed. Not so easy in the case of some of the hubbers who have written here. I was referring to them, not you, madscientist12.
I haven't seen any of your hubs yet, but I'm sure they are excellent.
Why are some people bad mouthing this OP? He needs money. It is as simple as that. We have become too suspicious of people's motives. Maybe it's because of bad experiences. Anyway, good luck and congrats on success of your hubs Kenya.
Why? For my part it is because I am sick and tired of spammers and con artists - from all parts of the world - offering me get rich quick cant fail possibilities. I ignore ALL internet offers because ALL internet offers tend to be a con preying on the weak minded.
There are many old disabled poor people who have lost life savings to these scammers who operate with no shame.
I am also sick of plagiarists and cheats operating on the net with impunity.
It MAY be that this is a genuine offer. IF that is the case then it is a RARITY. No one should be surprised by the reaction of people who are normally quite reasonable and fair who suspect yet another internet con is in progress.
I make NO apologies at all for doubting and keeping my money safely out of it.
I agree with you 100% Mark. This was what I was saying as well. Unfortunately, Kenya is one of the places where a lot of internet scams originate from. It's sad, but true. Here is one of the thousands of examples:
It will be better if the $100 amount is taken 20 equated monthly installment with free of ineterest.
I understand Mark. We do need to be cautious around people we don't know. There is no way to tell who is out there to take your money or steal your material.
Longtime Mother, I agree with some of the things you say, we shouldn't automatically jump to conclusions about someones intentions, but when something doesn't add up, of course it's going to be questioned. Even if you are desperate for money, why would you sell something that's bringing you a constant stream of income for so cheap? If your that desperate for money, $100 isn't going to fix the just wasn't logical.
Perfectly logical when you've been flat broke and desperately needed $100, Alphadogg16. I've been there, done that, and don't find it illogical at all.
Salute to LongTimeMother
Always helping peeps
I think you need to open an organization
P.s @all we need to have more patience and respect
I offered the OP over $100 by email but he refused my offer.
If he was a scammer, I don't doubt he would have said yes.
Pity, I would like to buy a few accounts
Here's the end of the story concerning this particular forum thread for anyone who is interested ...
I am pleased to report there was absolutely no scam element associated with the op's announcement that he was prepared to sell his hub account.
Here's the facts. You can interpret them as you like.
I sent $100 to the op, no questions asked, no justification needed. I told him it was a loan.
He tried to insist I take his account as payment. I refused to accept so much hard work for such a small amount of money and gave him two choices. He could either accept my $100 as a loan, or sell me his account for a l-o-t more than the $100.
He declined my larger offer (much larger than yours, sorry, Wry Lit, lol) yet he - to my great surprise - sent me his passwords, including access to his earnings. I had not asked for them and did not require them.
We have corresponded by email and I have made very clear to him that I have no intention of taking ownership of his account. I have, however, with his agreement, been in to take a look at the internal workings of his account so that I could perhaps make a few suggestions about how to best improve his hub scores and earning potential.
No scam, folks. He offered to sell an extremely healthy account that just needs a little work.
Thanks to those who may have been concerned about my financial welfare, and those who expressed any kind of rational thought in their response.
I'll be busy for a while helping my Kenyan friend edit his hubs ... and advising him on how to take action against anyone who tries to copy his work. lol.
I'm glad you were able to verify that this Hubber isn't a scammer and I'm also glad that you helped him keep his account.
For people who may not be aware, the minimum monthly wage in Kenya translates to $115.70 USD.
Dear Long Time Mommy, when one posts a Hubpages account for sale, or anything else for that matter, people will want to know all the details. I commend you for trusting this person. The fact of the matter is many people who work on the internet have been burnt many times and are cautious with such things.
All I am saying is, except for the outright disrespect and racial connotations, the questions being asked by hubbers about the account itself are justified.
When someone buys a car they test drive it first. Tangible products are easier to buy because we can see, feel and smell them. It would be unwise to purchase anything online without asking questions, and some of these questions may be offensive (such as why sell the account). It's nothing to get worked up about. For you, giving away a hundred dollars may be nothing. For someone like me a hundred United States Dollars is equivalent to ten thousand Jamaican dollars which could cover my electric and bill for the month and one week groceries. It also takes me quite a while to earn that one hundred dollars.
Kudos to you and I believe the OP was strapped for cash which he needed immediately, but you having to explain all this was not necessary, in my opinion, and only serve to fuel further suspicion or curiosity.
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