Might be a brain fart here, but I have a couple of fans I'd like to leave fan mail for...how do you find that option? TX in advance.
go to the person's profile page -- scroll down and you will see, on the left, just above a partial list of their fans, a place for you to leave fan mail. hope this helps!
Tx, Teresa. But I don't see it. Perhaps I am in the Twilight Zone. It should be easier than this.
Dang! You're right! But I left fan mail for someone just the other day, using that method. . . hmmmmm -- wonder how I did that?
Ok, Sally's -- this is freaky. I went to your profile page: no place to leave fan mail. Went to SweetiePie's -- and there it was: a place for fan mail (and I'm a fan of both of you, so it's not as if there should be any difference. . . ).
I think we only have that option one time. then you need to go email
I wondered the same thing, because a couple of times I've joined someone's fan club and accidentally missed the chance to post fan mail. anyone know?
HP staff needs to be looking here. Hope they are.
Teresa, thanks for the effort.
It would be a nice option.
However, If I become a fan, I always try to leave a comment.
For one thing-- it bumps you up above others who do not comment. It also shows that you put some (sometimes just a little) thought into the reasons you would be a particular person's fan. You have a reason to appreciate the writer-- not just to get a response to your own.
So true. But sometimes you become another's fan out of courtesy, and then you want to go back to say why. So where's that option?
I guess the best way may to Un-become a fan as Sunforged suggested-- then go back and re-fan with a steupendous comment. I unerstand whre you are coming from=-- I have a few like that.
If you join as their fan, but don't leave fan mail, you can go back to their profile page, and just under their profile on the left is a window to leave fan mail. It's there for you, until you leave the fan mail, in other words, just joining but not leaving fan mail keeps that option open for you until you do use it. Hubpages remembers that you've joined and not left fan mail - try it out. Go join a fan from a hubber. Click off, then go back to their profile by clicking on their name again from one of their hubs, and there is the window. Don't use your back button on your browser. )
Hey Marisue, that only works if you are a short distance from becoming their fan, as in, you become their fan and then go right back to their profile page to leave fan mail. If you, instead, browse HP, write a few comments, come back to the fan you want to leave fan mail for, that option is gone.
Umm, it works for me every time, even if I come months later. Never had a problem...
misha, did you check now? it may be a problem relating to the recent changes...I did test it, and there was no option for fan mail
LOL, @avgulpes - i see someone has ulterior motives for fan mail! You are completely correct of course, but if you hadnt left any fanmail I believe you will still be on the bottom regardless of when you initially "fanned" the hubber
If you did not leave fan mail when you first join I believe your position on the list is maintained as at the time you joined. If you add Fan Mail at a later date you then would regain your position on the Fan List as at the time you joined, in the relationship to the other fans who have left Fan Mail.
Phew I hope I got that correct?
Mate no ulterior motives. I just like to know how things work!
"just joining but not leaving fan mail keeps that option open for you until you do use it."
I think thats what the OP is asking for because I know in my case when i go back to someone whose fan club I joined but never left fan mail for...the option is no longer there to leave "fan mail"
Of course the obvious and quick solution is simply to "quit fan club"
then re-"join fan club" which will open the option back up for you.
edit- I just tested the technique on Sally Troves profile, no problem
Yes, that's the option at the moment, but it's not a very intuitive or productive one. Thanks for putting this situation into your words.
So, HP, fix it, please.
I certainly agree that it is a glitch in the hub process and is in need of correcting, I was trying to give a workaround for the obstacle..perhaps i shouldnt have said obvious, as your concern is certainly valid and the solution is counter-intuitive to the desire to commend someone - "wait, you mean i have to stop being a fan in order to ultimately leave fan mail?"
Although this does work. If you rejoin I believe you would be bumped to the bottom of the list of fans that have left fan mail.
I think a better option as some one has suggested is to allow us to edit our Fan mail to fans. We can edit just about everything else. And opinions and thoughts do change!
I did see the box on a couple of profiles I visited today. I don't think I can make any kind of targeted search, cause I honestly don't remember where I left the fan mail out of 2000+ people I am a fan of.
And yes, I was asking for fanmail editing quite some time ago, cause I did leave some silly notes and wanted to fix them - but did not want to rejoin for exactly the reason Ag points out
misha, you are a fan of 2000+ how do you keep up?
As for position on the fan line - there are five groups, in this order - fans with not yet approved fanmail, fans with fanmail that are mutual friends, fans with fanmail, fans that are mutual friends, fans. Inside every group fans are located chronologically, first came first served
I wasnt aware of that, but then again today was the first time I ever looked at my own fan list. So thanks for the info...in the same vein, what is the purpose of fan clubs? When I find an article worth seeing again I usually hubbookmark it, then I realized that I never go back and check those bookmarks, so I started just regular bookmarking them...to shoew appreciation and commend teh author, I usually leave a comment, but I dont tend to think to "join the fan club"..I must do it sometimes, because I am a fan of everybody in this thread...but what is the purpose? I am probably a fan of 20-30 people, and as a result I see these hubbers in my hubtivity, why would you want 2000 people displayed in your hubtivity? Is it just courtesy or reciprocity on your part?
Is there any way to see a master list of peoples whose fan club you have joined?
Do any of you longer term Hubbers, have a fan club strategy, you could share?
This topic has been debated quite often.
Some people join fan clubs for self-promotion purposes - the objective then is to become one of the first few fans to join and leave fan mail, because (as Misha points out), you're then at the top of the list and are likely to appear on the person's profile page. That link is worth having, as some Hubber profiles have good page rank. If you get bumped further down the list so you don't appear on their profile, it's probably not worth much.
Some people join for networking purposes - a "you become my fan, I'll become yours" arrangement.
Others (including me) regard being a fan as exactly what it says - I'll only join someone's fan club if I genuinely like their writing and want to be notified when they write something new. Occasionally I'll join a brand new Hubber's fan club if they say they're going to be writing about a subject I like, like dance.
Each to their own, I say.
are you saying:
For example: I join HUbber09's fan club on Jan 1 2009...I am teh very first fan.
I come back on April 1 of 2009, after reading a particular excellent hub, i feel the need to leave fan mail. Hubber09 already has 6 fanmails on her profile. Because I was the first fan, my fanmail will appear ahead of everybody elses?
Or are you guys talking about your appearance in their fan club?
I didnt make the problem, just was suggesting a quick solution...thinking that the goal was to leave fan mail, I forgot that the goal was to self promote
Sunforged ,
My feel on Fan Mail is not to self promote but to develop a relationship with that Hubber. There are plenty of other places for self promotion.
I feel that our community here at Hubpages is for helping each other to achieve their goals. (Be it to make money, express yourself as a writer or to just have a bit of fun. I'm sure I have missed some.
I see no reason why all of the above can not be done at the same time, but not at the expense of other Hubbers.
I will help anyone who asks for help. (I am sure some people can testify to that).
Feel free to put foward another viewpoint I love reasoned discussion.
To answer your question : I dont know ! but I would like to think that if you went back after 6 weeks and left Fan Mail (after not leaving Fan Mail when you joined her Fan Club)Your position as No 1 Fan would be maintained.
I hope Maddie reads this and clears up this matter!
We all know you did not make the problem, and if people like yourself do not raise issues like this in the Forums Hubpages will not grow.
LOL you can find the list here http://hubpages.com/my/favorites
As for my fan strategy - it's a content for a small ebook, so I better not disclose it, cause I still hope to write one eventually
It has worked for me weeks and months later...don't know if they changed it when it updated or not...but I've left fan mail weeks after joining as a fan....hmmm something is weird - it should do that now, one would think....
The length of time doe's not seem to matter.
The point is whether you wrote Fan Mail when you joined their Fan Club.
If you did not leave Fan Mail when you joined their Fan Club, you apparently can go back any time and submit Fan Mail.
Once you have done this you will no longer be able to submit or edit the Fan Mail to that particular person.
thanks for the link- 51 fan clubs- more than i remember, I guess I should have found that link myself "My fan clubs" - but I only head to my account tab on my way to the affiliate links-so im blind to all else.
maybe, ill get some fan strategy out of some of the others who dont have e-books cooking
thanks again! Do svidaniya!
Nyet to strategy
Hello network!
Spend time visiting peoples Hubs AND leaving preferably nice comments (not always possible)
Participate in Forums ( you already do )
One last thing,
Be nice to your Mother (you may have to move back home one day)
Sally: I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but if you're not seeing the option, you can quit their fan club and then join again, this time leaving the fan mail. It's me, isn't it?
Chis, yes it has been mentioned and is not a good option cos it bumps you down to the bottom of the list of people who have left mail. Misha gives a good explanation up above.
Oh. I didn't know that. Thanks. but unless you are one of the first four or five anyway, as Misha so often is, no one is going to see you on the list whether you are 6th or 600th.
I know you have experience with this method!
thanks for your viewpoints guys! I do hope that teh newcomers to the thread realized that the "self promotion" aspect to my questions was a result of me wondering why others seemed to care so much about their own placement in the fan mail Que, Now that someone has pointed out that the page may even possibly have pagerank, i can understand the desire.
personally, i dont promote on hubpages as I am actually mildly interested in income possibilities and hubbers dont click! I do consider myself a writer and as a result drool for any feedback and exposure possible so I am certainly not unhappy if I get hubtraffic!
I also enjoy being a part of a community of writers whoseem to genuinely enjoy helping each other...thats my type of bag.
so just to be clear - sunforged isnt looking for "how to network on hubpages" tricks but is happy with the information he was given anyway.
uh oh..talking in third person about an alias...may need to retire to bed now
I am not totally convinced that Hubbers do not click!
Hubbers are humans like all other people who click on ads, and being internet savvy just as likely to click as the next guy.
Simply put to me adsense is a numbers game, the more eyes on pages, the more chances you get of people clicking. Ergo I just love Hubbers looking at my Hubs.
normally i would agree with you, but i have seen so many forum posts where old hat hubbers have scared the wits out of newbies about click fraud and how clicking on any adsense ads can get their account and or the hubbers whose ads they click accounts canceled.
I am not exaggerating, this is a rather frequent statement and attitude
But with that aside, assuming that if such a climate was created it would only effect those who were active in the forums which seems like it is a rather small minority
People tend to grow blinders rather quickly- if one reads many hub pages, i am sure they no longer even see the ads.
plus traditionally those who click on ads are those who find your articles via a purposeful search, i dont feel like hubbers find articles in that manner, but hey i could be wrong, im kind of basing others patterns off my own
I remember i once got a comment from a hubber - gee, i was so intrigued by your article that I went ahead and purchased one of those online (this was about $100-120 item) it is great thanks for teh suggestion...ummm yeah no commission for me
I agree with Sunforged. Having other Hubbers reading your Hubs gives a warm and fuzzy feeling and is good for the ego, but I agree they're unlikely to click on ads. After all, they're not reading your Hub because they're looking for something, they're reading it out of casual interest. As my Hubber traffic has dropped off and my search engine traffic has increased, so has my income.
Hey speaking of fans, I just hit 600! Wow!
Actually, having been part of a discussion or three with new Hubbers about ads, the advice I've seen frequently runs the vein of:
"Never ever ever click on your ads on your own hubs." OR
"Only ever click on ads that TRULY interest you."
But I digress.
Sally's Trove, I'm not sure why you're encountering this problem, but the easiest and fastest way to get the attention of the Hubpages team has always been to email them. I looked around at a few Hubbers who I am a fan of but have not left fan mail, and I see the option to leave fan mail on each and every one of their profile pages. Sorry I can't help you more on this, there are a variety of reasons why this issue may be occurring, and could very well be a fluke.
@agvulpes LOL, That was marisa's point...which you seconded, but if the profile page does in fact sometimes get PR - then only the top 4 0r 5 would benefit from it (as cris said) and I really wouldnt sweat even that to much because the link juice is going to your profile page..rather than any specific hub
" Marisa Wright wrote:
sunforged wrote:
what is the purpose of fan clubs?
This topic has been debated quite often.
Some people join fan clubs for self-promotion purposes - the objective then is to become one of the first few fans to join and leave fan mail, because (as Misha points out), you're then at the top of the list and are likely to appear on the person's profile page. That link is worth having, as some Hubber profiles have good page rank. If you get bumped further down the list so you don't appear on their profile, it's probably not worth much.
Some people join for networking purposes - a "you become my fan, I'll become yours" arrangement.
Others (including me) regard being a fan as exactly what it says - I'll only join someone's fan club if I genuinely like their writing and want to be notified when they write something new. Occasionally I'll join a brand new Hubber's fan club if they say they're going to be writing about a subject I like, like dance.
Each to their own, I say.
Av=Marisa, Nicely put!"
Ah, yes, but that in turn raises the rank of your own profile page - and if you then put links on your profile page to your other websites and blogs....
@Marisa - I didnt imagine that the juice ran that strong, but it is possible and considering the ease of trying, why not! and wow 600 fans is a lot - how many would you estimate that you have fanned yourself?
@AV You are right, but the initial point is answered.
q. How do you leave fan mail for someone you are already a fan of ?
Most of us have reported that we are unable to leave fan mail after our initial fan request.
Some of us would like the option to leave fan mail at any point or even possibly edit it after the fact
At this time HUbpages does not have that functionality, a workaround would be to unfan, and refan, although some regret losing their place in line
In conclusion, there is a way but it has drawbacks..hubpages should be petitioned to add this functionality and keeping this thread alive with random banter may in fact bring attention to this cause.
I think that summed it up well? Now let the random banter begin!
Excellent summary, sunforged. Worth repeating. And worth mentioning again that the ability to add a note to an existing fan was there before this last major update.
You are correct I certainly do not lose any sleep over the situation. We are sort of losing track of the original question?
Random banter request noted. LOL!!! I read through all of this, and i agree. I wish I could leave fan mail for those that I have become a fan of in the past, or go back and change the fan mail, that sort of thing. On a more random note, it's almost 4am here, and I should really be in bed. Of course, I would much rather be here.
yep, im on the east coast US in nY its almost 4am and i def should have been sleeping hours ago.
It does seem that many would like this rather simple option back I ownder if we will get a hubstaff visit - they are west coast so its not that late yet for them
Who knows...it seems like everyone went to bed early today. How's the weather up there in NY???
Hmmm..and I thought it was cold here today! Sunday, I went to the beach, it was in the 90's. Today, it was like 65 and windy.
I am off to bed, I have a long day of laundry and other fun housework tomorrow.
well enjoy what will most likely be another beautiful day, ill be happy if we break 65 here!
"I am sure I'm not the only hubber who will say, "Please don't click on my adsense ads". - embitca99
"you may want to be careful about clicking on others hubber ads if you frequently use URL trackers, as it may in fact be your ad" - paul deeds (that one makes sense)
Susan Ng wrote:
"I don't even see the google ads on hubpages and other websites anymore. In this paranoid fear of clicking on my own ads, my eyes have shut them out."
"We are not supposed to draw undue attention to Adsense ads. And this discussion is drawing undue attention to the clicking of ads.
I can't remember where I read it, whether it was an Adsense Team blog post or from a bona-fide Adsense Guru, but it was suggested if you feel the need to see where the link is going then Right Click > Copy Link Location " -darkside
"And - any serious money that are to be made here come from outside visitors clicking. Just forget about your fellow hubbers in that regard, reward is almost non-existent and risk is a lifetime ban from Adsense... You are a business woman, are you?" -misha
I could continue forever - ill def stand by my original statement that you were so kind to quote. Including the part that I could care less if hubbers do or do not click on my adsense, and that i dont believe that most even see them anymore
ive seen tons of horror stories, i dont know how many i completely believe but google certainly likes to drop the ban hammer. Thats why anybody who takes this stuff seriously should have multiple accounts
LOL sunforged.
Anyway, back on topic, Sally's Trove, I hope you get some info about this, I'd love to see what the Hubpages Team had to say to ya.
Hey, gamergirl. I hear what you are saying. In that this Forum category is Need Help? Ask here, I thought this thread appropriate.
It's puzzling why some Hubbers seem to be able to add notes to existing fans while others can't. It's also puzzling that TeamHP has had nothing to say here.
So I'll just sit back and wait.
Meanwhile, lots and lots of good wishes for your upcoming BIG day.
No, it would seem as if there is a bug that is not affecting all users, as I test I fanned, sally trove...traveled around a bit, came back to leave fan mail...yet there was no option.
Im not sure that I ever leave fan mail anyway, but certainly it is an issue to some especially if not all users are affected!
nah, check out the first page of the thread-after reading complaints, i checked for myself
I just left fanmail for GamerGirl as a test. I have been a fan of hers for around a year now.
I meant 3 other hubbers mentioned they are having this issue - a link going missing is a server side error
good to hear that your not affected
and now for something completely different...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PJzMHObabo LOL
If you are already a fan who left a message you can remove yourself from the fan club then rejoin and leave a new message. Super simple.
Right you are, Raven King. (What you said has been said in this thread.)
I find it interesting that the clients of HubPages (meaning Hubbers) are willing to do workarounds at their own expense on a system that isn't performing the way it should, meaning that we should be able to add a note to a fan that we already have.
Maybe that's the new age...Website owners can put out a great idea, let it catch on, and then let the users / clients do the maintenance for them. That's nicely cushy. And very smart.
Sally, I think you just misunderstand the concept of fanmail. It's been suggested to you several times, by several people, that you probably already left the person fanmail. This has nothing to do with HubPages forcing other people to do our maintenance or anything like that. It's simply the way fanmail works--the way we designed it to work. It's not a discussion board, it's a place to post one-time positive feedback.
Maddie, I agree that Sally's cynicism isn't justified - I've always found HP to be very fair to Hubbers - but maybe you are missing a point, too. It's not just Sally who has trouble going back and leaving fan mail. There are others on this thread who've had the same trouble.
I was assuming that Sally had already checked to make sure she didn't already post fan mail for the Hubbers concerned. Sally, can you confirm that you checked?
Marisa, I think it's apparent that I have checked, many times over.
As far as cynicism goes, I'm just stating the facts. This situation has nothing to do with being "fair to Hubbers." HP is a smart business that knows how to use the input of its clients to propel its business forward. And that's good for all of us.
Can someone please tell us what user or users that you are already a fan of and have never left fan mail for, that you can't leave fan mail for now? I'm not saying there isn't a bug, but I haven't been able to find a case where it didn't work as intended (quibbles with our intentions are welcome, but are addressed differently than bugs).
During this discussion I discovered that I had not left Fan Mail for JamaGenee, after joining her Fan Club some time ago. ( I saw the empty capsule on her profile)
I submitted Fan Mail in the Box and JamaGenee graciously accepted my Fan Mail. When I go back to her Profile I no longer can see the empty Fan Mail Box.
Thumbs up . That's how Maddie and yourself explained the system.
Personally I would like the ability to edit "Fan Mail" per se purely because opinions can change over time , and people including myself have a habit of acquiring that awful disease called "Foot in Mouth", or even to correct a grammatical or spelling mistake.
We are considering this option. The problem we see with it is that it would continually require new approval from the user for whom it was left, which could get tiresome.
I see what you mean . But that would not worry me personally.
How about making it just like the comments on the hubs, where you get a time to edit you Fan mail, then any extra Fan mail just goes underneath the previous mail. To stop the clogging up you could add a "more button".
Would it be possible to put limits on say:
only a certain number of times an edit is allowed. or
only allow so many edits in a cerain period of time.?
have a notice in the capsule to say "you have only x number of edits "
just thinking out loud!
Paul, this morning I've been trying to duplicate the problem that was the subject of this thread, but now everything seems to be working as it should. One Hubber account I couldn't leave fan mail for yesterday was Jennifer. This morning, the fan mail window is right where it's supposed to be. I also tested out a half-dozen or so other fans, both those I had left fan mail for and those I had not, and everything is working the way it should. So thank you for whatever happened to make it right.
i can attest that the function simply does not exist for some of us presently...after sally trove started this thread, i wanted to check but unfortunately had no idea who i was fans with, so i decided to fan sally - right away i was given the option to leave fan mail. i clicked away to another page without doing this - then i pulled up sally troves profile via this thread - the option "leave fan mail" did not exist.
Is this what you meant my "one time"...one opportunity? I dont think so, as other hubbers including sirdent have swung by and claimed to have no problem with going to a profile that they had not previously left fan mail on yet had become fans with and they saw an option for "leave fan mail"
this was summarized a little more clearly earlier in the thread
the function "leave fan mail" does not exist for me after the first opportunity and others in this thread have claimed confusion over the same issue.
It really does seem like hubpages bug and not sallys memory
Maddie, glad to see you here.
I do not misunderstand the concept of fanmail. As sunforged stated after your message, there are several of us having this problem.
So, will the team please address it? We Hubbers have put a good deal of effort into discussing this issue in this thread. The information we've gathered should be very helpful to HP.
About "forcing" others to do HP maintenance, it's nothing like that. Like I said, it's very smart. But responsibility goes both ways. When Hubbers alert the team, through the appropriate forum (Need Help? Ask here) that there's a problem, they don't deserve to be ignored or condescended to.
I'm not trying to condescend. The computer screen isn't the best at conveying tone of voice, I'm afraid I do apologize if it came across that way.
The forums are really useful for getting help from other hubbers, and we usually only step in when it seems like the question cannot be answered or has not been answered by peer response. Paul and I both misunderstood (we discussed this thread), and believed that the responses already given were sufficient.
If not, you can always send an email to me at team(at)hubpages(dot)com. And, if you read my last post, you'll see that once I better understood the problem, I did give clarification, and then asked folks to do just that (ie, send an email), if they had any further problems.
Raven King, without meaning to be rude or disrespectful, ahem
If you were to take the time to read and understand the whole thread you would see why your suggestion although Super Simple is not the best option.
When you navigate to someone's profile, and scroll down to where their fans are listed, there is either a link to "Join So-and-so's Fan Club," or a white box to leave fanmail. If neither of those is present, you must have already joined and left fan mail. In that case, you will see a "Quit So-and-so's Fan Club link" in the series of links under their profile picture (ie, Contact, Get widget, Subscribe to RSS, and Request a hub).
If none of those three appears, there is indeed a bug, and you should email both your own username and the username of the person you are trying to leave fanmail for to team(at)hubpages(dot)com.
It's been fixed! It's back to normal! I'm again getting the fan mail box in the profiles of hubbers where I didn't leave fan mail for! Great!
I actually came here to see how to leave a fan mail to someone who is already a fan. I can understand that hubpage is not a discussion forum. However, I will like to suggest that the system be designed such that fans could easily interact. Thanks.
by SEM Pro 15 years ago
Naturally, receiving any fan mail is great. I tend to take things literally though so before posting, the question to tell the world what I think of that author stares me in the face and I write a mini recommendation.On the other hand, any fan mail received is more of a personal message or thanks....
by jillfil0 13 years ago
How do you leave fan mail? I don't see a button to leave fan mail when your on a fellow hubbers...page. The only time I get the fan mail option is a single screen after I have followed someone. After the follow is complete, I can't find another link to leave a fan mail.
by Haunty 14 years ago
by Stacy Harris 12 years ago
How important do you believe it is to leave fan mail once you start following someone on Hubpages?Often times I will follow someone and then after I have gotten to know them a little better I like to leave fan mail. Unfortunately, that means sometimes I forget to leae fan mail even though I really...
by Adam Vogt 10 years ago
Hello! I became a Follower of a poster, but did not take the option of leaving a Fan Mail at that time. Now, a little later, I want to send a fan mail that can be posted, but the only option under the Fan Mail section of the poster's account is to send an email, which I know is not the...
by Cynthia Taggart 12 years ago
On the new format, how do you contact the author if you want to?One hubber has a profile similar to mine and I wanted to say so. I sent fan mail already. When I went to the hub I could see no contact icons as with the old format. Guess I am not looking in the right place? ...
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Rubicon Project | This is an ad network. (Privacy Policy) |
TripleLift | This is an ad network. (Privacy Policy) |
Say Media | We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. (Privacy Policy) |
Remarketing Pixels | We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. |
Conversion Tracking Pixels | We may use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to identify when an advertisement has successfully resulted in the desired action, such as signing up for the HubPages Service or publishing an article on the HubPages Service. |
Statistics | |
Author Google Analytics | This is used to provide traffic data and reports to the authors of articles on the HubPages Service. (Privacy Policy) |
Comscore | ComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non-consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy) |
Amazon Tracking Pixel | Some articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products (Privacy Policy) |
Clicksco | This is a data management platform studying reader behavior (Privacy Policy) |