Making money

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  1. isharkbait profile image95
    isharkbaitposted 11 years ago

    Just a few quick questions.
    At what point do you receive a payout from the Adsense program?
    How long does it typically take to reach a payout?
    Do you have any recommendations to reach a payout faster?

    1. MagKaye profile image74
      MagKayeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      They pay out once you've reached $100.
      Well, that's if you live outside of USA, like me.
      As for your other questions... You just have to keep at it, write more, update a lot etc.
      The time it takes depends on you. If you write all the time, and use SEO etc, you'll probably reach payout faster!

      Good luck.

      1. isharkbait profile image95
        isharkbaitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm pretty close to a payout on the hp add program, I'm just no where near it for the Adsense program. I dont know. If I'm doing something wrong or what. I guess I'm just confused. I also have no idea what SEO is.

        1. Cardisa profile image92
          Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I you are on the HP ad program you will make significantly less with Adsense because only one adsense ads will make money on each of your hubs. … am-and-ads

          You can increase your Adsense earnings by creating a niche blog. Most of my Adsense earnings come from my blogs and websites and I collect every other month.

          1. Barbara Kay profile image75
            Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I agree. I have my own sites and the few dollars I am earning from Hubpages at Google Adsense just adds to the total every month from my sites.

          2. 2besure profile image81
            2besureposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Cardisa, you are right!  Google seem to be kinder to blogs.  Most of my income now comes from my blogs as well.

        2. Writer Fox profile image39
          Writer Foxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          SEO is 'search engine optimization.'  If you would like to know more about, see my Hub, 'What is SEO?'

        3. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          When you're in the HP program, your Hubs show only ONE direct Adsense ad per Hub, and that's right at the bottom of the Hub where very few people will click on it.  So if you're in the HP program, you will take months or even years to earn a payout at Adsense. 

          That's OK though - don't think of Adsense as a place to earn, it's really just a prerequisite for entry into the other programs which do earn income.

    2. prospectboy profile image77
      prospectboyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think everyone else pretty much summed your question up in their answers. I have a blog, and I make only a few cents from Adsense daily on it. As far as reaching payouts here on Hubpages, just continue to write and promote your hubs. I normally reach payout every other month, so I'm doing much better on here than I was a year or so ago.

    3. Johnrr631992 profile image80
      Johnrr631992posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My first payout took about 6 months.. After that I began receiving payout each month, and have continued receiving a payout every month for the last year+.. Although I do not have any tips on reaching payout faster.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago

    If you are interested, the HP ad program is $50. smile

  3. Hackslap profile image82
    Hackslapposted 11 years ago

    MagKaye's right...Adsense will pay you out when you reach $100.00 (if you're a non US resident) .. and there really is no shortcut...keep writing and writing...AND WRITING ....

    1. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is $100 for US residents too.

  4. younghopes profile image66
    younghopesposted 11 years ago

    1. As already said, you will have to reach $100 to receive a paycheck from adsense but if you want money faster it is good to enter the HP ad program where you need to earn just $50 to get the money and that too via paypal. If you are new here then it might take a few months before you can reach a payout, but if you are consistent then definitely you can get a monthly payout which might be bigger than $50

  5. madscientist12 profile image90
    madscientist12posted 11 years ago

    If you are on HP, getting a payout from Adsense is next to impossible unless you have your own personal blog/website like Cardisa said. The key to getting payouts on HP is to write LOTS of hubs with great content. Be sure to follow the guidelines to get all of your hubs featured, as this will definitely boost your views. I currently have 49 (maybe 48?) hubs and I get a payout from Hubpages about three times a year. This is pretty low right now, but as I continue to write I know that the payout will boost up. My goal is at least one payout per month.

  6. isharkbait profile image95
    isharkbaitposted 11 years ago

    Thank you all! I think I have a better idea of what's going on now. One last question. How much in taxes us taken out when you do reach a payout?

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Nothing, it's your job to declare your taxes according to the rules of your country.

  7. jhehe profile image82
    jheheposted 11 years ago

    Just wondering if there's something I'm missing, but my adsense account says I'm only earning from YouTube, and that I would have to add another link in. I did that and they wouldn't accept the '' domain. My Hubpages earnings is going, Google Analytics is showing moderate views per day, but nothing from adsense.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Is your Adsense ID properly entered into your Earnings Settings? 

      Is the problem just that you can't see any stats about HubPages on your Adsense account?  If you're in the HP Earnings Program, you'll get practically no clicks on Adsense anyway, because there's only one Adsense ad showing on each Hub, right at the bottom.

      1. jhehe profile image82
        jheheposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Do you mind if I contact you privately with a few screen shots?

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          It really shouldn't be that hard, jhehe. 

          On HubPages, go to "My Account".  Click on the word "Earnings" in the top line. 

          Look at the section called "External Affiliate Settings".   Is your Adsense ID showing and does it say "Active"?

          Assuming that's all OK, go to your Adsense account.   Click the little "gear" symbol in the top right hand corner.

          To add HubPages to your allowed sites:

          Click on "site management" in the left sidebar.   You should see a list of "owned" sites.   If HubPages isn't on the list, click on the "unclaimed" tag and see if it's there. If it is, claim it.  If it isn't, go back to "owned" and type into the box.

          If you can't get that to work, click on Access and Authorisation in the left sidebar.  Add to the list of allowed sites.

          1. jhehe profile image82
            jheheposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Look at the section called "External Affiliate Settings".   Is your Adsense ID showing and does it say "Active"?


            Click on "site management" in the left sidebar.   You should see a list of "owned" sites.   If HubPages isn't on the list, click on the "unclaimed" tag and see if it's there. If it is, claim it.  If it isn't, go back to "owned" and type into the box.


            As far as I know, I did that long time ago. Now this ism y issue:



            1. Writer Fox profile image39
              Writer Foxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              This image should show your subdomain, not the entire HP website.  (Nice try!)

              1. jhehe profile image82
                jheheposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                So how should it be?

            2. Marisa Wright profile image85
              Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Aha, now I see the problem.   I got my Adsense account a long time ago, when you got blanket approval.   So I didn't have to apply separately, but I'm pretty sure you need to enter this URL:


              1. jhehe profile image82
                jheheposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                That was the first thing I tried, didn't work. Went onto Google forums, was told I needed to remove 'http://' and so on, even tried with and without 'www', it doesn't work. Keeps saying cannot have hubpages domain.

                1. Marisa Wright profile image85
                  Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Mysterious.  Unfortunately I didn't have to apply by that method so I don't have any experience to offer.  Maybe someone else who's been through the process can help.  fingers crossed.

                  1. jhehe profile image82
                    jheheposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for the help, but Hubpages support wasn't too helpful. All they can give me was I am currently paid for Adsense ads through Hubpages earnings program and not through Adsense directly so balance for Adsense sits at $0 sad, but my Hubpages earnings program is going up smile

            3. gitachud profile image70
              gitachudposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              The application form you are showing is used when you want to apply for a non-hosted Adsense account. You can only apply for a non-hosted account using websites that you own.

              To use the hosted Adsense account on Hubpages, all you have to do is associate it with your sub-domain (which you appear to have done already) in the Earnings Settings. Everything appears to be ok with your Adsense on HubPages.

              However, you cannot use your Adense Publisher ID on your own website until it is approved for non-hosted sites.

            4. Marisa Wright profile image85
              Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Just checking something again.

              I said:
              "Click on "site management" in the left sidebar.   You should see a list of "owned" sites.   If HubPages isn't on the list, click on the "unclaimed" tag and see if it's there. If it is, claim it.  If it isn't, go back to "owned" and type into the box."

              You said:
              "As far as I know, I did that long time ago."

              So, does HubPages show up in the site management section, either on the "Owned" or "Unclaimed" sections?

              If not, the only other thing I can think of is to look at whether HubPages is showing under Unauthorized sites.  Unfortunately with the new layout of the Adsense account, I can't see where that's gone!

              1. jhehe profile image82
                jheheposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Currently, it is owned. But it is, could it be I added this link as well. It falls under, but I still get the warning message saying Adsense is enabled for YouTube only.

                1. Marisa Wright profile image85
                  Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

         is correct.   So there's no need to add jhehe.hubpages again, it's covered by that. 

                  It must be a setting somewhere else, but I'm mystified as to what it can be.

  8. Mark Lees profile image76
    Mark Leesposted 11 years ago

    I added hubpages into my adsense program when I joined and forgot all about it. Just checked and it has added a total of £0.18 (about 30 cents) to my adsense account in 8 months. Still, better than nothing, I suppose.

  9. shynon profile image60
    shynonposted 11 years ago

    Reach the threshold which is normally $100. If you get that by the end of a month you get the payment the following month on around 20th. For instance if you get >$100 before the end of March, you will receive the pay by the 20th of April. This is their policy.


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