I have recently opened a Paypal A/c, but I have not linked my Credit Card or Bank account yet. A few days back i got the message from Paypal that my A/c has been "limited" as some 3rd party tried to access it. So they say resolve the limitation issues and we'll have a lok at it.
The issues are : I have to add a Bank A/c and CC. Now, I tried that but everytime it says it can't link/accept because my account is 'limited'. This is cyclic problem, how the heck am I supposed to de-limit my account if I cannot resolve the issues.
I even tried mailing them, they sent a computer generated reply. ( I am in India presently, if thats any help).
That may have been a phishing email.
Do you still have the email?
Did it have links on it to click to log into your account?
What was the link? The actual URL that opened up? Copy the link by right clicking it and Copy Link Location or whatever it is with your browser and paste it in this thread so I can have a look.
I am 100% sure it was a phishing attempt that succeeded. Report it IMMEDIATELY to your bank(s) and CC company(ies)
Well basically I saw this when I entered my Paypal account. As i said, I reported it and they gave me the reason about 3rd party attempt.
I haven't registered my Bank A/c or CC with them as of yet. i wanted to withdraw my money and hence needed to link them but when i do that it says, my account is limited.
There was no link in the mail either. Here's the transcript :
It does sound you like were successfully phished, seems like you got lucky since you didnt have a linked bank account yet.
Fixing PayPal issues isnt as rough as most people make it out to be, GIVE THEM A CALL..my biggest issue has always been slight communication problems since all there support staff seems to be outsourced to India, sounds like that wont be a burden to you.
Or, what I would do...
As a very simple solution. Just delete it! Cancel it...you dont have anything connected to it yet!
Just cancel and start a new account - with a different email address and in the future never ever follow a link that you get from "paypal" via email. Always log into Paypal directly from the site in a new window or tab. I get at least 5 of these phishing attempts weekly most of them are pretty transparent but occasionally they can be clever "your account is limited, please log in" is a pretty common phishing attempt.
is thsi the email you received?
from http://sunforged.wordpress.com/category … yers-tips/
Most of us who are active on eBay are accustomed to frequent and poor attempts to steal or “phish” our passwords via bogus emails.
They are usually pretty easily seen, But I was almost taken by this one, perhaps because I was bleery eyed at 4am when I first opened the email, but nonetheless I figured I share so others would know what to look for.
Before I post it, In case you dont read all the way through, Remember these 3 tips, so that you are NEVER successfully phished.
* Select details or show more details, in your email heading, although the email may say Paypal the originating address is more important.
* ex)1st flag
from PayPal <service-dzd38r27vs3@2473.paypal-update.usafinancialjobs.net>
to sunforged@kmail.com
date Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:33 AM
subject sunforged@kmail.com, please restore your account access
You will see that colored heading does say Paypal but, the actual originating address is originating from the domain usafinancialjobs.net, not paypal.com as it should!
* Next, They addressed me by my email address, Paypal will ALWAYS use your registered name
* And finally as a security precaution, never log in from a link in the email, open a new window or tab and log in directly from the site.
* I did perform a WhoIs search on the originating domain on this fraud attempt (usafinancialjobs.net, they used the sub domain “paypal update” but they are paying for a privacy service, I called but was directing to their registrar Register.com who was unable to help due to the service.
* see the rest of the email below, pretty tricky, It was formatted well unlike most…so beware, but if you follow the three tips you will never get tricked again, if you do get one, forward it to spoof@ebay.com, they send you an automated thank you and they seem to get the originating web pages/emails/links/domains shut down very quickly.
Dear sunforged@kmail.com
PayPal works 24/7 to help safeguard your privacy and protect your identity by using advanced technology and vigilant monitoring. We deploy fraud prevention technology that monitors transactions for suspicious activity.
As part of our efforts to provide a safe and secure environment for the online community, we regularly screen account activity. While reviewing your PayPal and eBay accounts, we observed activity that we would like to further verify. For this reason, limitations have been placed on your account(s) until we are able to gather some additional information from you.
In order to resolve the account limitations, please complete the following steps:
1. Log into your PayPal account
2. Complete the necessary information
# Contact information - your name, address, phone, email, and other similar information.
# Financial information - the bank account numbers and credit card numbers that you link to your PayPal account.
We may require you to provide additional information we can use to verify your identity or address or manage risk, such as your date of birth, social security number or other information.
Account Review Department
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
They dont make the phone number easily found
But it is:
You need a web pin to speak with someone, so you have to log into your account go to the contact us tab - then the speak to us link - this will bring up page with the details you need.
I always call for Paypal problems - with speaker phone its not much of a hassle to me
I saw that you had posted a email, i was wondering if you had maybe received an earlier email that caused a problem?
Although, i gave you the phone number, in your case just cancelling and recreating the account would be faster. Since you have not linked any info yet other than your email, it would be far easier.
You will be on hold 14-20 minutes, you will have listen to a scripted response from the CSA, and you will have to painstakingly confirm all your reg details before they speak to u.
Really just cancel and restart, way quicker
But i have money in that account that i received from my client for the freelance writing that I did for him. Its around 100$. Since I was in no hurry to withdraw it, i didn't link anything as of then. Is there some way to transfer it?
Also, I checked the details as you said. It appears genuine. It had my name, it was from "service@intl.paypal.com". So, if it was not phished, what happened ??
ah well thats the rub.
If it is limited and you cannot "send" funds then you will be forced to actually call.
When you cancel i believe they would cut you a check for your remaining balance, but who wants to wait for whatever there processing time is.
If you can "send" funds then you would simply send the funds to the new account you opened, but the limitations would probably block any fund transfers
Looks like you will have to call
Just so you know, it's not hard to fake a sending email address. The truth is in the originating IP address.
Glad to hear you've sorted it out.
Yeah I agree that it may have been done but again if there was no link, what was the purpose in case it was faked.
Also, I didn't go through any other email links or any other kinda links to paypal prior to that either. So how did someone access or try to do that to my account. Thats what paypal said, someone tried and hence the account was limited.
The best way to solve this whole thing would be to talk to Paypal about it.
Only Paypal can give you the answers you need for sure.
Good luck, though!
Also, I checked the details as you said. It appears genuine. It had my name, it was from "service@intl.paypal.com".Also, there was no link in the mail. So, if it was not phished, any ideas what could have happened ??
Yeah buddy, thats not a legitimate paypal address
i did do some quick research to see if paypal did use the domain intl.paypal.com - and all I got was pages and pages of phishing reports.
heres 1 example
http://www.millersmiles.co.uk/identityt … ypal-1.php
But, I changed my password and other details after that and thats the address from which I have been getting all the mails from Paypal ... ?
i did find one other reference to intl.paypal.com as being a legitimate origin by one person. Im stil looking
Perahsp since im american and google shows regional searched for me, all of the info i see comes from others who only see paypal.com as a legitimate domain...if paypal has subdomains for internationals, i would expect country codes like .. uk.paypal.com, in.paypal.com ph.paypal.com not all the countries lumped together
Only paypal will be able to clear up your locked account and a call is usually quickest, but im still thinking that the origin of your limitation is a phishing email
Did the beginning of teh email say your name or your email address as the greeting...the legit ones will use your name, the phishers will use your email
http://www.paypaldeveloper.com/pdn/boar … e.id=34103
It started with ' Dear xxxxx ' and in the 'to' column, first there's my name and then my email address.
if you really want to solve the mystery - forward the earliest email to spoof@ebay.com ..they will confirm if it is legit or not.
In my case i have two accounts.
In one the registered name is my real name - John Smith
So all emails begin Dear, John Smith
the other is regsitered with my business name so
all emails begin
Dear, Sunforged is Great, INC
So if your registered name is A******** ***********
then the email should have began Dear, A******* *******
if your email address has your name in the title (like your hubname does, i wouldnt be surprised if your hubname is the same as your email!)or automatically displays your full name, then it wouldnt be hard to enter that in.
That being said, after you confirm that you have read this i think you should delete your post that has your fulll name in it and i will delete this response
Thanks a ton sunforged You can delete the post, i have read it.
So should I forward the mail to spoof@paypal.com also, apart from ebay .
and no, my mail only has my first name, not the last.
im sorry, spoof@ebay.com
and if your registered name is your full name and they only used your first name then there is your answer.
Doesnt mean that none of the emails are real, because paypal could have locked your account if tehy saw suspicious activity
but im still thinking you were phished...since you changed your password you should be safe
Hey, my bro had his account put on "limitation" due to "third party access and possible money laundering"!!
It turned out, that when he went on holiday to Turkey (we live in the UK), Paypal caught the foreign I.P address and instantly limited the account. He was really pissed until he found out it was his own fault. It's actually a cool feature Paypal have there!
Not sure you're in the same boat, but as it's been recommended, give Paypal a call and get it sorted.
Oh, and if you can, to be be 100% sure of protecting yourself, get a pay as you go credit card, and link Paypal to that, then if someone does manage to get your info, your only losing what you had from Paypal, and they can;t ring up huge debt in your name.
I am trying the no. they have given, its going engaged over and over again. Do i have to add some kind of code, since I am in India. Also, could there be time difference problems ? The no. is : 14029352050
And, they used my complete name. Also, I remember that I went to Paypal's site in a new window and not from any link, so I am not sure, maybe someone tried to break into my account and thats why paypal limited it?
Yeah this no. : 14029352050 was given on that page only where you get the web pin etc. So I was asking will I have to add anything to this no. and does it take much time to get through to paypal ?
usually takes 20 minutes for me...I once had a client send money to a mispelling of my email address!...had to call to figure out how to claim funds
got through no prob...called at least 5 times all together.
the web pin is in the first box
teh phone number the second (if tahst what you were asking)
I don't seem to get past the engaged sound. Have tried the no. given to me and the one by you so many times .............
Ok, this is no. given to me : 1-402-935-2050
Now I added 91 (country code) and even 0 but its the same engaged tone.
ALSO, I removed 1 from the no. i.e. I dialed 402-935-2050 and still the same sound...... I don't understand.
thats odd!
Ive never had a problem with the number
maybe you have to wait for business hours? ( just a guess)
OK, my account has been fully restored
I had been trying to call them but I just coudn't get through. So I searched the net to see if there had been similar cases previously and on one of the sites I found a list of around 20 paypal email addresses. The poster had said that you should send th email to all of these IDs and hope it gets through. Well, I was kind of frustrated with the ridiculous thing going on and hence mailed them all
And within around 3-4 hrs, I got a mail from "executiveoffice@paypal.com." saying that they had reviewed the situation and decided to grant me full acess
So, if anybody does face some problem with Paypal and you can't get anywhere, I would suggest trying the above email address.
Thanks everyone, especially sunforged
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