How can I improve my Hub " Creatures of the Past"

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  1. norlawrence profile image69
    norlawrenceposted 8 years ago

    My Hub "Creatures of the Past" is being considered for a niche site.  I need to fix my Amazon capsule.  I have the dinosaur chart but did not make comment on it.  Also they say the title needs work.  Can someone help me? I am new at this and totally lost.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hi there,

      What a good hub!

      The title needs to be search friendly and therefore needs to include 'dinosaur'.

      I think there needs to be a proper introduction that explains what the hub is about. If you do that, a suitable title may leap out at you.

      There are some large blank gaps in the text, so go into the text capsules and get rid of the extra lines.

      Move the Amazon capsule up the page, and give the item a description that corresponds with the content of your hub.

      Hope it works for you.

      1. norlawrence profile image69
        norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so very much.  I really appreciate it.

      2. norlawrence profile image69
        norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I am in process of changing everything like you suggested.  Where do I put amazon description?  Thanks

  2. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 8 years ago

    Norma, I saw your comment in my Flipboard hub asking for help on this and tried to reply there.  But then I saw this thread you started here at the same time, so I'll answer here and remove my reply in my hub. You wouldn't be notified if I replied in my hub anyway  because you didn't log into that niche site to comment. Remember in the future to log into niche sites when you comment so that you get notifications of replies.

    So following is your question pasted here and my reply. I deleted you question from my a Flipboard hub since it does not relate to that subject.

    Your question

    Sorry but do not know how else to get in touch with you. Hub Pages wants to put my Creatures from the Past in a Niche site but I have to change title and Amazon capsule. I deleted all the comments but I also deleted your first one which I really loved. Leave it to me to mess up. Thanks again for all your help.

    My reply


    It's great that they selected your hub. That's a great accomplishment and you should feel good about your abilities as author worthy of HubPages putting you in a network niche site.

    All you need to do at this point is follow the rules and do what they are asking. They know what Google reacts to. Trust it.

    I think I also mentioned about your title in our discussion in your dinosaur hub. The title needs to tell the reader what to expect. The first letter of each word should be capitalized. 

    As for the Amazon ad, trust their suggestion. If they want to remove it, you will make more money without it. Believe me. I've been there and it worked for me. Sometimes less is more. Especially if the item you put in the Amazon capsule is not something you are using yourself, or not 100% related to the title. These are the rules to follow if you want Google to send you traffic.

    It's good you deleted our discussion in your hub since it had nothing to do with dinosaurs! And as I said, comments need to relate to the hub or else Google gets confused. Too bad you didn't save them though before deleting them, so you could reference them later. You can always simply disapprove them but keep them hidden from view by not clicking the final "delete forever" button.

    Another thing about Amazon. If they were telling you to move the ad. Do what they said. Ads need to have your own text in the description in the capsule. If you don't want to do that, at least place the ad next to the text capsule where you discuss that product. If you don't discuss the product in your hub then the ad has no place existing there in the first place and you should delete it.

  3. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 8 years ago

    More info after reviewing your changes...

    I just looked at your hub since I see you made some changes.

    The title still does not grab attention. It does not tell the reader why they should come to your hub or what to expect. You're just making a statement: Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth Millions of Years Ago

    That won't work well. Try rewording it based on what you are discussing in the hub.

    I see your Amazon capsule just lists an Evolution Poster with no description. Amazon capsules have a description field where you can enter text. Sometimes I use that field for a lengthy discussion of the product.

    Explain how you use that poster yourself and why it's useful. You also need to place the ad where it relates to your discussion in the hub. If you are not discussing the poster, and I don't see that you are, then the best thing is to remove the ad since it comes across as spammy.

    Your discussion is about dinosaurs. The poster may be related indirectly, but it's not totally related and Google is tough about anything that seems like bate and switch. HubPages knows very well how Google reacts, so trust what they are asking you to do.

    One last thing, you seem to have cut off the bottom of your hub and added a lot of white space. You need to fix that.

    1. norlawrence profile image69
      norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I had gaps in the article and was told to fix them.  I think I made it worse as you have noticed.  I did not have an Amazon ad but they wanted one.  I saved all of your comments to my word processor.  Thanks for your help.  I will try to fix the article.  Will let you know if I succeed.  How do you log into a niche site.  I told you I was dumb.  thanks

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        You log into the niche site with the same user and password you use on HubPages' main site.

        Did you notice I left two replies here? Just want to be sure you saw the first one.

        Are you sure they told you they want an Amazon ad added? I never heard of that happening to anyone.  roll

        1. norlawrence profile image69
          norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          This is what the email said. 

          The Curator who reviewed your article suggests that you address the following issues:

              Amazon Products:

              Only add products that are specifically discussed in the article and that you (or someone close to you) have personal experience with. Just listing a product's main features or specifications does not meet the bar. Instead, tell us why you (or someone close to you) like and use the product.
              Title/Subtitle Capitalization And Sizing:

              The title and subtitle of your Hub help your reader to navigate your article and get an idea of whether they trust or distrust your content. Proper capitalization goes a long way towards making your article reader-friendly. We recommend using standard titlecase when formatting your titles and subtitles. See the APA guidelines for guidance. Additionally, using standard font sizing (the provided title and subtitle fields as

          I changed the title but it still stinks.

          1. norlawrence profile image69
            norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            This Hub never had an Amazon capsule.  I added it after I got their email.

    2. norlawrence profile image69
      norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I am taking the Amazon ad out.  Will try to do a different title.

  4. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 8 years ago

    That's what I thought. They told you the exact same thing that I told you about usage of Amazon ads and about the case of the title. They have a word for it: titlecase. Where in that email did you think they told you to add an ad?

    As for the title, Think in terms of what people might type into Google to find information that you are talking about in your hub. Try using Google suggestions. That means to start typing something and let Google finish it, see what ideas you get from that.

    1. norlawrence profile image69
      norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry about the mix up.  You probably wish I would go away.  My eyesight is failing (no excuse) so I sometimes get things wrong.  Thanks for all your support.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Soon you'll know enough to answer other people's questions. wink

        1. norlawrence profile image69
          norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks.  You are so kind.  I do not think that will ever happen.  I have written articles for years but the sites were not as demanding a Hub Pages.  I am not good at doing this. I need to get flipboard figured out.

  5. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 8 years ago

    Just saw your new title. Some Amazing Dinosaurs

    Think about the people searching for information you are giving in your hub. Do you think that title promises what you are giving?  It's just making a statement again, just like you did before. You need to say something that promises what to expect, and then deliver.

    You ARE delivering information about the question If any dinosaurs still exist in your introduction.  You mentioned birds are still around. So why not make your title like that and elaborate more on the ones still alive today.

    Do Any Dinosaurs Still Exist Today?

    That will grab attention. It will make people, who are interested in that, come to your hub.

    What do you think? Maybe you can improve on that. It's just a quick idea.

    1. norlawrence profile image69
      norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I like your title.  Think I will use it.  Maybe in the morning I will think of something but do not think I can improve on it.  I think I might be getting the idea of what I need to do.  I guess I should change some of my other Hubs.  Thanks again.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, I'm always changing titles. From time to time after hubs have aged somewhat, I go and check to see what queries people have typed into Google to get to each hub. Then I use that info to improve the titles.

        Oh, I saw what you did -  you need a question mark since it's a question.

        Time to sign off. Have a good evening.

  6. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 8 years ago

    I think that new title is misleading. When people find your hub through a search engine, if the suject matter does not match the title then the readers will bounce right out. Google will rate your hub as unreliable and it will not have a good page rank.
    The new title would make an interesting hub, however, but it will need to be written again.
    How about something more close to your other choice? "Unusual Dinosaurs That Roamed The Earth"  is more likely to gain readers. There are so many articles out there that just list dinosaurs that I think your article is likely to get lost.
    (I think you should think about this when writing all of your articles. relache commented to a "why dont I get more traffic?" question one time by telling the person that if the information is already out there on the internet, the article is unlikely to get much traffic. Your information needs to be original.)

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Marc, I like your title idea even better. She changed the title too quick before she elaborated on the birds as I mentioned to do with the title change. However, with your title she doesn't even need to bother since it matches the hub better in its present form.

      Your other point is also very important and is the reason why she is struggling with this.

      Norma, listen to DrMark. He always has good suggestions.

      1. norlawrence profile image69
        norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for all your help and time you have spent trying to help me.  I appreciate it more than you will ever know.  I changed the title.  I will go back to some other articles and see if I can improve them.  Wish me luck.

        1. Glenn Stok profile image96
          Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Looking good. Now, with Mark's title suggestion, it relates to what you have written about.

          Now all you have to do is fix that ending that seems to have gotten messed up as I mentioned yesterday. Hanging lettering and a lot of white space. Seems that something was cut off since it ends abruptly.  Looks like you just fell asleep while writing and leaned on the keyboard. You still need to fix that.

          1. norlawrence profile image69
            norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I did some more work on the Troodon article.  I may have made it worse.  thanks for all your help.  I will try to leave you alone now.  Thanks again.

            1. Glenn Stok profile image96
              Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks, I'll be busy this weekend with other things anyway. I see you fixed the ending but you still let it drop off without a final statement to tie things together in some way. Try putting some kind of a conclusion at the end instead of just stopping abruptly. It's not too important but it leaves readers with a better feeling rather than wondering if there is supposed to be more.

              Have a good weekend.

              1. norlawrence profile image69
                norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Okay.  I will try to improve it.  Your have a good weekend.

    2. norlawrence profile image69
      norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks DrMark for trying to help me.  I will change the title.  I am terrible at titles.

    3. norlawrence profile image69
      norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I used your title.  It seems to have helped.  Thanks.


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