New Ad Layout Launching today

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  1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 13 years ago

    A bit ago we gave you the heads up we are testing some new ad layouts using the custom javascript from Google (only available to large publishers).

    Today, we are going to launch the addition of a 520X200 unit above the share bar.  We are experiencing a technical issue with the 250X250 unit that we are still working on, so that unit will remain a standard adsense unit until we can get it sorted out.

    The 520X200 didn't exist before and the 250X250 previously was paid to you directly through your adsense account.  You should notice a decrease in your adsense earnings from HubPages in your personal account, but we are expecting people to earn more overall with the change by increased earnings through the HubPages Earning program.

    Over the next several days we will be evaluating the performance and working to improve it.  Here's to better earnings!

    * This only impacts people in the HubPages Earnings Program

    1. MarleneB profile image94
      MarleneBposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, HP for always thinking of us (authors). It is exactly what sets you apart from all the other online publishing companies.

      1. Ehnaira05 profile image61
        Ehnaira05posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Your really an amazing person Paul, thanks for the hub.

        1. lobobrandon profile image77
          lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks you answered my question was wondering why the ad views in my adsense acc were stuck at a certain amt. eventhough I got many visits to my hubs.
          But i got the max i earned ever through hubpages ad program today (its small but I'm new here)

        2. profile image47
          homefellas87posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks dear, really you have very great knowledge. i m appreciated to you...

      2. skear profile image70
        skearposted 13 years ago

        I'm excited to see how well the changes work.  The HP ad program has been great so far, hopefully it keeps getting better.

        Nice work Paul and HubPages team!

      3. K9keystrokes profile image84
        K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

        HubPages Ad program has been the best for me so far, thanks for making it available. This new layout is an exciting move towards what will hopefully be even better earning potential. Thanks for always thinking forward

        1. Michael Willis profile image69
          Michael Willisposted 13 years ago

          Guess this explains the huge drop off in earnings today.
          Or, it could be because I turned the HP Ads back on yesterday afternoon.

        2. writing4action profile image57
          writing4actionposted 13 years ago

          Well if you find out that these news ads are better then why not replace the old ones?

          1. janderson99 profile image53
            janderson99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            The change to the 250X250 ad which was 100% to the author to a shared income (40:60 HP: Author) (after it is changed) is a major change in revenue sharing for the HP site. This ad is in the best position to score adsense incomes. It would seem that the major benefits are to HP as HP now (or  will) get a 40% share of the income from this ad. It is very hard for authors to know and assess what impact this change will have on earnings. I personally would prefer to leave the 250x250 ad unchanged. The 10% predicted overall increase in income is a marginal benefit which authors cannot assess or evaluate.

            1. janderson99 profile image53
              janderson99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Question: If Authors turn off the Ad Program will they still get 100% of the earnings from the 250x250 Adsense ad after the changes?

              1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
                pauldeedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                The 250x250 has always been split 60-40 by impression share.  The recent change just means that for people with the HubPages Ad Program enabled, the earnings from that location, when it is your share, will be paid out by HubPages rather than Google.

                This image shows, on the left, the layout without the HubPages Ad Program enabled, and on the right the old layout with the HubPages Ad Program enabled.  (The spots in blue are direct adsense, while the spots in pink are tracked through the HubPages Ad Program.  In both cases, for all ad locations your earnings come from 60% of the impressions, based on impression sharing.)


                This image shows the new layout with the HubPages Ad Program enabled.  The layout without the HubPages Ad Program enabled is unchanged.


                1. K9keystrokes profile image84
                  K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  This looks like strong positioning for Hpads compared to previous Hpads/AdSense collaboration where Google always held the dominant spot. Should prove interesting to see how this changes the income for authors who use the combo ad layout. Thanks for the images Pauldeeds, very helpful visual. Thanks for your hard work HubTeam! cool

                2. janderson99 profile image53
                  janderson99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks for clarifying this. What it means is that for those that sign up to the ad program - direct adsense income will decline to virtually zero. It will be impossible to work out which ads are paying what (adsense versus HP ads). What is the income split for the ad program and for the adsense income paid via the ad program (60:40 universally)? Just to clarify things! There will be a much wider difference between choosing the Hubpages ad program or not - including how and when you get paid. Also its 4 ads versus 6 (the two new ones are adsense javascript). This may also affect rankings with a higher ad density and also user experience and perception of the site. The extra ads may also swamp amazon ads. I look forward to your report on the new program.

                3. Rosie2010 profile image69
                  Rosie2010posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  First, thanks Hubpages for continuously finding ways to improve our earnings.  I, for one, have been seeing increase in my HPAds earnings everyday.  Thanks once again.

                  Second, my Adsense earnings have not been affected by the HPAds since I joined the HP Ads program in April 2011.  However, the new layout, removing the single Google ad from inside the hub AND putting it way below the right side, might now kill my Adsense earnings. 

                  Well, as Mr. Edmondson says...

                  " You should notice a decrease in your adsense earnings from HubPages in your personal account, but we are expecting people to earn more overall with the change by increased earnings through the HubPages Earning program."

                  So, we'll just have to wait and see.

                  1. Rosie2010 profile image69
                    Rosie2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, so far my HPads earnings have increased to almost $8/day from less than a dollar.  Adsense earnings are still holding.. so far so good.  Improved traffic helped a lot.. so, fingers crossed. smile

                    1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                      Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      yea me too, my earnings shot up (even beyond my adsense previous earnings) to over 10.00 more a day!

                      1. Rosie2010 profile image69
                        Rosie2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                        Great, Jerrico!  How is your Adsense going?  I'm still earning from Adsense, but not much... well compared to HPads earnings.  Before HPads, I was happy to see ANY earnings on my Adsense account. lol

                        1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                          Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                          My adsense stopped earning long ago- barely 50.00 a month from 300, but my HP shot up so really the change was transferred to HPAP which is better (for me).

                4. Silver Rose profile image68
                  Silver Roseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Based on the impressions shown on my url channels in Adsense, on the new layout, that blue adsense block at the bottom right side with our own id, only shows on long hubs.

                  On short hubs I'm not getting any adsense impressions at all, which indicates that all the ad spaces are taken up with Hpads.

                5. lobobrandon profile image77
                  lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Hi Pauldeeds I know I'm new here and my say will mean nothing to you'll. But thanks for the great illustrations. It really answered all my unanswered questions :-)

        3. tirelesstraveler profile image60
          tirelesstravelerposted 13 years ago

          Here's hoping for better income. Thanks team for working so hard to increase our income.

        4. lady rain profile image95
          lady rainposted 13 years ago

          That's great news, at least HP Ad program pays me something everyday cool

          1. lobobrandon profile image77
            lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Very true and I can't agree more :-)

        5. AEvans profile image74
          AEvansposted 13 years ago

          Another exciting moment! I never lose my faith with HP. smile

        6. Will Apse profile image90
          Will Apseposted 13 years ago

          It's great that Hubpages is always looking to boost income. I am aware though that some of my pages will do better just with adsense and some will do better with HP ads.

          If you don't want to allow individual writers the option to fine tune, perhaps  Hubpages could find a way of doing this themselves. It could mean a lot of extra income for all concerned.

          I have no suggestions for how this could be achieved but it would probably mean some kind of testing of adsense alone vs adsense and HP ads on a page by page basis.

          1. Peggy W profile image100
            Peggy Wposted 13 years ago

            Thanks for continually trying to boost not only your but our income as well.  Obviously you have to do well to keep hosting this for those of us who like to write and also prosper.  Here is to everyone making more for their efforts!  smile

          2. Anamika S profile image63
            Anamika Sposted 13 years ago

            I have never been in another Site where continuous efforts are put to keep the writers happy and motivated.  Thanks HubPages Team!

            While I am happy that the HP Ad Program could earn me more with the new ad layout, I am also concerned as Paypal India has started reversing all transactions above $500 as per RBI norms. So HP staff has to come with some alternative to help the Indian Hubbers.

            1. Shil1978 profile image79
              Shil1978posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I agree - the HubPages Team has indeed made continuous efforts at improving upon both the interface as well as the earnings by rolling out new features from time to time. I am quite excited with the new ad layout update. I reckon this should certainly drive up potential earnings of all hubbers. Great work, Paul and the HubPages Team smile

            2. SunSeven profile image61
              SunSevenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I am also concerned about this, as I have recently changed my residence back to India. May be HP can make split payments twice in a month when earnings exceed $500 per month.

            3. lobobrandon profile image77
              lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Anamika you can withdraw a small amount daily. Not 500 in a single day. Plus if your account is verified the $500 limit is lifted.

              1. lobobrandon profile image77
                lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                oh you mean paypal doesn't let you receive the amount :-(
                Hub pages please let there be an option of withrawing as we wish. With the minimum being $50 as it is now. There are plenty of hubbers here from India, including me. It will surely help us.

          3. GmaGoldie profile image81
            GmaGoldieposted 13 years ago

            I thought I saw some changes. Kudos is owed to the hard work of HP staff - thank you very much. The videos I believe will be the new future of advertising revenue.

          4. LeonJane profile image72
            LeonJaneposted 13 years ago

            This is good news for all, thanks!

          5. Azure11 profile image82
            Azure11posted 13 years ago

            So does this mean that the new units that are now paid through HP Ads are on a CPM basis or on a CPC as before when they were direct adsense units?

            1. prairieprincess profile image93
              prairieprincessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              That's what I was wondering, too, Azure.

          6. DeborahNeyens profile image95
            DeborahNeyensposted 13 years ago

            I don't know if this has anything to do with the new ad layout, but I'm not seeing any Google adsense ads on my hubs at all.  I also checked out a few other people's hubs, and didn't see any there either.  Anyone know what's going on?

          7. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
            PaulGoodman67posted 13 years ago

            I am impressed by the way that HubPages constantly strive to improve!  Thanks Paul and staff!

          8. prairieprincess profile image93
            prairieprincessposted 13 years ago

            With the new ads directly above the share bar, I find I want to put a new divider after the body of my hub, to distinguish my hub from the ads below. It would just look better. I have done this to a couple already before I realized it was a global layout change. Has anyone else noticed this?

          9. WriteAngled profile image78
            WriteAngledposted 13 years ago

            I am not seeing any difference whatsoever in the ads on my hubs. I only get a couple on the right and a couple on the bottom.

            Most of the time these ads bear no relation whatsoever to the topics covered in the hubs.

            Underwhelmed, to say the least.

            1. janderson99 profile image53
              janderson99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              While the boost to potential income is fabulous, I have concerns that the payment for the 2 new Adsense ads via the Hubpages Ad program means that we will lose all the stats that Adsense provides. This relates to where the Adsense income is coming from, keywords etc. Is there any way that the Adsense payments could be made directly to the author as before? Or perhaps Hubpages could provide a similar stats report?

          10. prairieprincess profile image93
            prairieprincessposted 13 years ago

            I am wondering, too, if these ads are context-based or not. I am assuming that they are the ads listed as "google ads." I noticed that these ads all seem to be the same across all the hubs and seem less context-based.

            This concerns me because I am just starting to get clicks from Google Adsense and am trying to learn to attract Google ads. If these ads are more generic, doesn't that take away from all the work we do trying to attract context-based advertising?

            1. janderson99 profile image53
              janderson99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              My understanding is that Google targets the ads to you the reader dependent on your past search activity as well as the topic. This means that the ads you see will be different from what everyone else sees. In the land downunder, I see Aussie ads. Context is complex and hard to pin down. The ads do change - try refreshing the page several times and you will probably see that the ads change - probably due to the extra interest you have shown in the page displayed!!! Google guesses what it thinks we want to see!

              1. WriteAngled profile image78
                WriteAngledposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                The problem is, the guesses are so irrelevant.

                I had to spend a weekend at a meeting in Rome the week before last and had booked to fly from Bristol Airport. About four weeks ago, I looked at airport car parking prices. It took me approximately 5 minutes to see that the train/bus option was simpler and cheaper. A couple of days before I flew, I searched again, this time for information about facilities open 24 hours at the airport, since I had a 4am check-in.

                As a result of this search activity, even now, well after my trip to Rome, regardless of what I view, half of the Google ads I see are offering me parking at Bristol airport. The matter is completely irrelevant. I decided a month ago I was not interested in the driving/parking option. Even I was the type of persons who clicks away madly on ads, there is no reason for me to click on the ones I see!

                Showing ads on the basis of past search history is idiotic. Surely, the topics that interest me are the very latest ones on which I have done searches.

          11. Mark Ewbie profile image60
            Mark Ewbieposted 13 years ago

            I have visited one of my pages a couple of times today, and get a warning from IE9 each time.

            Do I want to open entertainment.js from

            So one of the Ads is giving this spammy offputting message to potential readers.

            A total NO-NO for me.  Any site that does that sort of thing I'm away and potentially blocking.

            Please, in among all this exciting Ad talk, can we bear in mind that less is potentially more.  Ok, maybe it isn't, but spamming readers does not seem to fit with a quality experience. In my opinion.

            1. DeborahNeyens profile image95
              DeborahNeyensposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I think this is why I can't see the ads on my computer since the new layout took effect.  They are now being blocked by my computer security settings, but I haven't changed any settings.  If this is happening for our readers, too, how will we ever make any money?

              1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                my experience is you can only see them when logged out of your accoutn i.e. go to one of your hubs after logging out and bam there they are (the one at the top you can't miss). When logged in I can't see the top ad (most obvious) or any of the other new ones...

            2. Kangaroo_Jase profile image73
              Kangaroo_Jaseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Mark, your cookie settings for security are set too high in IE

          12. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
            Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

            Dude, why would you ever use IE anything?

            1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
              Mark Ewbieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              It came free with the computer.

          13. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 13 years ago

            I've started getting warnings of potentially unsafe content when I refresh the page by clicking on the HubPages logo at the top of the screen for the last few days.  What next?

            1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
              Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              this is "potentially" unsafe and it's due to the fact that hp now has "Java script" ads. Many browsers consider this a security risk (for good reason) but nothing to worry about as far as hp is concerned. they don't post nor can you even post on your own account or pages any javascript (running it anyway). Your safe, it's just your browser seeing the javascript ads- something new to this site.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks for the info, Jerrico.  I didn't think it was anything to worry about, but I thought I'd mention it because of the other posts.  smile

          14. tlpoague profile image80
            tlpoagueposted 13 years ago

            Great job Team HP! I just have one complain though while I was reading hubs. I noticed an increase in provocative ads on hubs that had nothing to due with the topic of the hub. Is this something the author is going to have to block or HP?
            Other than that, so far I am a happy camper.

          15. andyoz profile image86
            andyozposted 13 years ago

            My Hub Ads CPM was the lowest yesterday it has been since I turned them back on. Not impressed.

            1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
              Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Mine has shot up over 5-10% in the past 3 days, it's been ramping up since 5 days ago when they launched the new ad layout- I see improvements. It's possible that your not getting the traffic to your hubs i.e. a bump in traffic that naturally happens. I have almost 400 hubs so it may be that I just have more traffic to my hubs (also traffic comes in  from other sites as well). Too many variables to consider any concrete details but I would assume the more hubs/traffic you have going to your site the more you'd notice it- also I don't know what they consider "large publishers" so it's likely that your not part of the prelaunch/beta as only large publishers are seeing any benefits in earnings from the launch (although all people see the ads)... I'm guessing that 300+ is a large publisher- but I'm only guessing. You have almost 200 so it's possible you just didn't get in under the wire.

              1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I thought when Paul referred to 'only available to large publishers' he meant the ability for companies to alter the layout and size of adverts, and that Adsense had made an exception for Hubpages and allowed them this ability too. I don't think he meant large publishers in terms of Hubbers and how many hubs they had published. Quote:

                "A bit ago we gave you the heads up we are testing some new ad layouts using the custom javascript from Google (only available to large publishers).

                Edit: I believe was right in my first assumption, just checked the thread that Paul linked to in his first post here, and I quote from it:

                "HubPages's relationship with Google AdSense allows us to put more than three AdSense ads on a page and with this change we will be providing AdSense income from their Custom Javascript as well (this is usually limited to larger Google Partners)".

                I am pleased to say my earnings are also well up over the last three days, just under double normal levels, so I am very happy right now smile

                1. Glenn Stok profile image93
                  Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  mistyhorizon2003 - I interpreted Paul's first post the same as you. We reap the rewards of writing on HubPages because we get to have the AdSense Custom Javascript on our Hubs. That's what's limited to Google's larger  Partners. And HubPages is one of them. I've noticed my HP earnings jump a lot the last few days too. Very happy. smile

                  1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                    mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Hi Glenn, I nearly fell off my chair when I checked my earnings for Wednesday and Thursday I have to say. Really happy and hope it lasts big_smile Friday was equally good, but I was a bit more prepared for it by then so it was less of a shock. I really hope that this is a sign of things to come and that nothing will muck this up like another 'Panda style update' that reduces our traffic to near zero levels. Right now my traffic has been steadily creeping up over the past few days, and has gone from around 7000 viewings per day to over 9000.

                    1. Glenn Stok profile image93
                      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      Misty - That's great, congratulations!  It won't be long until you top 10,000.

                      1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                        mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                        I really hope you are right Glenn, so long as earnings reflect this... like they say in business 'turnover is vanity, profit is sanity' wink

                  2. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                    Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Yea, it's amazing that the other companies (yet) haven't realized that when you set up a partnership like this where your company doesn't earn ALL of the extra money but rather you share revenue with your faithful writers/authors/content providers- that they will be incredibly grateful and motivated to: 1. Invite their friends there by enhancing the number of authors to the site and 2. will themselves want to "bank" on that extra income potential and will themselves write more copy! this raises the numbers thus overall ranking power of the site, and does what they need done for the site and it's members to propsper synergistically-

                    in the end hubpages will show by breaking this ground- that there is MUCH more income in sharing than hoarding profits even if the company deserves it as exclusive for their size and contribution (why the companies give them this bonus)-

                    HP is simply saying, nice, now lets share with our authors by formatting a "profit share" of a sort- funneling some of that money to it's users- resulting in a powerful way to PROVE that sharing means more money-

                    it's literally an investment of their own money in their authors- brilliant. Other companies will surely follow in this leaders path forged where there wasn't one prior... It's just good business and great karma for helping us all out!

                    1. Glenn Stok profile image93
                      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      Jerrico - Very well put. I also agree with you that what HP is doing is really "profit sharing" with Hubbers. And they are finding and arranging new ways to bring in more profit (to share) as time goes on. They have succeeded in negotiating a great plan with eBay and now they also have used their clout to get Google to allow use of more profitable Custom Javascript. The way my income is increasing makes me motivated to write more.

                2. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                  Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  ah, your right, I read that wrong wink and I love your "turnover is vanity, profit is sanity" line smile  ok now to add 13 more hubs (converting all my sites into hub series...) You'd be surprised how much original content you can find in the "rafters" of your digital backup drives, in hubs themselves (converting 1k word hubs into 3-5 hubs/series), and sites that died on Adsense's radar (but make money here- much more)... just be sure to unpublish them (from other sites/domain) before launching them live!

                  I'm finding that moving a dead adsense site into hub series i.e. I have 13 pages in this latest one and the site USED to make 30-150 a month with no promo- and with panda it's been a digital paperweight (down to 30 max, mainly 10.00 a month)- but with the traffic, ad program, and synergy of other hubs, I posted one site that made money immediately on hp, that was a completely (never made money off hp) dead site (and it did make money), now moving a site that did pretty well considering no promo- to see waht happens in the waters of HP's traffic... if it takes off, I'll write a hub about it lol... I love this place!

                  1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                    mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    That sounds like a great plan Jerrico, you'll have to post back and let everyone know how it goes via the hub you suggested. Best of luck smile

                    1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                      Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      I will, no doubt. I'm also starting to build tutorial videos for how to do things on HP to increase revenue as well as how to up your hub count (more hubs mean more ad impressions for those nice impression payouts and potential ad clicks. I used to write 1k+ word hubs which at the time I got a lot of flack for (especially due to my scatter brained way of writing back in the day), but in hindsight these hubs are now goldmines of hub "series" I can build from them... In building series I realize that this is pretty easy to do and and adds sometimes 8 more hubs from one that do get read... HP profit sharing/monetization is really motivating me to up my hub count and I'm finding my old hubs being re-purposed into series are actually starting to earn where they didn't as one big long hub smile

                      1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                        Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                        ... they also load much faster as a series... this means less bounce rates!

          16. breakingnews profile image38
            breakingnewsposted 13 years ago

            I think earning will increase as i try from last 2 days and my earning increasing on daily bases, not good but increasing for hope

          17. Cardisa profile image91
            Cardisaposted 13 years ago

            My traffic from Google has been increasing. I have been getting clicks! I hope the new ad layout will make my hubs look

            I am so glad I am here. I kinda feel bad that some persons did not stick around for the exciting things that are happening now.

          18. Charity Squid profile image65
            Charity Squidposted 13 years ago

            Is Adsense now accepting more than 3 Ads?  If so, is this just for Hubpages?

            1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
              Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              doubt it, but hubpages has a special "relationship" with Google that allows them more leeway on the ad front...

          19. wilderness profile image94
            wildernessposted 13 years ago

            I'm getting a small handful of clicks from adsense, but oddly enough suddenly I'm also seeing lots of penny impressions.  1 cent per hub, and a dozen or so hubs per day showing that. 

            Wonder if it's connected to the new layout somehow?

            1. Will Apse profile image90
              Will Apseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              My adsense plunged today. It is down by around 75 per cent on the preceding week. It is too early to say if this is entirely down to the new ad layout but it is concerning.

              1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                my adsense plumeted as well but the ad program picked up what was lost and then some-

          20. Erin Boggs1 profile image81
            Erin Boggs1posted 13 years ago

            I think this is a wonderful new development and I just want to thank the HubPages staff for all of your hard work.

            1. janderson99 profile image53
              janderson99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              From my understanding the Hubpages Ad program will now receive income from The Hub Ads AND Adsense payments payable to the authors from the new Adsense Ads.

              The expectation is that the CPM reported by the Earnings program should increase because of the TWO sources of income. The net earnings should increase by about 10%. Direct  Adsense payments will decline to virtually zero(only one left).

              To quote from the forum
              Earnings have increased from $9 CPM to a $10 CPM.  That's an 11% increase. 

              Is this what we should be looking for after the changes, especially after the 250x250ad is converted?

              No increase in my account - CPM has declined 10% compared with the 7 day average and 20% from October average.

          21. the clean life profile image69
            the clean lifeposted 13 years ago

            Once again Paul and all the Hubpages team, great job and thanks for all your efforts to make we the writers more motovated and to be able to earn more through our writing.  Thank you!

          22. jcmayer777 profile image65
            jcmayer777posted 13 years ago

            It's early, but I went from $12-$15 per day in adsense regularly to $2 combined over the last two days and views are up substantially.  Not a good sign and not something that $3 days with HPads will outweigh.

            1. the clean life profile image69
              the clean lifeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Lucky you. I am not even getting any clicks and the impressions are low too. Yesterday on 86 total. I hope the clicks if any are registering

              1. jcmayer777 profile image65
                jcmayer777posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I'm afraid I gave some bad info.   I thought I had made $2 the day prior, but checked and the last two days were 0 clicks.  So far today, nothing.  Made a few pennies on the per view ads.

                Very unimpressed so far, but again, it's early.

                1. the clean life profile image69
                  the clean lifeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  We shall see what happens. I don't understand why I'm not getting andy click at all.Maybe once every two weeks I may get one so that says it is working. Can't quit my day job for sure

          23. Azure11 profile image82
            Azure11posted 13 years ago

            What I think would be great is if we could have that new 520 ad space on when we are on adsense only - it seems to be a prime spot. I'm thinking that if the new ad is on CPM then it is not going to make much difference so will wait a week or so and see what happens and then maybe switch to adsense only as I have just reached HP payout anyway.

            1. the clean life profile image69
              the clean lifeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Is HP payout $50.00 Min. and if so I am up to $31.00 so far so soon I will be getting my first payout . We see what happens

              1. Azure11 profile image82
                Azure11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, it's $50

                1. the clean life profile image69
                  the clean lifeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Thank you  Azure11. Have a great day smile

            2. janderson99 profile image53
              janderson99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              The 250x250 ad below the title and to the right of the text (3rd ad from the top in the image above -probably the most effective ad) now appears to be in the new Adsense format.

              I guess this means that direct Adsense income will now fall virtually to zero (only one minor Adsense ad left (far right and towards the bottom of the article) that directly links with the author.

          24. Anamika S profile image63
            Anamika Sposted 13 years ago

            My Earning from HubPages Ads has increased considerably in the last 2 days but its too early to take it as an accomplishment as I have always noticed spikes like this whenever something new is implemented but then it falls gradually. I still have not been able to sign up for EBay as I am having problem with phone verification so this is not my full income potential also. So I will keep a watch on for some time before getting excited.

            However, I feel so sad seeing the pathetic Page CTR and Page eCPM of my HubPages for Google now compared to my Blogs, Websites and other places I write. The earnings are really pathetic and now I feel happy that I put some efforts on my own stuff that now it accounts to more than 70% of my total Google Pay Check.

            1. profile image0
              EmpressFelicityposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              That happens to me as well.

          25. CyclingFitness profile image86
            CyclingFitnessposted 13 years ago

            Has this lead to anyone else not seeing entries on adsense reports for the last two days?

            I'm hoping that it is because of this!

          26. Mark Ewbie profile image60
            Mark Ewbieposted 13 years ago

            This is what a searcher sees on finding my latest page.

            It doesn't give me a great feeling. To be honest, my heart sinks a bit.

            I know we and HP need adverts - but is there some way that the content - content being the key thing here - could be less swamped by other stuff and adverts?

            When I look at this it seems that the entire page shows a few of my sentences, and the rest is, well, to be frank, crap that has nothing to do with it.


            edit: Sorry about the picture size.  Try logging out and looking at your favorite hub. Is that what your potential reader wants to see?

            1. prairieprincess profile image93
              prairieprincessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              It's looking cluttered right now.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Yep.  This site is looking cheaper and more spammy by the day.  Does not bode well for the future.  I'm not sure I want my articles displayed in the present manner.

            2. Kangaroo_Jase profile image73
              Kangaroo_Jaseposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              You do realize that the ads you see will be very different to the ads I see and the same goes for others.

              The first instance of this is location. Remember the last competition HP had with Drano as a major sponsor? Well on all the hubs I looked at (about 200) both when I was logged in and logged out. I did not see one single Drano ad.

              I simply put this down to me being located in Australia. (hence I see ads based on my locale)

            3. Jerrico Usher profile image56
              Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I'm not too fond of the way that top ad looks but that's because I'm used to seeing my hubs in a different way. The reality is that the general surfer is used to the ads, especially at the top so I don't think it's going to do too much to throw them off- but a suggestion? Try using a top big picture on your hubs to break up the way that looks compared to a title then directly into words.

              What makes it busy in my opinion is that it's words (top ad) and then a title (bold print) then more words so it's like central station there in the words area-

              I went to my hubs with a large top image on it and found the image if chosen right defuses the word collage into a more "Standard hubpages look and feel" it's not perfect but it's working for me smile and my earnings are going up nicely...

              1. janderson99 profile image53
                janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                "Try using a top big picture on your hubs to break up the way that looks"

                I think you should be careful with this. If you put the image at the top - there is no room for any text 'above the fold'. Google may penalise this. I think the image should be in a second text capsule below an introduction text capsule sized so that with the first adsense ad appears to the right. This makes sure the user can see some text between the ads !!!

          27. Jason Menayan profile image60
            Jason Menayanposted 13 years ago

            Just a reminder that if you've written a Hub that doesn't include links to other commercial sites, then you can change your ad level to Medium, Low, or even None. smile

            1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
              Mark Ewbieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks Jason, I didn't realise that was still an option.

            2. jcmayer777 profile image65
              jcmayer777posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              What does this mean?  I've searched HP and can only find a very old forum post about this.  Does one have more ads than the orthers, or is it just about placement?

              Do Amazon and eBay capsules disqualify you from changing the setting?

              Does anyone know what performs the best?

              1. Jason Menayan profile image60
                Jason Menayanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                In terms of performing best, it's keeping it at High (the default setting).

                Medium and Low just have fewer ad units on the page. And, no, having Amazon or eBay Capsules does not disqualify you from changing the Ad Level, only links to other sites where you might have an interest.

          28. rmcrayne profile image94
            rmcrayneposted 13 years ago

            I had a good month in earnings for Sept, and was pretty pleased with how Oct was going (most of my earnings from HP Ads, but respectable AdSense).  When I finally got my updated HP Ads stats for the last 2 days, my mouth dropped!  I averaged my HP Ads earnings for 1-11 Oct, then compared to earnings for 12 & 13 Oct.  Earning for 12 Oct were 235% more than my 1-11 Oct earnings, and 13 Oct was 160% more.  I’m extremely happy right now!

          29. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
            mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years ago

            I am having a weird two days on Hubpages. The earnings on HP Ads had been frozen for two days  but my viewings had crept up to over 9300 per day (they were previously at about 8600). Today the earnings finally updated, and somehow my earnings had doubled from my normal levels over the last two days, i.e. on Tuesday (before earnings froze) I had 4412 impressions and earned $13.89, but Wednesday (after earnings finally unfroze) I had 4758 impressions and earned $26.88, then yesterday I only had 2936 impressions, but somehow earned $27.01!!! How is it possible to earn so much more on a day where I had 2936 impressions versus a day I had 4412 impressions?

          30. Azure11 profile image82
            Azure11posted 12 years ago

            I also saw a massive increase in CPM over the last couple of says but now my views have dropped like a rock unfortunately! Am hoping the CPM stays this high and I don't lose more page views and things could look good and make up for the lost adsense revenue.

            1. janderson99 profile image53
              janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Looking good my Earning Program CPM has doubled! Fab!!!
              Still getting direct adsense payments - which I thought would have fallen to almost zero (only 1 ad left)???

              1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Yep, I agree, I also earned £6 on Adsense yesterday and am at well over £3 for today (so far), even with the reduced Adsense advertising space. This too is more than normal by a considerable amount!

          31. Will Apse profile image90
            Will Apseposted 12 years ago

            I said in another post that my HP ad earnings would need to double to compensate for the loss of Adsense earnings. I was pretty dubious that would happen. For the last 2 days, however, they have, in fact, doubled. So I am very impressed.

            I only hope HP can find enough advertisers to sustain stellar earnings for all of us.

          32. Anamika S profile image63
            Anamika Sposted 12 years ago

            For the last 4 days I am seeing a notable increase in my HP Ad Earnings which is more than double of my average earnings for the Program. I should say, I am impressed!

          33. Shil1978 profile image79
            Shil1978posted 12 years ago

            My HP Ad earnings have doubled too! Hoping the CPMs stay as high as they are now!! Thank you HP Team smile

          34. prairieprincess profile image93
            prairieprincessposted 12 years ago

            My CPM has doubled for the last two days, also! It was so good to see a higher number and it encourages me to keep writing.

          35. Wayne Tully profile image63
            Wayne Tullyposted 12 years ago

            Yes I noticed an increase too over the last couple of days on both of my main accounts. Cheers Hubpages!

          36. Cheeky Girl profile image67
            Cheeky Girlposted 12 years ago

            I love the new layout. This is awesome! Another cool layout. Cheers! smile

          37. drspaniel profile image65
            drspanielposted 12 years ago

            Thank you Hubpages for making such a amazing website, as well as always developing ways to improve it!

          38. MyMastiffPuppies profile image57
            MyMastiffPuppiesposted 12 years ago

            I had previously turned off the HP ad program as I did see a huge drop in my adsense but maybe I should give it another try. The images of the AD layout helps to visualize it more. Thanks for the updates!

            1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
              mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Expect to see a large fall in Adsense if you switch to HP Ads, this always happens because of course the space allocated to Ads changes dramatically, and instead of all your Ads being Adsense there will suddenly only be one block of Adsense Ads and the rest will be HP Ads. Even before the latest changes this was still the case because the Advert ratio changed in favour of HP Ads if you opted for them over Adsense. Adsense income was always going to drastically drop on HP Ads in other words, (unless you used Adsense elsewhere to HP as well, in which case the percentage would have been lower).

              Hope this makes it a bit clearer smile

              PS. of course HP ADs should more than make up for the losses made on Adsense, so overall you should in most cases be far better off overall.

              1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                you ask me, ad-sense in general is becoming incredibly unreliable for income and very bi-polar in nature with all the algorithm changes so I'm glad they are doing this, puts the money making power where it's better- in the new HPAP. Although it maintains one block of ad-sense (paid by ad sense) some of the other ads that are labeled HP ads are still ad-sense, just paying a higher rate.

                I also like that HPAP pays via PayPal at a 50.00 threshold where ad-sense has it set to 100.00, I made 98.00 last month in ad-sense and couldn't get a check, that sucks- luckily for me the bulk of my income was from HP ads, which since inception (in beta) has trumped my ad-sense two sometimes three fold... I don't even check my ad-sense income anymore- too disappointing, but I check HP everyday and get a nice warm feeling because earnings continue to shoot up...

                1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                  mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  That is interesting Jerrico, I wasn't aware that "some of the other ads that are labeled HP ads are still ad-sense, just paying a higher rate". I never read that before, and just assumed that there was now only one Adsense block left for people using HP Ads. Can you link me to a forum or page that explains this as I would like to know more about this, details etc.

                  I love your description of Adsense as 'bi-polar in nature' lol. This seems true in the last year or so I have to say. I am just quite lucky (for now) as I am just reaching a point where even with HP Ads on I am going to scrape payout on Adsense every month too. smile

                  1. janderson99 profile image53
                    janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    'Can you link me to a forum or page that explains this as I would like to know more about this, details etc.'

                    see the images at the top of the page in this forum

                    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                      mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      Thanks for this, although looking at it and reading it, it is still not abundantly clear (to me at least). Looked at pics, read posts, and it still seems rather unclear. Never mind, traffic and everything else looking really promising right now.

                      1. Glenn Stok profile image93
                        Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                        The way I interpret it is that the ad spots in pink are the custom javascript Google ads. As Paul mentioned, those are only for Google's larger Partners. Not you and me. But HP is a larger partner so they can do it and then share it with us 40/60.

                        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                          mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                          That sounds clearer, thanks Glenn smile

                      2. janderson99 profile image53
                        janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                        There is only one Adsense ad that is still paid directly to the author (the blue one in the final image). All the other ads (including 3 Adsense ones) are paid via HP earning program.

                        So you get payment via Adsense to your own Adsense account for 1 blue ad. (which is likely to be a tiny payment)
                        All the rest of the payments are combined, and paid via the Earnings Program.

                        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
                          mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                          Thanks for explaining this janderson, that is helpful.

                          1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
                            Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                            The adsense thing I believe I read here somewhere but mainly from just looking at my ads, adsense always clearly marks them as adsense, the bottom one below the comments box, for example

          39. MarloByDesign profile image77
            MarloByDesignposted 12 years ago

            Thank you for the heads up HubPages. Overall, I have definitely seen more earnings with HubPages Ads than with Adsense. My Adsense slowed down considerable since enrolling in HP Ads.

          40. amandaD profile image59
            amandaDposted 12 years ago

            My My Changes abound as I haven't done much here in quite awhile!

          41. sabrebIade profile image79
            sabrebIadeposted 12 years ago

            Maybe now AdSense will quit sending me those e-mails telling me to increase the number of ads on Hub Pages because I am losing money. 
            I really wish I could e-mail them back and tell them I have no control over that.


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