Should I edit this Hub from Squidoo? Hub Score 89

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  1. newbizmau profile image85
    newbizmauposted 10 years ago

    I'm reluctant to edit this hub to the recommended style of hub pages. It has several amazon links that are relevant but could be considered too many in the style of Hub pages.

    I'm not sure what I should do since it has a nice hub score and is still receiving traffic. This hub was transferred from Squidoo and was written many years ago.

    What should I do to help this hub but not damage my traffic or hub score?

    1. lisavollrath profile image90
      lisavollrathposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I've edited quite a few of my Squidoo lenses, and they've always scored higher after editing.

      My two cents on this hub: it could benefit from reworking the layout, to break up the large blocks of text, and maybe not clump the videos together. I also think it has too many products, even though it meets the HP requirements. Perhaps that's because they all seem to be together, rather than scattered through the hub.

      I would edit it for flow, and readability, and not worry about how it will score. It seems to be filled with information, and fairly long, so I think your score and traffic will continue to go up after editing.

    2. profile image0
      calculus-geometryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Keep it the way it is until you are forced to edit it.  No sense in fixing what ain't broke!

  2. Arachnea profile image67
    Arachneaposted 10 years ago

    I'm finding that all of my lenses are in need of a bit of a revamp before going live over here. Either they need more text, or the amazon capsules need to be rearranged. The comment capsule usually has issues. There is always at least one thing I can do to my old lenses before having them go live here. Though I'm not worried about having all of the text radials checked I do try to have at least four of the five radials checked at the end of the goals prompt. What drives the need for more text is the relevant amazon capsules I don't want to delete. I try to have a text or other capsule for each amazon capsule. In most all of my hubs, I strive to have them separated as much as possible so they aren't clumped together. There's really only one of my hubs that I wanted the amazon capsules one after another and the reason should be evident in reading the hub. As far as whether they're ranking higher or lower, I'm having difficulty comparing the old lens ranking system to the new one. In terms of order of appearance on the list, I don't think any of the hubs are in the same place they were in on Squidoo.

  3. Millionaire Tips profile image87
    Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years ago

    I wouldn't worry about the score.  I would fix it so that it is the highest quality / best hub I can provide for my reader.  I find that when I keep my focus on the reader, I don't have to worry so much about search engines.

  4. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 10 years ago

    Don't worry about the score.  Scores are virtually meaningless, and unless you're trying to get backlinks for an external site, they are irrelevant. 

    The number of products is fine.  However, experience on HubPages is that Amazon products don't sell well when they are tacked on to the end of a Hub.   They need to be sprinkled through the body, placed close to the text that's relevant to them. I'd put the Oracle Card capsule near the top where you first mention how useful you've found them, for instance.   

    The only other thing that struck me about this was the very big white spaces between paragraphs.

  5. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 10 years ago

    I wouldn't worry about hurting the hub score. To be honest, while reading I wondered if it was duplicate content.  Hubs need to be original material.

  6. Barbara Kay profile image74
    Barbara Kayposted 10 years ago

    If you put a few paragraphs in Google search, you'll notice that this is content you duplicated or it has be copied by others all over the web. You need to get that straightened out. Now that it has moved to Hubpages, you may have lost your date you first published it.


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